Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 859 Infinite inward information

With some thoughts in mind, he immediately operated with his hands.

The informationized body instantly fluctuated with the brilliance of energy, growing in groups and ripples, and immediately restored the energy intensity of Lv35.

"It's not that I can't continue to move up, but the information above is not what I know."

After a moment of chuckling, although Youge felt a little regretful about this, he was not unacceptable. Although he was out of the level limit of the professional root vein, he could still use this level system to describe his strength.

Different paths lead to the same destination. At least the uniqueness of the king level is not a false thing.

At this time, as the energy continued to surge, the deep red light appeared on Youge's body again. How could he not imitate his own attribute information?

"So I'm back again, but I'm different."

Youge followed his perception when he came and re-traced this dark space. The information residues from unknown terrifying creatures and the things that happened around him when he was in a dead state were quickly recalled by Youge.

"This is also a troublesome matter. We cannot touch those horrors in the retrospection, otherwise they will come back next."

"Let's go back first. I didn't expect that after this rejection, I would appear directly in the void."

Yu Ge, who turned into a deep red state, followed the information connection of the chaotic world stored in his heart and immediately returned to the chaotic kingdom. At this time, regarding Yu Ge's disappearing and annihilated existence connection, Elosli and others also had a new communication entanglement with Yu Ge.

"Yu Ge? Sir? Is it you?"

They were very sure that it was Yu Ge who appeared in front of them, but the sense of alienation from them was so strong. Is this really the Yu Ge who was close to them?

"It's me, I just gave up some irrelevant things."

Yu Ge floated closer, and after everyone touched each other, the irreplaceable connection from Yu Ge flowed back into their hearts.


Elosli threw herself into Yu Ge's arms. At the moment of close contact, the panic about Yu Ge's disappearance was immediately broken. Their lord did not disappear and came back!

At this time, with the help of the potential connection between Elosli, the incarnation and the countless followers under him, Youge finally opened up the deep red connection with them again. Different from the past, this new connection made all the followers feel the illusion that the gods were right above their heads.

After all, every one of them that contained information about Youge's existence was equivalent to Youge himself. In this case, when these followers lost Youge, their faith in their hearts burst out again.

"Okay, come back."

After taking these people back into his body, Youge flashed in the universe that stored his deep red world, and took those followers back with him. As Youge's body squatted in the energy vortex of the Chaos Kingdom again, the corrupted devouring eye in the past seemed to have returned to where he should be without any change.

"Sure enough, the growth of energy can finally be seen with the naked eye. How could such a vortex not be able to set off a level 35 energy wave? It is completely because the energy root veins have absorbed too much extra nutrients during the growth."

"If you only rely on the energy ocean in the lightless pot, you will naturally not find this problem while absorbing, but in this case, the difference is immediately determined."

"With such accumulation, it can be upgraded to a level in almost ten years. According to the time difference of the Chaos Kingdom, this part of the body can be significantly improved in a short period of time in the lightless pot!"


The energy is fully abundant in his current material existence, and every bit of it penetrates and nourishes his existence, force field and information material. The comfortable feeling makes Youge finally feel the growth that belongs only to him.

At this time,

After Youge stabilized, four crimson gates appeared in the surrounding connections. In addition to the three incarnations who stepped in together, the fourth incarnation beast Lan Ruisha also walked over angrily.

"Lord Youge, you really don't care whether this will bring a lot of trouble. The Chaos Arena in Yishan City was almost destroyed by you!"

The inner world merged into the crimson world, and the attributes of the crimson world were abandoned by Youge. Naturally, the collapse of the crimson world must mean that countless beings that rely on the crimson world will have problems. Apart from the dependents who were sent away by Youge, Lan Ruisha encountered the most trouble at this moment.

If it weren't for the combination of various spaces in the SCP world, which allowed Lan Ruisha to save the arena that almost chained his original at the last moment, Yishan City might have experienced a huge change in the same way.

"No, you will be completely controlled by your own information world in the future."

"Huh? Are you going to hand over the world of God's code to us?", watching Lan Ruisha's venting, and looking at Fakeyu and Pikeyu who were close to Lan Ruisha behind, they were instantly attracted after hearing Youge's reminder.

"No, it's different, but you can also understand it as the world of God's code, a material information world that exists infinitely inward." Youge paused for a moment, and there was something strange in the connection with the incarnation, but it didn't seem to have any other impact, and it was ignored as a change.

"Hehe, just give it to us! Let me see what good things Lord Youge has obtained."

Pikeyu opened his mouth, and the connection between Youge and him also reflected a world of infinite information. This infinity inward made Pikeyyu, who was sinking into it to understand, seem to have lost himself. He kept falling and passed through every limit he thought was the limit.

"Come out, this world is enough for you to make some moves."

Infinity, this word has represented everything. Even if they want to change, it is not just infinite inward. The change of the sense of space makes this infinite information world have infinite possibilities.

"Hahahaha! Lord Youge, you are really excellent." After Kahayu and others also experienced this infinite inward sinking feeling one after another, everyone was full of curiosity about this world.

"Your world, make changes by yourself, whether it is the Aigbawa world or the arena world, I think you can't wait."

Youge gestured to the two incarnations who were a little affectionate. The latter two had lost their own ideas at this time. Coupled with the feeling of infinite inward, they were completely immersed in madness and confusion. As the two left decisively, Pikeyu and Kahayu also returned to their own affairs after confirming that Youge was fine.

"I have improved and changed. Now I am finally free."

The tentacles rolled, and Youge also followed the connection and returned to Yishan City. It was still the same as before, but it had already become a strange existence.

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