Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 852 Discovery

Epidemic Mountain City,

After temporarily controlling Irene, You Ge also left the Dead City. Fakeyu's small plans and hobbies were basically no problem with the assistance of Migo Taser, and it would be enough to wait until the King of the Dead City came back. They stole a wave of madness about the dead city.

After giving Fakeyu some information processing, Youge also started to think again.

"The dead city inspired the secret deep in Fakeyu's bloodline, the voice of the celestial body, the omen god who exists like a planet." It is not difficult to guess that Youge quickly contacted the information about this person.

Gherroth, a being who has some similarities with Yuge's big eyes, but that's just a similarity.

"This is the secret about the person behind the bloodline of the deep divers. Just pursuing it according to the divine information given by Pikeyu will be a longer journey. And what can you do if you find it? It's just the bloodline of Phakuyu. It’s just a desire to inherit.”

Looking for Gherroth and then awakening R'lyeh was good, but it didn't give Yuge enough reason to implement this plan.

"On the contrary, other things have already been put in front of me. The most interesting thing is the encounter between fate and time." In the peak hall, Youge felt that the information stolen from King Zhi and the hound still couldn't make him reach the level of the other party. The effect is everywhere.

"After all, it is still power. I have glimpsed the ability, but did not display and truly use this ability to control all things."

Upgrading the level and enhancing the foundation of one's existence is far from being as simple as slowly accumulating. After obtaining the elemental matter, Youge naturally felt the difficulty he had to face if he wanted to improve. This was an evolutionary change beyond imagination. The journey is not just like the human beings in the royal city simply improving the so-called Lv level, moving towards the top and heading towards the king level.

"Let's wait and see. The harvest time has not yet come."

Looking at the sky, You Ge has countless thoughts in his mind. At present, looking at the Kingdom of Chaos, Wuguang Hudu, these are external forces that he can borrow to assist, but it is impossible to become fat in one bite. The plan for the Kingdom of Chaos is far from being done now. It can be finalized.

At this time, receiving the information floating in the sky of the Matte Pot, You Ge also noticed the image of the Marvel world that was almost materialized in the sky.

"Is this finally going to face the final devouring? I don't know what changes will happen to the Matte Potland and the Marvel world."

After witnessing those phenomena, You Ge no longer believed that beings of this level would face opponents with pure destruction and devouring. If the Aphotic Pot Land also had a controller like the OAA who is similar to human beings, maybe it would be possible. It could convince him, but Wu Guanghu Di didn't have that kind of majestic consciousness-like existence without any human nature.

"It's coming soon. Maybe we'll see the results after a while."

Putting this aside for the moment, these changes do not require his continued participation. The real things before him are not just these.

"The Gray King went out to play with the Ratman, the Sequencer, and the mixed beasts found from Lan Risa. It seems that the target should be the Weeping Bone Mountains, which is also a good choice for training troops."

"The attributes of strong rat people have also begun to spread everywhere. Aliens, humans, and non-intelligent life forms are all subtly absorbing this enhanced attribute information."

"Black Crow Gu is also constantly opening up new maps in the deep space layer."

"The Deep Cold Train outside Epidemic Mountain City has also successfully established a stable network. The temptation of Devil Fruit information has also caused aliens to continue to gather in Epidemic Mountain City. Well, Lan Risa also seems to have improved."

Amid the crimson substance, Youge's mind was constantly running, and the information related to himself flashed rapidly in his multi-core thinking.

"Although I cannot control the fate and changes of all things, I still have no doubt about my control."

The sky above the peak hall was filled with crimson matter that was surging and changing at will. It seemed to be affected by the existence of the Tindalos Hound. You Ge was also satisfied with his current state: "The Hound is only using human nature to deal with Tindalos's existence and characteristics. The name described is not actually a hunting dog. It is just an expression that its hunting performance is like a hunting dog.”

After gathering his thoughts and sorting things out like this, You Ge already made an interesting discovery about what was going to happen next.

"Lady Rakshasa Bird, and an interesting Rat Man?"

There is no rush to seal off Irene. It is not possible to go to the Dead City at any time from the Royal City alone. When their internal struggle is over, there must at least be enough time to brew. But something more interesting has already appeared. First, Velvet's teacher has approached Sophia, and during Yu Ge's brief pause after leaving the dead city, he kept asking to meet Yu Ge.

"Leave her alone, what will happen if we meet? A chess piece will always be a chess piece."

No matter what the Rakshasa bird is, the rat man discovered by Yu Ge is really interesting.

A little old strong rat-man was sitting outside the Peak Hall doing cleaning work. Who would have thought that such a guy could sneak in among his own rat-men?

"I saw her in the city defense army, the female soldier who created a dark flame rose to penetrate the opponent's professional core in an attempt to control the opponent? It was the one named Xidi who secretly plotted against me in full view of the public." You Song discovered the true appearance of this guy in the elemental material layer, and the familiar information quietly showed him everything about this guy from the deep entanglement.

"King City spy, this guy is interesting. Maybe I can find something."

After a brief collection, without alerting the other party, Youge just roughly determined who the other party was. A human being with strong rat-human attributes and body. Such a perfect disguise that even his own attributes were perfect. The cover-up and reorganization really attracted You Ge's attention.

"Don't alert others for now. Such an interesting guy should be dealt with carefully."

"It seems that I haven't visited a human for a long time. If I ask for this guy's information, will he give it to me? Wait, Rakshasa Bird, Violet Family, Dead City is interesting, it seems that I still need to go, really We can’t leave the other party alone.”

The crimson substance boiled, and the peek from You Ge quietly shifted again, appearing across the distance. You Ge now transformed into a woman wearing red makeup and appeared in the royal city.

"Women, according to the interpretation of human nature, a strong woman will make it easier for both parties to increase hostility in extremely threatening situations. So what will happen if you meet Ms. Rakshasa Bird one day?"

Mature and magnetic laughter sounded. The woman in red transformed into You Ge was like a budding rose, and Yu was like a witch shrouded in red mist, walking slowly and aimlessly on the deserted street. Walking through the streets and around the alleys, such women are extremely rare in this royal city. If the pedestrians encountered along the way were not powerful and powerful, they would all avoid You Ge and look back.

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