Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 192 Banquet

Just how soft Elosili is can be seen from the way she wraps herself around Yuge's body every time.

The moment he slid out of the window, he jumped directly. The moment he landed, he walked straight towards the person You Ge was pointing to without even reacting to any force.

As for whether anyone saw it, the hotel was originally crooked and twisted. When Elosli jumped down, in the eyes of others, it might have been just a step or a walk without moving. There was no jumping off the building.

Follow the spiritual link,

When Elosili walked in front of the other party, You Ge naturally stood in front of the other party.

"Daggu?" Elosili repeated the words from Youge's mouth almost at the same time: "My feeling tells me that you seem to have something to say to me, right?"

Very straightforward statement,

And I have a backup plan,

If not, then this person will become the first person in Elosri to forcibly use power to transform pollution, and will inevitably find out some secrets of this town.

There was no unexpected expression on Dagu's lowered face. After looking left and right, he pointed to a dark corner behind and hurriedly walked over.

"Outlander, where is the gentleman who is traveling with you?" Dagu sat down on the ground, leaning against the wall with his low back. The face that had become flabby due to bowing his head for a long time was finally revealed to Youge. /In front of Elosri.

"I'm resting in the hotel. The woman in the hotel doesn't know I'm out." Elosili's eyes crossed the other person's cheek, and she complained directly to Youge in her heart: "It's so ugly."

"Well listen to him."

At this time, Dagu, who was leaning against the wall, slowly breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, as long as there is one person staying in the hotel, those people will not be suspicious.

remember! Never eat when attending a party in the evening! I will come to see you tomorrow! "

After Dagu finished speaking, he stood up and walked out.

Compared with the waist that was slightly upright before, after looking at Elosri and measuring the distance between herself and the ground with her own arms, she bent down again.

"Sir, just let him go like this?" Elosili, who was already ready to play with the other party, felt a little regretful in her heart. Since she had just come here and failed with Gena, she always felt that she It was a bit embarrassing in front of You Ge.

"Let him go", for no other reason than the regret and fear that the other party showed just now were not fake.

Why not first take a look at the so-called banquet that Dagu was so afraid of when he mentioned it?

Just the few little CASSes who showed up in the hotel were not worth his effort.

Back under the window again,

Also under the twist, Elosili stretched her arms and went back again, wrapping herself around Youge again.

"Sir, are you planning to attend the banquet tonight?"

"Yes, let's take a look at the other tenants. Maybe we can see something from them." The pedestrians outside the window were still busy, from top to bottom, from left to right, each and every one of them was completely absent. The action of stopping.

Occasionally, there are humans who bow their heads and bend over, but those are the ones whose waists have been squeezed by heavy objects.

Instead of taking the initiative to bend down like Dagu.

There is no way to tell what weird things are hidden under such a town.

"Ellie, go change into a dress.\

,"The emotional fluctuations in the eyes of the people he met before were naturally completely captured by Youge. These people seemed to have special and strange emotional fluctuations towards Elosili, so why not just show them out and try them openly.

"Okay~" It was time to change clothes again, and Elosili felt worried in her heart.

I have to change clothes, I have to go out, I can't pester adults, and I have to be bound by these boring clothes.

But it still had to be changed. The indirect feedback received from Youge naturally made Elosili understand the strangeness of the other party.

Putting on some clothes and testing him out, she was naturally considering it.


Time has not passed too long,

The town fell into darkness, and the eyeballs on the floating gryphon and mouse logo disappeared.

"Guests, the banquet is about to begin. Do you want to come?"

Elosili's voice sounded: "Is it downstairs?"


I don’t know when the door had turned from white to the same dark brown as other rooms. It was opened by Elosili.

The fleshy hair formed by the tentacles not only did not make the woman in front of the door feel any strange, but instead she repeatedly exclaimed: "Miss Foreigner's hair is so beautiful~"

The woman pulled her hair hanging down from her temples. It was withered, yellow and white, and it didn't look good at all.

"Thank you for the compliment. My lord still needs to sort it out. Please wait a moment."

After Elosili ruffled her hair, she closed the door again.

The woman outside the door snickered,

As the portraits on the wall downstairs moved slightly, the lights in the entire hall suddenly lit up.

"The banquet is about to start~", the woman stood in front of the fence with some carvings on the second floor, her thin voice just passed through the entire hall: "Don't let our guests down~ "

A murmur sounded,

The floor of the hall gradually twisted, and a table for about 20 people gradually emerged from it. If you look closely, you will find that the whole table is made up of rat corpses of different sizes, occasionally mixed with human remains, which makes it look a bit "friendly".

The door at the back of the hall opened,

and four or five bent humans holding a curtain that was enough to cover the entire table walked out.

Men and women, dressed in tattered clothes, started working neatly on the left and right.

But looking down slightly, the skin on their faces was four or five times longer than that of Dagu seen during the day.

At this time,

the other rooms on the second floor were finally opened,

and a man and a woman also walked out neatly, wearing uniform aristocratic costumes, and even the headdresses were exactly the same.

The dull eyes occasionally glanced at the room where Youge was, and the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch backwards,

and the madness revealed in an instant was no weaker than the completely grinning corners of the portrait.

After everyone sat down,

the table was gradually filled with tableware.

The lights dimmed.

All the albums on the wall fell down, and turned into chairs with faces.

The picture frame bent to support the four corners of the chair, the face was pulled up to form a backrest, and the grinning mouth twisted forward to become an armrest.

While sneering, it jumped and moved behind the guests present.

Only four empty chairs were neatly placed in front of the table, waiting for the arrival of the owner.


The only closed room on the second floor was opened.

A leg wearing dark red leather shoes and striped straight pants walked out of the darkness in the room.

Indistinctly, countless round eyes flashed in the darkness of the stretched leg, and it looked at all the tenants who were watching from downstairs.

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