Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 860 Return

Strange Yishan City,

Even after Youge returned to this place, the entire Lightless Pot Land felt an unprecedented sense of strangeness and isolation from Youge.

"Material isolation, does it seem like this is freedom? There is no connection with the past at all." Unlike the Chaos Kingdom, after Youge appeared, all the materials around him were in his movements, producing a very obvious virtual flow effect, like a stream of water. The moment he touched, the other party bypassed and made way for a tentacle-shaped space.

When the hand was retracted, the space would be filled again, and it seemed that the water flow did not cause any fluctuations in the space.

Even if the hand went deep and broke the material, in the end, the material still restored its proper state and change without any change, like two concepts that would never intersect.

"At least there is no such sense of estrangement in the Chaos Kingdom. Hmm. Is it caused by the existence of Elosli and others?"

With a flash, Youge confirmed that the Lightless Pot Land could be alienated from him, but his followers and incarnations would never be able to have such an alienation change. In the peak hall, Youge touched the stone strong ratmen who were guarding in the state of informatization. These all came from his existence. One by one, under the touch of the tentacles of informatization, they began to re-establish material exchanges with this world for Youge.

"It turned out to be like this. So does it mean that some mysterious existence is actually hidden in the gap with this world?" When Youge finally used the ratmen to make himself more inclined to the real existence in the past in this world, he also thought of the gap world he found in Huijie. That was also the world he discovered under the sense of stripping. This kind of existence in the gap of the world has many similarities with this complete gap.

"It's also interesting."

Finally, Youge turned from informatization to material and appeared in the lightless pot. The connection between the world and him also changed from the original inner intimacy to the connection established by this group of ratmen for Youge. In other words, if the ratmen were completely eliminated, he would be away from this world again.

"The advantage is lost. If other worlds can still use power information to exchange for admission tickets, the Lightless Pot Land has already had all my attribute information, and even the ability information of those low-level universe worlds has no temptation to the Lightless Pot Land. Unless it is to send a few universes as snacks, otherwise the method of exchanging admission tickets is useless here."

Stepping on the land of Yishan City, Youge now really feels like some kind of foreign evil god. If he destroys the world and civilization from the perspective of humanity, he is a perfect template of evil gods.

"These are just behaviors besides talking. What really benefits me is to continue to explore the future of this career root vein that originally belonged to me under the simulation of the level force field and energy fluctuations I know."

With a flip of his hand,

a withered and abandoned tree root appeared in Youge's hand, with complex and small root veins scattered on the side, and a huge tree root with strong knots on the other end. This is Youge's career root vein. It started after withering and was collected by Youge after he recovered.

"Who should I give it to? No one will want it, my power is not just the root of my profession." Youge smiled, as if he could deceive others. The aura here is exactly the same as his past. There is no difference.

"King's City? There are new things in this game."

Shaking his head, his informationized body flew up. This time, Youge didn't even need to move. He instantly appeared on the outskirts of the King's City in the invisible transmission of information.

"Informationized movement: deeply entangled with the target, using the intersection of contact information and oneself, and attribute one's existence to the other party's information, achieving instant movement."

In other words, as long as Youge finds the real information at this time, he can connect with everything about the other party.

It's a pity that this kind of power is just beginning. Youge's controllable range has not reached infinity to a certain extent, otherwise Youge can also start to control time and fate perfectly.

"Hmm? The guys in the King's City. They are all gone."

Walking around the periphery, slowly moving towards the newly built mechanical suspended urban areas, Youge also detected the changes that occurred in countless King's cities during his disappearance under his new ability.

"In half a month, the speed of time flowing outside the domain and the royal city is really unimaginable. Why doesn't the Lightless Pot speed up the time flow inside? Forget it, maybe this great man has his own ideas. Why would he care about the ideas of a person like me who actually means nothing."

Shaking his head,

When approaching the suspended city area, a robot had already been waiting and smiling at Youge.

"You are here."

It was 01, this mechanical creation that had achieved perfect humanization, standing there quietly waiting for Youge to come step by step.

"Did Lord Orange go too?"

"Yes, sir, all the adults went, and even several people in the royal city went out." 01 smiled and bent down to greet Youge while answering, and continued to walk inside: "I don't know what you want to do when you come here, sir?"

"No, just walking around casually."

You Ge looked at the gradually improved mechanical city area. Everything inside was running in an orderly manner. The strong ideas that came from the modern society seemed to be completely integrated into this place under 01's operation, but at this time, it was actually very obvious that there was a different information hidden.

"I heard that the Violet Family started to make trouble?"

You Ge didn't care, and suddenly changed the topic. After turning to the Violet Family, 01 looked at him strangely.

"No, sir, it's just that some of the people below have a newly rising force. They don't know about the Violet Family and are used as a gun." 01 was puzzled with some strange feelings. He would have thought that the first person You Ge mentioned would be Fink, but now it seems that he is not.

"Oh~ So is Ms. Raksha Bird also involved?"

Since he met Nasiman last time, he has entered the process of information transformation, and the matter of Ms. Raksha Bird has also been slightly delayed.

"Ms. Raksha Bird?" 01 quickly searched in the database. She seemed to have heard of this familiar name.

[Vilvette's mentor]

"Is it her?"

01's data processing center started to work rapidly, and only replied to Youge when everything was over.

"She has been moving between the police station and the new city recently, and has also helped Lady Velvette solve many additional problems."

01 guessed and calculated Youge's thoughts. Although the existence of human nature made him more agile, the deep entanglement between wisdom and human nature was still difficult for her to understand.

"It seems that she has already got involved."

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