Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 806 Cold Current Crack

"You know~ Ever since I left here, my men have begun to infiltrate the entire Wailing Bone Mountains, large and small things, countless things about human beings and treasures, and even various conflicts that have occurred here. Among them Seventy percent of it was arranged by me~"

The Gray King moved his cheeks with his fingers, and his cold voice echoed around:

"And that one~ Do you remember that one? The one who accidentally bumped into a human king and was rejected by you in the end~"

"That was the news that I leaked on purpose, and that was also the conflict that he took the initiative to secretly go over and have a conflict with the other party. Hehe~ This scene was all arranged by me. It should be said that it was all arranged by us!"

The Gray King looked behind him casually, and the auras from the other two Kings of the Weeping Bone Forest suddenly rose up, as if they were ambush here in advance.

"Kill her! The Weeping Bone Mountains don't need such ashes!"

With an even colder and more angry voice, the king who rushed in had no scruples at all. He gathered a sword in his hand and rushed towards the Gray King fiercely.

"Hehe, you are still so impulsive. Do you know, if it weren't for the existence of the Bronze Skull, how could you be so relaxed." The Gray King despised the person in front of him. Compared with the one who came after him, he was a little more relaxed. Without saying a word, this guy is really interesting, because such an impulsive king is really easy to take advantage of.

"Those two people outside my territory were arranged by you, right? I'm afraid that I have nothing to do, so they are trying to catch my attention every day. It's a pity, they are all finished. Oh, I forgot to tell you, those two are still... There was a third one who was accidentally instigated by me. "

The Gray King took out two fragments that exuded different auras. If you are familiar with them, you will find that these are the two neighboring kings who have been peeking at the Gray King from the outside of the Gray King's territory.

This was also the first wave of ambush that the Gray King encountered after he just left the Gray King's territory.

It's a pity, bad luck,

When the great one appeared, it happened to affect their range. The Gray King didn't even take action. The two kings were so nakedly exposed to the aura of greatness and became a group of victims.

"Stop!", and just like that, watching the Gray King chatting and getting entangled with another king, the innermost Bronze Skeleton made a voice.

However, it seemed that the king's attack was not completely organized, but due to Bronze Skull's subsequent inquiry, his attack hesitated for a moment.

"Hui, you didn't come here just to tell us this!"

The angrier he gets and the more he wants to destroy this man, the more wary Bronze Skeleton becomes, for fear that such a king will come here alone and unprepared.

"Hmm~ It's not true." Putting away his defense against the sudden attack of the king beside him, the Gray King also kicked away the throne that was shattered by the opponent. After walking a few steps casually, he looked at the world outside the mountain range and said: "I just came to see your destruction. Hehe~ Bronze Skull, I will give you my territory~"

Destruction without warning,

There were slight cracks on the Gray King's body, and an unreal light spread from it. In a short period of time, without even thinking, a cold wind appeared on the mountain peak.

As a stronger cold wind also appeared in this mountain peak, everything around began to freeze.

"Goodbye, my three lovely kings, I hope you are satisfied with this great gift I gave you~"

Hundreds of kilometers away from the mountain peak, at a place where the mountain peak could just be seen, the true form of the Gray King stood there, overlooking everything that happened at this moment, the rapid destruction of the territories of the three kings of the Weeping Bone Forest.

"I have long wanted to kill this meaningless mountain peak. Hehe, if you hadn't all left, my gray shadow would really have no chance to enter the interior of this mountain~"

There is a lot going on inside a territory that has been managed by the three kings for countless years. Just to release the cold pollution from the cold wind aliens from the outside, the Gray King does not think he can take over. And wanting to get into its interior is not something that ordinary aliens can easily do, but this time the situation gave her a small opportunity to let the gray shadow flow into the crystal that was given to Karel. in.

Then let an incarnation of power inspire it at will, and it would be perfect!

The cold wind is unbridled,

The three mountain peaks directly turned into frozen particles and began to float in the air. The angry will was vented wantonly in the air. Seeing the huge gap appearing in his territory, the copper skull could only express endless words to the Gray King's mood. To describe it as murderous intent.

"I welcome you to come for revenge at any time~ Epidemic Mountain City, the city where I defected to, hehe, welcome you three."

The remaining voice of the Gray King sounded around the three men. This more mocking and disrespectful voice made them even more murderous.

"I'm going to kill!"

Before he finished speaking, the extremely impulsive king had already become entangled with the information in the Mountain City. The breath from Leng Spider was like a basin of cold water that instantly extinguished his fantasy of destruction.

at the same time,

In the land of the Gray King,

When all the pollution faded away, Wu Tian led the supplementary Gru aliens and began to slowly destroy some pollution residues that needed to be dealt with on the earth.

"Huh? Ms. Gray King used it so quickly?" It comes from the power crystal condensed by Karel himself. When using it, you can naturally feel the burst of power: "It seems that I want to do it too." Speed ​​it up."

The cold wind howled,

More than 90% of the area on this crystal-filled land has been occupied by Gru's power. As it continues to spread, areas outside this land are also constantly infected by the cold wind.

But in contrast, other areas are occupied by the power of the cold wind, and all materials are frozen into fragments and then scattered.

"SI, ha! ku! ****"

Carel began to shout, and the countless cold wind forces that spread suddenly stopped, and in a burst of agitation and diffusion, they shrank rapidly.

"The majesty of the lightless pot land! The grandeur of the cold wind, take it all away!"

All the Gru began to follow the chanting, and all the power of the cold wind gathered above this crystal land. At the moment of standing still, they pounced on the earth, and pounced madly on the existence of all crystal and non-crystal materials.

Collision, fusion,

Without a sound, the crystal melted instantly, and cracks appeared in the inner earth. Countless frozen particles were absorbed by the cracks. Facing the last cold wind, countless Gru also sank and floated in it, and drilled into the cold current in the cracks together.

Until everything was completely settled,

Carel, who had not left yet, looked at the cold current crack that was about to dissipate in silence, stretched out his hand to hook up a breath, and threw it far away in the direction where he felt the Gray King used his power before.

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