Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 256 Return to the Royal City


Yes, take it, but you have to wait.

But before Youge could say anything, when he said yes, the pattern on the electronic agreement was distorted and a black hole appeared.

The light twists,

You Ge didn't even have the thought of resisting, and was led into darkness.

By the way, Velvet also appeared next to Youge.

The King's Gathering of the King's City of Death Battle Agreement!

The Ten Kings of the High Spire, the King of the Black Market, the King of the Pagan Temple, and several other beings who were in various forms of mist and did not reveal any information.

"Receiver Hall Azatos, do you want to initiate a death-match protocol?"

Looking up, the person speaking was really the tomb king, the big boss of the heretic.

Although he knew the identities of these people when he came in, it does not mean that You Ge will not continue to be curious about these existences.

"Not turned on yet."

He turned around and looked at the other kings.

Most of them just closed their eyes and meditated, or didn't even show any power.

But it seems to You Ge that he has already felt the weak gaze cast by the other party.

"Hall? Tell me the purpose of your fight to the death. This is the process of signing an agreement. Except for the king involved this time, everyone else is a spectator." Velvet pulled Laiuge and stopped the latter from viewing. After that, he continued: "And this is just an inherent process drawn up by the kings, not the real incarnation of the king."


No wonder it’s completely different from what I saw in the last show.

Looking at the Tomb King in front of him who was waiting for his answer, after thinking about it, You Ge answered loudly:

"Let the rat people of the royal city open up the new city for the Clockwork Center."

Let the Ratmen of the Royal City work for them,

Now this is the only choice, to replace the rat people in the royal city? Impossible, so difficult that it’s really causing trouble for yourself? Guarding the walls for the catacombs?

Or the cleaning work in the sewers of the royal city, which cannot be replaced by the Eight-Eyed Rat Man. After all, the two are completely different species.

And even if you win,

So what, the rat people in the royal city couldn't just obey his orders directly. After all, there was a pagan institution above.

Total elimination?

A smarter person would definitely not make this choice. This agreement was mainly due to human feelings, which made the Pagan Institute come up with a death-match agreement to calm the Clockwork Center and the two kings behind the Clockwork Center.

To be honest, there are a lot of tricks here.

If 01 hadn't also shown a few instructions on the side when he took out the agreement just now, You Ge would really not have thought of so much.

Something that seemed very interesting to Velvet also changed its flavor due to the intertwining of power behind it.

The Tomb King above just said mechanically [Death Fight Agreement Confirmed],

The two of them were also sent out of the darkness.

"Hall? Is this okay?" Velvet naturally didn't know what was going on behind the scenes, and it was difficult to interfere in the agreement space. After coming out, she directly asked Youge,

"This." Pointing to the screen that had not yet been turned off, Velvet only paid attention to the agreement and did not see the other instructions on the side.

After a quick glance, what else could Velvet say?

Instead of spending time and not being able to really eliminate the opponent in the end, it is really better to let the Rat Man help you build it, which will also make the Rat Man feel sick.


"The little guy is very interesting." Several people in the High Spire also knew the entire process of the death match agreement.

As the only Ouroboros who was more interested in You Ge, he still took a brief look at the whole process.

"Huh? Did the snake find anything?" The wise man on the side casually mentioned that although he was not very interested in this agreement, it still involved the stability of the royal city.

Coupled with the next actions of the city defense army,

Hall's figure really appears everywhere.

"Nothing, I just saw the Tomb Town resident sign on this little guy's body. I must have seen that guy's as well.\

,"Ouroboros laughed, interesting, very interesting!

Although I was very unhappy with this agreement, it seems to be more interesting now.

"Resident sign?" The wise man quickly understood what the snake was talking about. Not only him, but also several people present suddenly felt a little interesting.

"I really want to see that guy's expression at this time."

Everyone knows that the Tomb King protects his shortcomings, but his attitude of always following the rules is hard to understand.

But looking at it now, this rule is still about protecting shortcomings, and it is difficult to understand it for Hall and the rat people.

A struggle between external forces and internal forces may turn into a civil war under the rules in a blink of an eye.

"Hahahaha, not bad, interesting." Can Beast grinned, looking forward to this death-match agreement even more.


Return to the royal city,

After saying goodbye to Velvet, Yu Ge returned to the Magic Mouse Bar.

Haven't seen you for half a year,

This place has been completely transformed and is almost unrecognizable.

The reconstruction of the underground passage, coupled with the circulation of some businesses, has completely transformed into a vast commercial area with the Magic Mouse Bar as the center.

Even the Golden Club has specially established a branch here.

"My God~", Arnold, the eight-eyed ratman who was sent here by Youge to be in charge, has become more stable. Apart from his natural submission to Youge, he looks like a sly and slippery ratman boss from a distance.

"Tell me about the recent changes."

Youge lay down, and the ratman girl came over and started massaging. Although it didn't work, it was still very stylish.

"Yes, my God." Arnold leaned down and said, "In the more than half a year since my God left, there have been two major events. One is the publicization of the underground world exploration map, and the second is that the underground filth race joined the Clockwork Center.

The poisonous fire material weapons have been transformed into energy, and the underground has been reconnected. The twenty open stratum areas in the map have been planned as different levels of heterogeneous areas.

At the same time, some heterogeneous areas composed of special minerals will appear underground, which makes many professionals choose to go underground."

Twenty, although not a small number, is much less than what the underground people have actually explored, especially the sleeping layer of the gods mentioned at the beginning, which cannot be leaked casually.

Youge nodded,

"Are there any unexpected problems?"

Arnold pointed to a police station not far away and said, "No, my god, after this place was redeveloped, even the ratmen in the royal city dared not to act here easily."

"Heh, these guys." I didn't notice it just now. Even the police station has set up a branch here. It seems that I don't need to worry too much.

"Good, do a good job."

"Yes, my god."

Everything here is going so smoothly, so Youge naturally doesn't need to continue to delay Arnold's time. Occasionally, the eyes from the side are constantly lingering on Arnold.


After waving away the rat girl behind him, Youge also began to organize himself.

I have been out of touch with the royal city for nearly eight months.

Although the changes here are not out of my imagination, it still seems a little strange, especially some people who are used to the corrupt environment always want to "rearrange" this place.

But the emotions are only a momentary surge,

Just give it up.

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