Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 853 Instigation

Wangcheng Avenue,

City Defense Force Second Intelligence Station, Cat's Eye Jewelry Store,

The place where Youge and Naximan Violet once established a private cooperation was also the place where Youge and Naximan effectively cooperated.

And You Ge, who turned into a woman in red, also turned into this alley while walking around. Although there was no major road along the way, it still attracted the peeping glances of many humans, but not many. He really came to provoke You Ge, which made him lose a lot of fun in playing.

Standing in front of this familiar small shop, You Ge looked inside and saw the same familiar furnishings and shop assistants as before. But this time, when he opened the shop door, the shop assistants locked eyes and greeted him. .

"Madam, this is a private customization place. Do you have any pre-ordered jewelry?" An older clerk stood on one side of You Ge. His slightly bent body just blocked her from quietly looking at You Ge's appearance. The look of the body.

"We have a reservation, yes~" As soon as the mature and arrogant voice came out, You Ge's palm was already pressed on the shoulder of the female clerk, with that arrogant look, announcing to the other party: "I have everything here now." Booked.”

"This lady is here."

"Go down and leave this to me."

Just as the female clerk in front of her was about to do something, a man unknowingly appeared in front of the wall behind him. He clapped his hands and directed the three extremely alert female clerks to retreat.

"TheRed, please~"

It was Naximan, with that same fake smile that had never changed forever, respectfully welcoming You Ge as he walked inside.

"Oh? You discovered it. It seems that my disguise still has some shortcomings." Youge didn't deny it at all. He swayed his waist and waved countless temptations, and followed Naximan into the secret room behind the wall. .

"I heard that Captain Sophia has been getting closer to you recently. Many humans who have never appeared in the royal city are always coming in and out of the security station. And considering that you also have many humans under your command, it is not difficult to guess."

Naximan did not hide it. In fact, they had already noticed it when he came to this place in such a ostentatious manner. After all, the commotion that Youge made in the Dead City caused a lot of changes in the royal city. In order to prevent what really happened. Irreversible changes have occurred, and all levels related to You Ge are also being secretly mobilized and sorted out.

Naturally, it is not difficult to guess that it is You Ge, but at this time, he is not the only one behind this place. Countless big guys are waiting there to find out why TheRed is here.

And, what happened to the Fernandez family’s treasure in the dead city!

"Ah~ I was discovered by you~ You are indeed very close." Without denying it, You Ge lifted up her long legs under her skirt and leaned on the sofa in the secret room.

The look of being ready for success made Nasiman's fake smile appear slightly awkward.

However, You Ge did not give the other party any chance to hesitate. He took advantage of the emotional gap and asked, "Nasiman, how about we make a friendly deal. You tell me some things and I will tell you some secrets." ?”

things and secrets,

Youge made the contributions of both parties very clear. For you, it is just some things. For me, it is the secret of giving.

"Is it something?" Nasiman will definitely not agree easily. Although the big guys behind the scenes are paying attention to this, there are some things that he really does not dare to agree to and reply to at will.




The secret information reached Nasiman's ears. While continuing to smile, he asked Youge: "TheRed, what is it that you are willing to trade the secret for?"

"It's not a troublesome thing. Do you still remember the victory banquet during the old nobles' rebellion? Is Ms. Sheidi still there?"


Naximan was very familiar with this name and secretly attacked Youge in public. Although there was no disagreement between the two parties, he later learned the true identity of this being.

"She died in battle, and died under the contamination of the gods while protecting the commander on her way back."

"Oh~ So where is this spy?"


Due to habitual thinking, Youge asked without thinking, causing him to reply casually. These words, which were already too late, made Naximan sweatdrop from behind.

"Conceal, admit, ask!"

Messages continued to come to his ears, and Naximan also calmed down slightly and said: "She is not under my command, but why is TheRed looking for her?"

"Hee~ It's nothing, I'm just very interested in her abilities and want to ask you for a piece of her detailed personal information." Youge waved his hand, and his slender arms moved freely in front of Naximan. .

"However, I can tell you some of the things you most want to know, about the Spider King and the secrets of the mysterious Fernandez family in the dead city~"

"How? Shall we trade?"

You Ge also noticed a little bit about the group of people behind him. The changes in Naximan's expression and the definite change in his tone were naturally being controlled by someone.

"Yes, but we can only tell you the description of her abilities. Other things are related to the secrets of the dead city, so we have no comment."

"no problem."

With a smile on Youge's face, he pretended to be waiting, and the secret room fell into silence again.

This situation did not last long. After Nasiman took a document from outside and handed it to Youge, the latter also popped up a group of information with a smile on his face.

"Oh, by the way, you have to be careful. If I hadn't run fast, I might have really disappeared~"

When it comes to the fear of erasure from time, Youge's body shuddered artificially and extremely scared. As the cowardly look disappeared, Youge also disappeared from this intelligence station with the document bag.

"The one in the hands of the King of Weaving is the real Baden!"

"In the outer circle of the dead city?! He has been there!"

"A senior Fernandez who woke up from a deep sleep, the teeth are in her hands."

"Block, consume, wait."

Youge also passed the general news to the royal city, but these more accurate news were also frantically scratching the minds of this group of beings. The temptation was right in front of them, but they could not be touched. At this time, the dead city was no longer the time for Youge and Fakeyou to make trouble casually.

Besides, how could this group of guys not be discovered when they arrived at the Dead City, how could they not attract the attention of the Dead City? If there was any disturbance under such circumstances, it would definitely not be so smooth.

Killing people and destroying their hearts,

At this time, before Youge even started to use his knife, this group of people could no longer sit still.

And Youge, who left, also got what she wanted, a piece of secret information about this person, a piece of interpretation of her general ability information, all laid out in front of Youge.

"Professional root vein simulation, energy ocean stealing, attribute energy stealing grafting, interesting guy, no wonder he would behave like this."

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