Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 916: Thousand Years - Things Have Changed

"In fact, it didn't really help. The difference between the two sides is still too big. The most I learned was that I learned more about the existence and performance inside the Lightless Pot."

Synchronously re-entering the Lightless Pot, and after reaching the same frequency as the internal material operation, Youge also appeared above the familiar Yishan City.

After a thousand years, there is no familiar thing here. The once towering peak palace has now become a huge tower, a huge tower that is integrated from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Occasionally looking at the stone strong ratmen that are hidden all over the top, they have now completely turned into a professional existence of about Lv35 composed of the material of the Lightless Pot.

A tower, a huge mother tree,

Such an existence has also become the most iconic building of Yishan City, and the Demon Spider Mountain Stream on the side has also become a bottomless cave under the deeper existence.

"Things have changed, and now Arnold is the true Lord of Yishan City."

Lv40, just embarking on this professional promotion path belonging to the Lightless Pot Land is easy and comfortable, without any of the bumps and hardships of walking a completely different path of existence.

"The existence of Black Crow Gu, who is close to the king, countless aliens infected by the plague amniotic fluid, the Gray King who runs the arena with Lan Ruisha, the underground people who re-planned their own city, the powerful rats everywhere and the sequence people hidden everywhere."

"The Yishan City, which covers tens of thousands of miles, has countless aliens. It can already be regarded as a country."

"Unfortunately, there is no word "country" in their concept. The existence of the city is essentially just a manifestation of human nature after the gathering of interests."

"Country? If there really is such an existence here, this group of aliens and even the current situation will not be so smooth."

The existence of the country will inevitably make the Yishan City appear more stimulating with the outside world. Discrimination, although there is actually discrimination in the ability of aliens, but if it is improved again in spirit and culture, the ending may not be like this.

"The same is true for the Royal City. The progress of the past thousand years is far more than that. The mechanical suspended city area has begun the flight plan. Flying at low altitude, humans are really not afraid of any existence. In this world, there are still many unrealistic situations, but isn't this what humans are?"

You Ge collected information about the two cities that were once closely related to him.

After careful experience, he no longer had the same idea as before.

Humans and ratmen are all the same. The inner manifestation of human nature has different effects on different individuals and formations.

"One day, Yishan City will attract more unknown fears because it is too dazzling. One day, the humans in the Royal City will also begin to self-destruct because of human greed. All this is inevitable and not inevitable, and that day will definitely need me."

With random thoughts and complicated information, when You Ge gathered himself, his existence once again turned into a faceless man in red.

This time, he seemed to be a non-existent existence. After approaching the high tower of Yishan City, he slowly drifted inward step by step.

Nishan City, hundreds of kings, such a Yishan City can no longer find any information about Youge.

Without the focus of humanity, there is no existence that can be detected. Youge, who is like nothing, slowly appeared in front of the Gray King who was enjoying one fight after another alone.

"Gray King."

The unfounded detailed information was transmitted to the Gray King's ears. It seemed to be a call of humanity, but in fact it was just a little bit of falsehood made by Youge to express himself.


The existence of the super crystal spread immediately, and after spreading rapidly around, it surrounded the entire house.

How could someone break into his surroundings without being discovered?

"It's me, TheRed, Hall, Youge, the Eye of Corruption and Devouring, the me in the past you know." In the past, Youge pushed away the material barriers of the surrounding super crystals that existed in his own existence, without affecting his situation at all, and continued to approach the Gray King.

"You? Oh~ It's Hong."

As she saw, Gray King felt the breath and information of You Ge in the past when You Ge pushed it away, but just when she was about to respond with a certain emotion, this breath completely dissipated without knowing it.

But the existence of You Ge received in his sight was still so real.

But the other party seemed not to be here.

"It's me, you can call these names at will."

You Ge already knew the specialness of Gray King at this moment. In the past, he showed human nature, and his performance was naturally disturbed by human nature, so this person always liked to approach him with more human performance.

But now, the stripping and complete elimination of human nature made Gray King unable to continue to face You Ge with the so-called charming name of Red Brother.

"Hong, after a thousand years, you are finally back?"

Looking at You Ge's action of casually pushing away the existence of the power of both sides, Gray King also had many special precautions in his heart that had never existed in the past. An existence without human nature, an existence without human nature, past, evil, how troublesome would that be?

Especially an enemy with such strange means.

"Come back? No, I'm just passing by, maybe I'll never come back again."

With a light description, Youge is still approaching the Gray King, and the two sides also show an extremely strong sense of human crisis.

"Lord Gray King!"

At this moment, the outside world also naturally sensed the problem. In the most important place of Yishan City, someone actually made Lord Gray King burst out with such terrifying power. Could it be that an enemy broke in?

The surrounding environment changed rapidly.

In the gap of reversal, Gray King's room should also be twisted and stretched into an endless huge venue.

"Nishan City, a good reversal. It seems that Henderson has not indulged in pleasure these days." A large number of strong rats, dozens of stationed alien kings, Arnold, Lan Ruisha, Black Crow Gu, underground people, all who can appear in an instant appeared here.

"The Red?!"

Except for Lan Ruisha who knew Youge, the rest were also in shock and hesitation, showing complex human thinking.

After all, Youge left for a thousand years, after all, Youge completely cut off the control of himself and the rats, after all, Youge is no longer a part of the lightless pot, all of this has been completely and clearly divided from him.

And his reappearance, in the hearts of these human ants, also caused many unpredictable reluctances.

"Long time no see, my lambs."

With an ordinary expression, Youge controlled the head of the faceless man to look around, as if he really missed it and truly felt the difference of the existence around him.

But did Youge come to reminisce? What does this group of indifferent former lambs, this group of aliens who have nothing to do with him and gathered in the plague mountain city, have to do with him?

"Gray King, I need him."

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