Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 20 Sewer Exploration

The dreamy room turned into a intersection of corrupt sewers. The rotten flesh under his feet kept trembling, and the green liquid flowing out exuded a sweet smell. Unfortunately, it could no longer confuse You Ge.

A thin layer of "blood" slightly adheres to the body surface, blocking the approach of any substance, and the consciousness quickly enters a state of deathly silence, and the whole body is on guard!

No matter how the carrion ball expected it, he never expected that humans who are usually easily confused would be able to wake up after being "eaten" by him. No matter how hard it racks its brains, it is impossible to figure out how powerful a professional is, not to mention, does it have a brain in a piece of rotten flesh?


"Who?!", a thin figure flashed across the sewer behind.

You Ge, who noticed something strange, immediately chased after him.

Dead fish, rotten shrimps, smelly mice, and moss on the walls became more abundant as Youge went deeper into the surroundings.

The huge multicolored mushroom shines like a huge multicolored pustule under the lighting. With a slight touch of the extended conical spear, Jin Ran's whole body began to slowly squirm.

"Human corpse?", a tiny finger was exposed under the squirming edge.

Before You Ge could take a closer look, a sense of danger came through.

He immediately retreated and saw that the huge mushrooms scattered and turned into tiny spores that fell to the ground and slowly rolled towards the surrounding animal carcasses.

The tentacles that popped out from the spores penetrated deeply into the flesh, sizzling! All the flesh began to decay at an accelerated pace, and small colorful mushrooms grew out again.

"Sewer succulent mushrooms: Unripe mushrooms are still edible items that cannot be ignored in the sewers, of course, if you are not afraid of any weird mutations! Remember to stay away from mature mushrooms, because they also want to eat you!"

Sewers, in fact, many people don’t care much about their existence, but sewers are actually the most important facilities for mankind. Think about it, without sewers, a human gathering place would have turned into a cesspool long ago when millions of people would soak it in their feces and pee. In other words, sewers also gather all kinds of filth that humans don’t know about. Various pathogen compounds are an ideal living space for fungi. Fortunately, Youge only encountered fleshy mushrooms. If he encountered any parasitic enoki mushrooms, his skin would still be peeled off even if he didn't die!

As soon as I stepped on it, all the mushrooms on the soles of my feet shattered, and they looked quite appetizing.

Ignoring the strange fungi on the road, after crossing a few intersections, a huge space appeared.

Countless load-bearing columns support a space tens of meters high. Various fungi are derived from it. The fluorescent lights are like an underground palace.

Youge, who had not yet stepped in, took a closer look at this micro-ecosystem. It can be said to be thrilling at every step, with some unspeakable plants plundering crazily inside.

"You come out on your own, or I'll drag you out!" Although You Ge had been observing this underground space, he had already spotted the short figure that had appeared when he just entered.

The powerful perception from professionals is still very sensitive to threats.

"Little sir~", the familiar voice reminded You Ge of the little girl when he woke up. If it hadn't just been an illusion of a ball of rotten flesh, he would still think of this voice as a little girl now.

A skeletal "girl" emerges from the darkness? The bumps on the dark, scaly skin? Is it breasts?

You Ge could only simply judge from the sound that it was a female creature. Perhaps it was just a sound used to confuse the enemy and reduce the threat.

"Lv2: A polluted young mermaid. Even if it is polluted, it still has the sweet singing voice of the mermaid it once was."

Um? childhood! There are levels! You Ge instantly became alert, I am afraid that there really is a mermaid village!

"Sir, please help us, our village is polluted by humans! Woohoo."

You Ge felt bad instantly. Help? Isn’t it a collection and combat mission? Although it felt like there was a hint of disharmony in the little mermaid, Yu Ge decided to see how it went first!

"Help you? How can I help you? Didn't you ask for pollution when you live in the sewers?"

This was also the first time for the little fish man to hear someone refuting him like this. Shouldn't he be crying and confused by his own voice, rushing for help? He looked at You Ge who continued to talk in confusion.

"Besides, even if the offshore sea is polluted, aren't you mermaids going to go a little further? You still rush to live in the sewers by yourself. Do you really not mind it and take the initiative to want to be polluted?"

Several consecutive rhetorical questions left the little mermaid speechless, yes! Why live in the sewers? Isn’t the sea bad?

Seeing the doubts in the little mermaid's eyes, You Ge stepped up his offensive: "Which sewer exit is not connected to the lake and the sea? It would be great to find a sunny place. The sewer is so dark and there are all kinds of deadly fungi. Why? Why don’t you go out?”

The little mermaid instantly thought of the end of the sewer. Although she had only gone out to seduce other humans once, those places were completely different from the ones here.

"No! I still want to confuse this person, how come he persuaded me first!" The big eyes on the cheeks instantly regained their vitality and looked at You Ge: "Little sir, the remaining roads are blocked. Our people are unable to move after being contaminated, please help us!”

This little mermaid is quite clever, following Yu Ge’s questions and dismissing all the possibilities he mentioned!

"Then how can I help you? I'm just one person!"

"There is a kind of fungus in this place that can help the tribe, but I am too weak to go in. Can you help me, young master?"

You Ge looked up at the place where the little mermaid pointed. It was not far away. There were all kinds of strange branches on the ground, and occasionally they would grab a passing mouse and pull it into the ground.

"Which fungus?"

"Just the blue one, one piece is enough."

"Blue?!" You Ge also saw the blue fungus, which was the gathering point of those branches.

"Sewer Blood-sucking Vine: Don't touch it, otherwise you will find that there is no place for you in the entire sewer!"

Even without the reminder of the coffin, You Ge could see that this thing was not easy to mess with. Now it's better to touch the ass of an alien that is all over the sewer. This is going to kill you with one stick!

The little mermaid on one side was still waiting for You Ge to rush forward and pick it up.

And You Ge directly grabbed the little mermaid's head and threw it to the center of the vine. How could Lv2 resist the power of Lv5 professionals, not to mention You Ge who has the attribute of force.

Before the little mermaid could get close, all the nearby vines sprang up and strangled the little mermaid's body: "Gagaga!" This time it was no longer a sweet girl's voice, but a more piercing cry.

Then it was also pulled into the ground by the vines, and the ground fell into silence again.

"Humph, do you really think I'm easy to fool?" You Ge hummed while shaking off the mucus on his hands that were holding the little mermaid's head, and turned around and walked towards another passage without looking back.

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