Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 191 Staying in a Hotel

"Hello, are you the friends recommended by Lord Gna?"

A strange woman suddenly jumped out from somewhere above, stretched out her neck three times longer than that of an ordinary person, and started to ask questions in front of Youge's face.

"Uh," she stretched out her hand and pushed away the sharp and thin face covered with greasy and red paint, "How do you know we are recommended by Gna?"

"Everyone knows that Lord Gna likes to help strangers who visit unexpectedly, and the way you are dressed, Dagu who sent you here just now must have been recommended by Lord Gna."

The woman's chin swung left and right continuously, as if it was about to fall off, especially the taste in her mouth, which was full of the illusion of wanting to explore Youge's mouth.

And the woman's weird behavior had already made Elosli very unhappy.

Where did this wild woman come from, and rubbed directly on the face of her greatest and most lovely Lord?

And that aging face, weird heavy makeup, was really ugly to the extreme!

After reaching out and pulling Youge back a few steps, she said jealously: "Since you guessed it, prepare a room for us. We are tired from the journey and want to rest for a while."


This girl,

The woman's oblique triangle eyes passed over Elosli's exposed skin, and a desire flashed from her eyes,

"Okay~ Since you are recommended by the adults, I will naturally arrange a good room for you.", twisting her fat waist, pointing to the only room door on the second floor that was painted white and could be seen in the hall, and said: "No. 03 White Rose, two outsiders please."

The woman led the way in front,

All the items under her feet began to twist and stretch slightly backwards, as if they were moving at the same time as the road. Moving in two directions,

The stairs on the second floor were slightly tilted,

Ailosli behind Youge whispered: "Sir, those paintings are starting to smile."


Youge, who had been paying attention to the strange touch coming from his feet, also looked up at the portraits he saw when he entered the first floor. Indeed, as he and Aili walked up the stairs,

the faces of each of them began to grin a little bit from the corners of their mouths. The extremely distorted smiles and weird and absurd expressions were like the emotional products of the characters in the abstract art, which were deliberately magnified.

When he paused for a moment, those grinning smiles also stopped instantly, until he moved forward again, and the exaggerated corners of his mouth continued to grin backwards.

"Mr. Stranger, why did you stop?"

The woman leading the way in front suddenly turned her head and asked, with a very similar smile on her thick face, but the woman's mouth still maintained the shape of a normal person, while those portraits were far beyond this range.

"I'm a little tired, take it easy."

Elosli, who was pulled by Youge to hold her arm, answered slowly according to the information conveyed by Youge from her heart.

"Really? Then let's go faster. The two outsiders can rest for a while. We have a dinner party in the evening. I will come up to tell you in advance."

"Dinner party? Are there other people staying here?"

"The guests look really tired. How could there be no other people in the hotel? Including you, this hotel is full today."

The woman's voice paused for a while, and after a soft counting sound came, the woman said: "About 20 people, they have lived here for a long time. After being invited by the adults, they fell in love with Dazhong Town, so they stayed for a long time."

Turning the corner of the second floor,

The woman continued Said: "Lord Gena is a really good man. Those foreigners before you lived here for a long time and had no money, so Lord took them in to help the hotel earn some accommodation fees, otherwise they would have become beggars in the town."

"Then Gena is still a good boss."

"Yes," the woman had already walked to the white rose room mentioned just now. After fiddling with it for a long time under her skirt, she took out a copper key and pointed to the room with the white door and said:

"Here is the key. The two foreigners have a good rest. I'm sorry to bother you, hehe."

The woman pushed the door of the room with her right hand, and she walked downstairs.

Getting out of the way,

You Ge narrowed his eyes and looked down from the entrance of the white rose room. It was just facing the place where the two of them had just stood. And from this position, looking straight at the first floor wall opposite, he could also see a portrait with his mouth completely stretched to the roots of his ears.

It was a woman,

she looked young,

but she was wearing a black evening dress, holding a white flower in her hand,


As if she felt Youge's gaze, the woman in the portrait opened her mouth again.

A black shadow that looked like a mouse had already leaked out of the throat.

There were obviously some strange bulges on the back of the black shadow mouse,

but it didn't affect Youge's appreciation.

The mice he had seen in the sewers of the royal city had even more terrifying existences, just bulges, or the other party should meet each other, those mice parasitized by sewer fungi were not easier than this black shadow.

"Boring trick."

This painting was said to be designed to distort and interfere with the hearts of those who viewed it,

Unfortunately, for Youge, this kind of pediatric mechanism was as good as a child,

Why not just go up and use force to distort it, why bother to hide it while having no deterrent power.

It might work against those outsiders,

but it was really nothing for him to see.

Keep waiting, what he needed was the sound of the flute, not to expose himself now.

Entering the room,

it was indeed full of weirdness everywhere,

the whole hotel was tilted in one direction, and this room was trapezoidal, from the entrance, the room showed this trend from large to small all the way to the farthest window.

However, the whole room was very clean,

except for a bed with white bedding, there was only a chair at the window that looked a bit normal.

"My lord, what should we do next?"

After closing the door, Elosli pounced on Youge again and asked.


naturally, we had to find a way to find someone who could get the words out as a breakthrough.

Looking through the window that was only the size of his face,

in the shadow of the opposite street corner, it was Dagu who brought him and others here. His lowered waist kept the same bending angle, and even among the passers-by, Dagu kept retreating to a more hidden place,

as if something would be watching him,

"Ellie, go find him."

Youge pointed to Dagu's position,

Elosli nodded, stepped down from Youge, and slipped out through the window that was only the size of a human head,

Haha, if he didn't know the situation here clearly,

Youge would have wanted to break the window and go out by himself.

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