Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 257 Plague Metal·Brain Type·Anthony

Turning his attention to himself, You Ge's level has reached Lv17 at this time. In half a year, with the improvement of his abilities, his level will naturally rise accordingly.

After contacting 01 again,

You Ge also obtained some private information about the Eight-Eyed Rat Man, something that cannot be asked in detail in front of Velvet on the train.

In the transformation factory of the underground biological rat, there has been a series of progress after continuous improvements. A large number of devil rats and rat people have begun to further integrate with the mechanical parts.

It's just that in terms of mechanical structure, those exposed flesh and blood tissues that produce fused flesh and blood still cannot protect themselves well. The mechanical parts of flesh and blood that produce fused flesh and blood have a small number of weaknesses.

However, it is also within the acceptable range of You Ge and 01.

As the integration continues in the future, certain changes will naturally occur.

As for some of the pet-type magic rats and specially-made magic rats that have flowed out of the black market, they have been turned into something to show off in the hands of some forces.

As for the behavior of the Demon Rat human traffickers, I also gained some good connections for the Demon Rat Bar.

Although it is said that the Demon Rat race is under the command of You Ge, it does not mean that the Demon Rat will really be respected by others. There are so many forces in the royal city, which one is not intertwined and the name of the clockwork center is reported? Or Youge’s name? Greeting you with a smile is just hypocrisy.

Only interests are the solid bond that maintains both parties.

Fortunately, Youge only leaked a limited number of them. Without affecting the special status of the Demon Rat in the bar, it also gave the leaders of those forces a lot of sweetness.

"01? Is there any information about hole properties?\

,"Just as he was about to contact Mr. Cheng, he was reminded that he was busy, and You Ge started to ask 01 directly.

"Please wait a moment. In the information query, the basic database does not have relevant information permissions, and the advanced database does not have relevant information."

"Query for heterogeneous species with hole characteristics?"

"Sir, there is no relevant information under inquiry."

Well, maybe we can only ask Mr. Orange, but if it is something that 01 has no right to know, he probably won’t tell himself if he asks Mr. Orange. Forget it, let’s get to the bridge.

"Sir~" At this moment, while Youge was thinking about his next move, Elosili directly entangled him from behind.

"Huh? Are you done?"

"Yes, it's over." Far more and smaller tentacles than before penetrated directly along Youge's neck, with a trace of dark aura. After corroding Youge's shirt, Elosili directly Appeared in the form of a black and red coat,

Especially when Youge took the initiative to let go of his defenses,

Each of the tiny tentacles penetrated into the cells of Youge’s human body.

One to many, many to one,

After the two parties established contact and entanglement, they could no longer tell each other apart.

"Looks good?" There is no need to test at all, and all the changes in Elosili are shown in You Ge's eyes,

half a year ago,

Elosri discovered that her remnants were in the land of tentacle particles in the inner city. After being continuously swallowed by the inner city, she felt an interesting change.

The fusion change of dark attributes,

Although she said she gave up the land, it didn't mean she didn't know the changes.

After long-term research,

Naturally, I also took this opportunity to gain a hint of dark attribute through some insinuation.

Needless to say, Elosili also successfully obtained this ability at this time.

Thanks to the unique darkness of Liwang City,

Elosri also transformed her abilities again.

After gaining one more dark attribute,

The original tentacle particles have also undergone new changes, with the ability to take root in the dark side of matter.

Even though Youge seems to be rooted in the physical body, he is actually rooted in the "dark side" of the cellular material itself.

At the same time, after Elosili completely gave up her so-called human form, she also transformed herself into a suit of clothes and fitted it to Yuge's body. This was the change just now.

After all, it is better to be with adults like this all the time than to pester them occasionally.

Now it seems,


It shouldn’t be called entanglement anymore.

It should be called "the touch of entanglement".

All abilities are concentrated in this unique entanglement,

The biggest advantage of this ability is still reflected in the sharing between Youge and Elosili. Some special cognitive information belonging to one's own body can be instilled into the other's body along with the touch of entanglement.

When studying the inner city, the inner city also completely converted the land that originally belonged to Elosri into its own, and instilled the information belonging to the inner city, which changed the original inner information of the earth.

With the help of You Ge, Elosili naturally sorted out her own entanglement touch information state. After infusing it into the dark side of matter, it is even more difficult to defend than directly infusing it into matter.

"The texture is pretty good, hide it a little, otherwise there will be a lot of problems wherever you go." Youge reminded Elosili, and after a while of squirming on the clothes, he hid all the exposed aura and abilities. Get up,

The only worry after becoming powerful is how to better control the power so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

After a little tidying up, I now have a unique new suit, and I, You Ge, am now a respectable person.

"The factory can be handed over to 01. The remaining magic rat nests are also enough to deal with.

The survival of the magic rats is completely based on the Magic Rat Bar, and Arnold's ability is enough to deal with it.

As for the poisonous fire, underground people, and the underground filth race, they are actually completely tied together by interests. It is enough to have 01 behind the scenes to control them.

Mr. Orange is now focusing his energy on cooperation with the city defense army. The only two problems that need to be solved are the death battle and the development of the city on the other side of the river."

Youge opened the terminal. Things on the other side of the river would not be so simple.

On this resource-rich river bank, there are some alien races surviving everywhere.

But if the death battle succeeds, then a large number of death squads will set off in his place.

"Hmm? Fink's news?" The prompt that suddenly flashed up turned out to be this long-lost second brother.

Thinking of this home that was messed up by himself, he hasn't been back for a long time. But won't this second brother suddenly find him and cause trouble again?

Click on the message,

[Hall, Anthony needs your help. ]

Eh? How come Anthony is related to you,

Standing up and looking through the information below, Youge also understood what happened,

In short, Anthony was unwilling to show weakness,

Youge's strength has always been obvious to all, and now Velvet has also chosen a high-risk transformation,

Then what reason does he have to continue to eat and wait for death,

If others are strong, it's fine, but watching his friends become strong, and gradually falling out of touch, that feeling is not what Anthony wants to experience.

[Clockwork Center Taboo Transformation Experiment-Plague Metal·Brain Type]

This is the equivalent information Anthony got in exchange for the actual situation of Youge disappearing in the Corrupt Lake area after telling Mr. Orange last time.

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