Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 274 Plague Bloodline Contamination

Crash! Crazy impact!

After Yuge spread over a wide area, he aimed at the place where he had bitten and fell rapidly.

Counting these days, the moon in the Red Seal Universe has already been half eaten by the Corruption Devouring Eye.

Day and night, without stopping, it continuously devoured the corrupted surface of the moon.

Naturally, my body shape also started to grow.

Compared to before it was swallowed, it has at least doubled in size, or should be said to have doubled in diameter. Its current appearance is such that humans can at least see the eyeballs next to the moon with the naked eye.

After hitting it several times in a row, I took a bite out of it.

The surface of the earth has also completely sunk into a large area. Now, not even the remains of the original palace can be seen.

With the last impact, You Ge also stopped his attack.

"Pure physical attacks are still not enough." Although such an attack made him feel very happy, the pressure brought by his size still failed to break through the defensive turtle shell set up by the Rat Man King Abel.

Speaking of the Rat King’s strength, You Ge got it from 01’s mouth.

And this information was also collected hundreds of years ago when the Rat King was fighting.

Although the time distance is too long, resulting in a decrease in accuracy, it cannot be used as a reference. Among them, what aroused Youge's interest, apart from the original personality test and derivation of the Rat Man King, was the royal bloodline ability of the Rat Man King.

I once saw the rat-man Al at the show, and some of the information I gleaned from it clearly hinted that the rat-man royal family in the royal city had some special secret abilities.

After all, they are a race that can guard the city walls for Tomb Town. How could they be looked down upon by the Tomb King without any special abilities?

But Abel's ability has been completely highlighted by 01.

That is the extremely obvious blood connection of the rat royal family based on Abel.

Generally speaking, dictators of certain races will use their own race as part of their power, just like the original Pan-Consciousness-Royinta, the entire race is providing them with considerable assistance.

And the Rat King would naturally make such a choice,

But compared to Rointa, who completely bases his abilities on his own race, the Ratman King can connect ratmen with royal blood.

To the extent that one plus one is far greater than three,

Although this seems to make the Rat Man in front of him more powerful, the control intensity required for the increase in strength will naturally increase linearly. Of course, will the opponent fail to control the connection due to the increase in number and loss of control? It's not what You Ge considered.

What You Ge hopes is that the Rat Man King will quickly connect the remaining Rat Men.

Based on the other party's identity, coupled with his own subtle reminders and waiting, as long as the remaining top ratmen are maintained here, he can hold them all back at once.

That is the real reason for Yu Ge’s seemingly light-hearted pick-and-choose behavior before the attack, but it actually had a hidden meaning. In order to severely anger Abel,

And now Abel just wants to gather his power and destroy Yuge's big eyeball with overwhelming force, and regain the glory that belongs to the rat man.

Connected by blood,

The rat-men elders behind him, as well as the rat-men outside the range, all popped up.

A huge shadow of the Rat King appeared in the sky.

The royal bloodline of the rat people manifested.

"Plague bloodline contamination.\

,"The attack was launched, and countless pollution messages flew out from the shadow. It seemed that it was not as powerful as expected. The pollution attack was too bland and the anger that had been revealed from Abel before was not seen.

And Abel's face below suddenly lost the anger before,

Indeed, he also wanted to completely destroy this strange human being, but he also saw other problems contained in it.

If this big eyeball is taken away, in the eyes of these rat-man high-level officials, the opponent's controller is just a little guy who is less than Level 20. Normally, there is a clockwork center pressing down on it, and no one dares to move it, but now it's a fight to the death.

If he dies here, or is completely taken away from him, Clockwork with all the iron bumps all over his body will have absolutely nothing to say.

"Your Majesty, seize him!"

The ratmen elders finally spoke this time. Although it was just a reminder, this sentence also turned Abel's anger into greed.

For a short moment,

The purpose immediately changes,

Youge didn't have any doubts, and assumed that the other party didn't use any powerful attribute attack, but just made a preemptive probing attack.

Without even thinking about it, I was stunned again for a moment,

After You Ge's big eyes reflected the heavy corruption and pollution, he hit them again. With this body shape, he felt a little guilty if he didn't hit them.

But as long as the opponent can be involved and unable to free his hands, it doesn't matter whether it's impact or attribute attack. As long as the goal is achieved, he can throw out the last straw.

Moreover, at this time, Velvet, Elosri and 01 also quietly moved their front lines and appeared behind the rat people.

Surrounding and delaying this matter will be enough to give the other party a headache after preparation.

"Huh? This is it?"

After many collisions with the phantom of the Rat King,

You Ge finally noticed a strange aura,

"Plague bloodline pollution? He wants to turn me into a rat-man? Wait. He wants to use pollution to control this body?"

It's not difficult to guess the other party's purpose,

Before Youge could react, the pollution of dozens of ratmen close to Lv30 finally showed a little difference.

It was not much different from what was expected. The pollution of plague was obviously stronger than Youge's own pollution.

If the opponent used a strong attack, he could still rely on the body of the eyeball to directly resist, but now this kind of annoying pollution is a bit tricky.

Although it takes a long time to break through or really control him,

But this pollution has been constantly interfering with Youge's spirit. The opponent seems to be sure that Youge will consume a lot of spirit to control such a large body.

After all, the Rat King had never seen Youge summon such a large eyeball on the show before.

In addition, after controlling it for so long, for a human being, there is no consumption?

Not only Abel, the elders of the ratmen also had the same idea at this time, especially after the pollution entangled the eyeball, looking forward to the heyday of the ratmen in the future when they control such a great thing.

"This pollution? There seems to be something?"

After hitting the Rat King's solid defense several times again, Youge's eyes were slightly opened, looking at the Rat High-ranking who was further trapped because of his impact. Youge was suddenly attracted by the pollution.

With the help of the Red Seal, it is impossible to be invaded mentally.

The only trouble is to clear these pollutions before returning to the Red Seal Universe.

However, with the side assistance of the Demon Rat Sequence, Youge found something special that was not used by the Demon Rat Sequence in the plague blood pollution of the King City Rat People.

The knowledge of the King City Rat People,

"This guy uses knowledge to guide the pollution?", looking at the stable Rat High-ranking below, Youge finally understood the other party's intentions,

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