Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 193 Food

(Thanks to Flying Cat in the Dark Night, Sound of Light, and boring readers looking for books to read for their recommendation votes~)

To be honest, Gui Muyi was a little anxious about this outfit.

He wanted to take the initiative just now, but it was all twisted when he was wearing it.

After the show, Mr. Orange sent people to deliver many different clothes. Now that You Ge is considered a somewhat famous figure, he can't wear the same tattered clothes on any occasion.

Even if I don’t mind,

Those who invited him would probably feel a little uncomfortable when they saw it. They invited you with good intentions, but you came out wearing shabby clothes that had been worn for who knows how many years?

After finally putting all the clothes on and wearing a watch, Youge could only reluctantly agree.

At least when attending a banquet, just pick something that looks pleasing to the eye.

And at this time,

Youge, who had changed his clothes, also completely changed his appearance.

The originally broken hair, after being illuminated by a layer of red light, looked like a growth area with countless bloody tentacles. The slightly pale face, and the distortion in the eyes,

Coupled with this red striped suit,

Not like an ordinary person at all,

Especially Elosili beside me at this time,

It is also a blood-colored evening dress. On the exposed back, there is a texture pattern formed by countless tentacles winding downwards. Coupled with the fleshy hair on the other person's head and the bright red makeup at the corners of his eyes,

Under the impact of entangling, people will feel a compact and full feeling of being eroded and twisted from within their bodies.

The appearance of the two people naturally aroused waves of exclamation.

The eyes flashing from the room made the two human-faced chairs waiting for them to go downstairs tremble.

What was originally just prey in their eyes suddenly transformed into a threatening person. How could they not panic?

As for the other tenants, they just smiled silently, finally some interesting "outsiders" came.

Go downstairs,

Stand in front of the only four empty seats.

You don't need to guess to know that the two trembling chairs belong to them.

Elosili smiled softly, swung her arm and caressed the chair, and then a wave of waves was transmitted directly from the point of contact.

The shaking chair suddenly became quiet. The eyes on the backrest disappeared completely after being wrapped bit by bit by the two tentacles circled in the eye sockets in a burst of panic.

And when Youge put his hands on the seat in front of him,

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp."

Everyone sitting down immediately started whispering to each other, but You Ge didn't hear anything in the noisy discussion.

Only from the gray eyes that glanced at the back of the hall from time to time, it could be seen that they should be waiting for the host of the banquet.

It's a wonderful feeling,

There is indeed a door behind me,

You Ge also felt that someone was approaching the door in the noise.

A vague gaze also passed through the barrier of the door.

Information transfer? How could it still be like this?

The fluctuations that are nothing can also contain what you want.

Even the chair that had been shaking in his hands seemed to have stabilized.

The door creaked loudly,

"Oh~ are everyone here?" The person who came was surprisingly Gena whom he had seen during the day.

Gena, who had changed into dark clothes, chuckled softly, and when he walked to Yu Ge, he also set up another chair and said with a smile: "Sir's female companion is so beautiful. I didn't expect it to be more beautiful than what I saw in the daytime." Even more charming~”

The small eyes aimed at Elosili looked at the other person's face wantonly,

That strong desire almost has the tendency to burst out of her body.

"Abdullah, how are the food for the banquet prepared?" After admiring it for a while, Gena suddenly remembered that now is not the time to continue to indulge.

But we can’t keep the tenants here waiting too long.

Moreover, when the banquet reaches its climax, there will naturally be more time to appreciate this beauty.

"Okay, sir, will you serve the food?"

"let's start!"

The familiar response coming from behind should be the woman who received them.

Genna smiled slightly: "Mr. Hall, please take your seat."

You Ge nodded, and after a few drops of blood dripped from his hand holding the chair, they both sat down at the same time.

A chair with a human face, even if Youge didn't object, he didn't want anything to happen under his body.

The blood dripped, and the other party had become a corrosive substance of his own power. The consciousness that was bound inside for some reason only turned into food with red seals.

Unknowingly, a faint red mark appeared on the forehead of the person's face.

Genna naturally saw all this with his eyes,

The person who comes to Big Bell Town, the one who has no special features of his own,

But look again, those people,

Who is not sitting peacefully on a chair of his own now, playing his own role safely?

As the door at the back was pushed open again,

The quantity trolley was also slowly pushed in,

"Ding~" Abdullah gently struck the triangle bell: "Please come together to pray and thank Lord Gena for the food."


This word was specially emphasized by Abdullah.

Looking at the weird gestures made by everyone at the same time, You Ge also gestured silently, as if there was something different that he didn't notice.

It was just a gesture, and soon it was over. Abdullah gave an order, and the real highlight of the banquet would finally be revealed.


The bending waiters picked up the mysterious food that was hidden by the plate covers on the school bus, and placed it one by one in front of everyone.

"Everyone, it's been a tiring day, please enjoy it!"

Gena, who was sitting in the main seat, signaled and the dinner plates in front of everyone were opened.

How should I put it, after waiting for so long, what finally appeared in front of You Ge was a small piece of strange jelly that kept shaking.

Although it exudes a special fragrance, there seems to be nothing special about it.

That's it?

Turning around to look at Elosili,

Instead, there was a pile of pearls sprinkled with red meat sauce.

Of course, if the food of the two of them looks a little normal,

The other people present were very strange.

What appeared to be a skinned and cooked rat on Gurner's plate,

And on other people’s plates,

There are gold coins arranged neatly, wheat stacked, cloth cut into strips, and so on, which are completely different.

"Don't you like this kind of food, sir?"

While observing, Gena put down the knife and fork in his hand, raised his head and asked You Ge,

By the way, all the tenants who were devouring their food put down their knives and forks and looked over.

The lights in the hall also flickered.

"It seems that your female companion doesn't like the food you're serving, right?"

As he spoke, the tenants all looked at Elosili again.

Where the sights converged, streams of black energy floated out from the void.

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