Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 805: Aftermath

The words faded,

Miller also completely disappeared from this world. The world seemed to have returned to peace, but there was no downward trend of evolution at all.

Huge eyeballs with crystal tendrils floating in the air, the rich pollution is constantly spreading, and the crystal-like earth below is also constantly spreading, mixed with the occasional explosion sound coming from nowhere, making all this... It seems so unreal.

"It was the great one who didn't respond to him." Migotese suddenly said: "It should be the darkness that hindered the communication between them. It seems that the great one did not always pay attention to the game."

A game that was over, they had gone through so many things, and Millegrin, who finally went to destruction, was actually nothing in front of the great crystal god.

"TheRed, end all this, expel those crystalline aliens that are still lurking, put away this pervasive darkness, and leave the rest to me." As a member of the Cold Wind Plains, Karel has never forgotten his responsibilities. Even when you should enjoy the moment of victory, you must continue to do everything you should do: "It is the darkness that hinders their sacrifice. When the light shines and everything is restored, that person will feel the sacrifice that has not yet begun."

"If you want to feel the greatness of Him again, you can continue to stay here."

Karel stepped onto the crystal sole,

At his call, some Gru who were also hiding emerged from the package of crystals and the burial of the deep earth.

They are really special aliens. You Ge's subordinates and the brain cylinder have been completely transformed into nutrients in the multi-crystal tendril flowers, but there are still many of these Grus alive.


You Ge did not hesitate, but Migo Taser floated away after rejecting You Ge.

Naturally, this person does not want to feel the trouble of the Crystal God anymore, but that does not mean that he cannot mine crystal minerals all over the ground in the outer area. After all, except for those floating in the sky, others can still be moved.

"Brother Hong, you should go back first~ I will go to my own territory to have a look, and then I will come back to the mountain city to find you~"

Looking back at Karel who had plunged into the cold current and sunk into the ground, the Gray King knew more clearly what would happen next. This loss had truly resulted in the loss of more than half of her power, those who had been carefully cultivated by her. of aliens, but not a single one is left.

Hehe, go and move the body first, and let Gray Shadow end it all. This is the perfect ending!

The Gray King turned around and left more decisively than the others, and the power package around him disappeared in an instant.

"Then let's go back too."

You Ge also opened the door to the crimson world. He and Kahayu took one last look at the "self" floating in the sky, and disappeared into the dark bones of the mountains.

Epidemic Mountain City,

The gate of the crimson world flows,

After Yuge and Kahayu came back, before they could do anything, the outer layer of Migo's living armor surrounding them fell apart and turned into a pool of green mucus.

The more obvious Kahayu's body showed several corroded scratches.

What an intuitive side effect.

"It's over, end the darkness in the Weeping Bone Mountains."

Finally calmed down, Youge finally conveyed his will to Hudi, returned to the throne on the top of the mountain, and the bodies of the two faceless men in red merged into one.

Immediately after a real and irresistible power spread in the direction of the Weeping Bone Mountains, the great shore from the Wuguang Pot Land finally took action, completely locking the fluctuations that had not caused chaos within the scope of the Crystal Earth. within.

This was a great force that came from the true form of the god. It had no restraint and violently collided with the majesty of Wuguang Hudi, and then quietly retreated amid a burst of snickering.

Also with the corrupted devouring eye, which had been completely entangled by tendrils, disappeared without a trace in a burst of light.

"The threat is gone." Gray King, who noticed the changes in his territory, indirectly witnessed all this happening, and the stone that weighed on her heart was finally calmed down: "Finally, you are the only ones left~"

Looking back in the direction on the other side, I saw that I had already taken steps forward, and then moved forward at a very fast speed.

The territory of the three kings of Weeping Bone Forest,

The three highest peaks in the entire Weeping Bone Mountain Range,

This is also the destination of the Gray King, the place where it all begins and where it all ends.

If it weren't for their relationship with the Gray King, maybe the whole thing would have gone another way.

But now, when the Gray King arrives at the foot of the mountain,

"Ah~ Are these the only ones left of the three kings now? And they are all a bunch of aliens who are neither better nor worse~" The Gray King walked aimlessly here, scanning the aliens left and right along the way, and his eyes were filled with excitement. Mostly an accident.

This is not like that person's style. Even if it is really so miserable, there will definitely be a large number of aliens, not these miscellaneous ones.

Unless that person has other plans!

"Is it aimed at us?" The Gray King smiled sweetly, and there was no falsehood in this perfectly human expression: "But do you think you can really stop me?"

The final blow is not that simple. It has been prepared for so long. During the evolution of the entire plan, the Gray King also thought about which link he would have problems with, but that would definitely not be eliminated in this last step. Blocked by the other party!

"Hui, you're here!"

A very majestic question came from the top of the mountain and reached the front of the Gray King after shattering many aliens.

"Bronze Skull, you are not dead yet~ That's great~!"

The Gray King's sight kept going up, and after cutting through countless distances, he finally reached the top of the mountain and the side of the person who heard the voice.

With the surge of power around him, the figure of the Gray King appeared not far from the king in an instant.

"How about it, do you like the gift I gave you?"

The Gray King's face was calm, and after a little bit of human emotion in his eyes, he disappeared without a trace. Facing this group of aliens, perhaps they understand human emotions, but it has no meaning, it is far better to be direct.


The bronze skull standing on the upper side seemed to be thinking about something. After a trace of yellow light emanated from the two hollow eyes, he asked: "Did you spread the news that the corpse of the deep space alien was found in the Gray King's bedroom?"

"This~", the gray throne rose behind the Gray King. After she sat down, she said with a little emotion: "I didn't expect that the most powerful king of the Weeping Bone Mountains, the bronze skull, would care about such a small matter~ But it doesn't matter to tell you, hehe~ It was indeed me who spread it, and not only these, everything you have experienced was actually intervened by me~"

Like a demonic voice, the king of the Weeping Bone Forest felt an unstoppable sense of destruction for the first time in his life, a sense of wanting to destroy the Gray in front of him and completely annihilate him from this world!

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