Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 858 Information Life Reorganization

And at this time,

In the endless darkness, a mass of scattered matter that was almost nothing, so ordinary that it had no expression, appeared quietly after a flash of black light.

An indescribable roar passed by, followed by waves of vibrations.

I don’t know how much time has passed,

The sound of explosions tearing through the darkness also passed through here,

This is the movement of the creatures that exist in this darkness, and with the passing of countless creatures, the place finally became calm, and their group of unknown beings were also observing. This mass of scattered matter suddenly appeared in the darkness and quietly left.

[The meaningless substance may have appeared here due to some unexpected situation. 】

All the unknowns were unanimously determined and completely ignored this scattered material.

And just like this, after endless drifting and continued dispersion, this mass of matter finally showed slight changes. The scattered appearance was slightly condensed, and it was all gathered together like mud.

Abandoned metamaterial·Yuge,

This is him who lost all the power he gained in the Wuguang Pot after he was expelled from the Wuguang Pot.

Of course, at this time, as he expected, the professional roots in his body had become atrophied.

"It's really unimaginable pain. The feeling of self-destruction is really uncomfortable."

After experiencing this kind of active abandonment by the lightless pot, and then recovering, and then being abandoned into the darkness of who knows where, You Ge completely passively accepted it, and the ever-present sense of tearing made his life today. The manifestation is unable to bear it until it completely loses its will and falls into a state of unconscious and fluctuating dead matter.

And if this continues, although it is not said that he will die, maybe once Youge gets used to this state with his current performance, he will be able to maintain the state of a dead thing forever and never recover.

Similarly, You Ge also lost everything that had any connection or entanglement with him. The incarnation and even his relatives had no contact with him. Until the last moment, the only existence that could remind You Ge was In the display of this dead thing, a message was conveyed to him, which inspired the dead-like You Ge.

"The third stage of coffin fusion is triggered"

"Personal information reorganization, there is an independent stage one"

"Information infusion begins"

Having just regained a trace of his will, You Ge was infused with countless information here. However, this time the information infusion was not oriented towards You Ge's will and understanding, but directly affected You Ge's existence at this time.

"Is this what time and destiny feel like? It really is."

The massive filling of information made Youge's existence here fuller. This pool of scattered matter reunited into the shape of a big eyeball in the knot, surrounding it in circles, becoming more and more complex in the continuous gathering. Become more prosperous and stable.

"Material informatization completed"

"There is an independent phase two trigger, and the reorganization of will information begins!"

For a moment, before You Ge could continue to feel the changes in himself at this time, he suddenly remembered the huge roar in his will. The endless information fell from the sky, and it was not to instill in You Ge to let him know the specific meaning of the information. It is also a direct filling and reorganization of Youge's will.

"This is me."

I don't know how long it took, but when Youge's will recovered here, everything he could observe had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Just like looking at each other in succession, the first thing that changed in You Ge's perception was himself. He who gathered into the shape of big eyeballs was an aggregate of countless selves. Each one separated and each one gathered again was the countless him. Blending combination.

And these combinations are also composed of a higher concentration of information. Each one contains everything about Youge, and each one is an independent Youge!

"Who am I and where am I?"

Countless Youge asked questions as they gathered and dispersed, and these questions and answers were all connected in the form of information. Every Youge asked and every Youge thought. They all flow and surge in the will of all Youge.

"The third phase of coffin fusion is over, and the reorganization of independent information lifeforms is completed."

"I am all information, all information is me"

With the final confirmation, Youge also determined his status at this time, further transforming from a transcendent life into an information life form, and the most important thing is the prefix given by the coffin, which is independent and no longer relies on any existing life form.

"But now I am so weak and I don't have the intuitive and powerful display I used to have."

"Wait. Energy"

Youge has not forgotten the feeling he had just before transforming into an information life form. The sense of control over information made him realize the special sense of control King Weaver and Tindalos had when controlling fate and time. All the information around him was in his hands. There is no escape from the control.

"Maybe I don't need energy anymore. Energy is a substance that is just a standard used to measure strength and weakness in this system. Am I now out of this system?"

In silence, Youge began to realize the changes in him again. These forced changes made him passively accept it, instead of independently understanding what happened to him.

"First of all, the overall existence changes and the overall informatization make me no longer rely on the existence of matter. Although information can be regarded as a manifestation of matter, this will allow me to go deeper into matter, and even become more meta-matter. Within the deep information. In other words, as long as it exists in information, it is a black hole that expands infinitely inward. The information of information moves inward endlessly. "

When Youge touched his own existence, he immediately felt that this existence had infinite possibilities far more than metamatter. In this way, he could almost say that he could control everything more perfectly.

"Then there is the self represented by this existence. There are infinite information existences. Each one of them is me. So as long as there is one piece of information, does it mean that I will not be destroyed?"

Youge's inward digging captured the infinitely shrinking self at this time. Each one was himself, a complete version of himself. It was just about whether the information content was enough.

"Is it immortal? As long as I leave a trace of information, then this trace represents my existence. When I disappear and die at this moment, once this trace is triggered, I can be perfectly resurrected from it. Time. This Is it the so-called ability to resurrect from the traces of history? This is somewhat similar to the effect of great immortality."

"Yes, there is also the transformation of matter and information. The information recording matter can be re-displayed in the combination with meta-matter. Then such information can also show such an effect!"

Material informatization and information materialization, there is no trace of difference between the two in a moment.

"Then if I use information to show the fluctuations of energy, wouldn't it be possible?"

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