Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 275 End

Use knowledge as bait and then contaminate it. As long as the other party is deeply trapped in it, it is equivalent to breaking the opponent's defense door.

As long as you delve into knowledge and study the Rat People, you will continue to be changed by the hidden pollution in them.

The most special thing is that if you want to eliminate the knowledge and pollution of the rat people, you must first accept the pollution of the rat people, because this knowledge is based on the life, values ​​and outlook of the rat people.

If you don’t understand these, how can you separate them?

The result of all this is the emergence of a "rat man" who completely inherits the habits of the rat people in the royal city. By then, this rat man can also be said to be the rat man in the royal city.

"They kill with soft knives without showing any blood. These rat men are really insidious."

You Ge's mind changed and he stopped attacking.

This pollution is a bit interesting. The rat men below are maintaining their turtle shells, aren't they just waiting for themselves to be unable to hold on anymore?

A sudden impasse,

You Ge couldn't break the turtle shell and couldn't destroy the opponent. The opponent had been looking forward to controlling the pollution to You Ge.

With a thought, You Ge directly confirmed his plan to keep pushing forward.

"The Konggui disappeared?"

In his eyes, mental fluctuations were transmitted towards the top of the rat people: "The empty ghosts at the city wall have eaten enough and disappeared. Are you here also full?"

Indeed, after Youge transformed into the Corrupt Devouring Eye and attacked once, the empty ghost that originally harassed the Rat King disappeared.

"Did you release the empty ghost?"

Abel immediately called out, just to delay time, and he was very happy. As long as the plague blood contamination on the other party continued to increase, in his opinion, there would always be mistakes.

"It's not me, but I know there are empty ghosts."

admit? Impossible, that would be equivalent to taking all the Konggui incidents in Tomb Town on himself. You Ge is not that stupid.

"However, I remember there seem to be three empty ghosts, one on the city wall and one in the palace. Where do you think there are more?"

The Devouring Eye dropped slightly,

After staring at the rat man below with his huge eyes, his huge mouth opened into a smile again.

"Your Majesty. Our ethnic group's territory."

It has to be said that some rat people can still think of it. After he hurriedly said it in Abel's ear, the entire senior management woke up instantly.

"You! You actually summoned an empty ghost in our tribe's territory?!"

"It wasn't me, it was someone."

You Ge called out in his heart, and after Elosili, a humanoid made of tentacles ran over quickly,

"Sir, the territory of the rat people is already in chaos. The demon rats are surrounding the outside and are not continuing to attack."

This sentence just adds fuel to the fire. Believe it or not, the Rats absolutely believe that You Ge is someone who can do such a thing.

"Don't worry, just admit defeat before leaving. The fight to the death is not over yet, and do you think you can leave if you want?"

As he spoke, the Clockwork Center troops that had already surrounded the place were finally revealed.

It is conceivable how the rat man in this huge crater that You Ge kept hitting could know what was happening outside.

The call before entering the city, the chaos everywhere,

The time interval between the appearance of an empty ghost, the time it takes to hunt for prey, and then the time it takes for it to be discovered,

In addition, after the death battle started, the Ratman's attention was diverted.

These guys really didn't notice anything.

"Your Majesty, our family members." Compared to Abel, who had nothing, these elders were anxious. Their family members were all in the territory, although the ratman society did not regard the status of female family members. No matter how important it is, there are still countless talented ratmen living in the territory who they value, the next generation of extremely talented ratmen.

Not to mention anything else, most of the royal bloodline ratmen also live in it. Ordinary ratmen may frown if they lose those guard ratmen, but losing a talented royal ratman is a huge loss.

In this world,

Strength always takes the first place,

In particular, the ratmen in the sewers rely on the power of the royal ratmen to compete with many plant aliens and insect aliens for the resource points. The places that were previously destroyed by the Clockwork Center for the construction of the aerial bridge are also It is an important resource point they built in the sewer.

"Your Majesty, calm down." Seeing Abel's eyes turn scarlet again, the ratmen elders immediately began to comfort Abel: "Even if we forcefully break through now, I'm afraid we don't have much chance of getting rid of them, even if we die, We also want to preserve the last glimmer of hope for our ethnic group.”

Finally, he mentioned something useful, and the cry of the clan made Abel calm down a little.

Looking up, the giant pit was surrounded by demonic rats and mechanical cannons, ready to stop them to the death.

Although the Ratmen executives are not worried that they will be damaged here, but seeing these desperate ants, support? As long as he exerts his own strength, maybe the enemies on the other side of the tribe will come up to fight with the Konggui to kill the Ratmen.

The situation has been decided.

In addition, Ellosli and Velvet were also watching eagerly.

Elosri's difficulty is noticed by the top management of the rat people. Those elusive tentacles will catch you if you don't pay attention.

As for Velvet who didn't take action, the resentment revealed by the other party was far from something they could take lightly.

"Admit defeat." Abel's heart began to churn violently. He never thought that he would be defeated in his own palace, and looking at the palace that had turned into a huge pit, he would be forced to admit defeat in it. .

For a moment, I remembered how energetic I was when I ascended the throne.

So leaders are like this. Once they decline, they will start to recall the time when they were high-spirited.

What's the use? It's just to give you a contrast to help you step down.

Abel didn't take long. When he raised his head again, the victory notice of the Clockwork Center came from the death battle agreement.

"Full support!" Abel glanced at You Ge fiercely. Although he still hoped that the plague on the other party would have an effect, the fight to the death was over, and other caring people would not watch the other party being killed by ratmen like this. Under control, after staring at Youge for a few times with scarlet eyes, he and the elders finally ran towards the territory of the rat people group with all their strength.

"01 You will arrange the evacuation, I need to take a rest."

After watching the Rat Man executives leave and giving instructions to 01, You Ge flew outside Tomb Town.

After the battle is over, the people of the Knights will not continue to act indifferently.

When you are surrounded, if you cover it with some reason, you will definitely be dragged out.

"He ran pretty fast."

Several people behind the knights also saw You Ge who left instantly: "Let's go, we have nothing to do. This guy is very alert."

"Hall, I'm leaving first. I still need to deal with family matters." Velvet, who stepped out of the city, also said goodbye to Yu Ge. The Violet family has been divided into two factions, and the power has changed. Next, she also needs to integrate her own forces.


"01, send the spider lady who led you before to the other side, and give her a few more white magic rats. Wait until I finish dealing with the pollution on my body, and then evacuate."

"Okay, sir."

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