Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 807 Great Changes in the Grey King Territory

Royal City,

As a force very close to the Gray King Territory, it can be said that it has completely seen all the changes in the Gray King Territory.

Although it was not affected too much from the beginning to the end, some desperate guys still took the initiative to steal some bits of information fragments transmitted from the outside world at the information layer.

Hiding and dodging,

How could they not be extremely vigilant in this battle that the kings attach great importance to.

"Damn it, I can't handle this kind of thing at all, why let me come." Ryan was sent out again, but this time with the power given by several kings, he chased those desperate humans everywhere.

The cooperation from some secret forces within the Royal City Defense Force did not cause Ryan and other search missions to have too much trouble.

"It's over!"

As the final darkness fell, the light was able to shine on the Weeping Bone Mountains, and the eleven kings who had been standing on the edge of the Royal City all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's over. It seems that there are no unexpected events beyond our control."

The protective shield outside the city flickered. The mood that had just fallen was immediately lifted by another great force. A transparent barrier clearly appeared on the edge of the mountain range. The great force appeared and completely surrounded the range of the Gray King Territory in the Weeping Bone Mountains.

The breath of the collision, the friction sound of the scattered force that made people feel nauseous instantly, resounded throughout the sky!

"Quick! Stop this force!"

The kings had not yet reacted in their hearts, but their hands had already made movements. Their power wrapped around the protective shield outside the royal city. Layer upon layer, the power of the ten kings wrapped each other to establish layers of huge new barriers.

The waves of friction surged and hit the barriers of these forces, forcibly pressing the power of the ten kings into a huge concave shape.

In contrast, in those places without barrier protection, everything on the ground appeared scratches that were pushed out countless distances.

Trees, grass, and unbuilt houses were all destroyed, impacted and stretched.

But fortunately, such power was only a moment. With the disappearance of the back force, the kings finally breathed a sigh of relief again.

"This season's food is wasted again." The area near the Weeping Bone Mountains is the planting area of ​​the royal city. The plants in that area have become the victims of this fluctuation.

"Wait! It's not over yet!"

Just now, a king put away the power barrier, and then layers of white mist appeared in the distance of the mountains, surrounding them and spreading outward!

"This?! What kind of power is this!" Without personally feeling the cold wind of Gru, ordinary beings basically don't understand the specialness of this power, and these kings really felt their own weakness at this time. Their power has no resistance at all, and was crushed completely.

"This?! We can't let it come! It will completely destroy the Royal City!"

"How can we stop it? This power is beyond our understanding!"

"Ask the aliens for help, and let them help us! The Royal City is not just for humans!"

"Do you want them to get a new distribution of benefits? It has just started, and you are giving them a chance to intervene?"

"If the Royal City is gone, how can we care whether they intervene or not!"

"Shut up, it's not that bad yet! Look!"

"Huh? Above? It's slowed down, it's actually slowed down!"

The white fog on the Weeping Bone Mountains has been lingering, from the beginning to the end of the mountain, gradually spreading into the city, but as it gets closer, the speed of spread suddenly slows down, and then it rises and falls, and then all the kings, and all the humans who began to panic on the top of the city, saw a scene that was completely unacceptable.

"Disappeared? Really disappeared?"

Disappeared, not the white fog, but the earth, the Weeping Bone Mountains. The originally towering and visible mountains are now completely down by more than a hundred meters. A huge deep pit appeared in the Weeping Bone Mountains, which were originally close to the royal city. The whistling cold wind appeared from the deep pit. The sound of the Weeping Bone Wind, which was originally only occasionally blown in the Weeping Bone Mountains, instantly resounded throughout the city.

"Disappeared just like that? Just like that, the Gray King is gone?"

The kings looked at the endless deep pit one by one, and there was no end to it.

"The mineral vein is gone too, the main mineral vein of the royal city!!!"

Just now, the food on the earth was destroyed. In a blink of an eye, the mine belonging to the royal city's resources under the mountain range, where Youge first went out of the city for a mission, disappeared completely!

"What about our new urban area? Half of the land there has been destroyed. How can we build suitable houses with such soil? On one side is the Weeping Bone Mountains, in the middle is the forest, and on the other side is a complex area that connects the living ranges of countless alien species. If we build in another direction, we will inevitably have endless conflicts with each other!"

"Gulag, does this need to be refilled? The professionals with earth attributes will refill the land for us."

"No, we can continue to build, it will not affect it."

The Orange King who was called looked at the deep pit in the distance, and he had already calculated everything he could do in his mind. It seemed that it was not a difficult task, and it could even produce some more convenient things.

"But do those people need to be dealt with!"

Gulag did not continue to pay attention to whether he could build the city, but to the humans who had been observing all this on the tower next to him.

In this short period of time, a large number of ability information packages were thrown down by the humans above, and as information records of the changes in the situation where a layer of land disappeared in the Weeping Bone Mountains, they were immediately sold by those people.

"Keep it, this change will inevitably spread in the royal city, it's just a matter of time."

The kings waited for a while, and finally after everything settled down, they hesitated and retreated one by one.

On the other side.

"Lord Fak~ It seems that our strength has been strengthened again?"

This is how Fakyu, who was hiding in the royal city, completed another stage of his step in this terrifying situation.

"Hahaha~ Yes, what a great world, such a pure and powerful crazy desire, why should it be restrained?" Fakyu, who was at the edge of the river, looked calm, watching the bright light gradually disappear, and the ripples on the river dissipated. The first batch of humans he sent to the dead city successfully went to the dead city!

"Yato family, it's you who are causing trouble!"

An unexpected questioning sounded, and Fakuyu, who was still immersed in the joy of his success, suddenly felt a chill on his back. A long whip had completely wrapped around his neck, and it began to tighten, tightly holding Fakuyu in the center of the long whip that was wrapped with terrifying power.

"Hehe~ I didn't expect you to really come! Heihahahaha!"

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