Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 917 The Temptation of the Gray King

Gray King, I need him,

A message that kept drilling into Gray King's ears, driven by Youge, began to output to the other party frantically.

Following the group of information about the cause unfolding in Gray King's acceptance, this desire after Youge suddenly appeared finally had a positive result.

"It's you, it was you who triggered that desire last time!"

Gray King's face was solemn. Is this thing given to you if you want it? This is also her only secret that can be comparable to everything. I didn't expect it to be discovered like this.

Although there has been a calculation for this matter since the last situation, when it is really faced, Gray King is still unwilling to share this absolute secret.

From the birth of Gray King to now, the information hidden in his companion puppet, the secret of the birth of wisdom!

It is just a more primitive information, which is completely different from the machinery made by Gulag. He just created a possibility, and the existence of perfection and wisdom and the expansion of human nature are all in the instinctive evolution of machinery.

Even more so, the awakening of mechanical aliens can be regarded as true wisdom.

"I can give you the information of the original god ore. If you can integrate the original god ore into yourself in a controllable way, you will have the possibility to achieve a new existence."

"You in stone and you in the original god ore have a certain commonality."

Just like Gulag, this is also the only possibility that gives Youge the opportunity to negotiate with the Gray King. Gulag can use his own mechanical existence to replace the original god ore to make him particularly powerful.

So, why can't the Gray King do it?

Compared with Gulag's body modification, the Gray King has a greater possibility in existence to create a different self.

"This is Gulag's change."

After Youge gave Gulag's current information to the Gray King, the latter also became silent.

"Half-original god Gulag, your description is really appropriate." It is indeed a little tempting. It is not easy for a king-level existence to continue to move forward. Compared with this possibility, the secret of the birth of wisdom is not very important.

After all, this secret itself could not make her move forward.

"For hundreds of years, Gulag has indeed disappeared from our sight. I didn't expect him to do this."

The surrounding forces were retracted, and after sending away all the outsiders around, he took Youge to the high tower area that belonged to her, the Gray King's bedroom.


The Gray King restored his inherent indifference, like a stone, with no expression on his face, and his simulated humanity was flawless.

"Why give up the Blight Mountain City?"

This is an inevitable question. The current Blight Mountain City is no longer a place that the Gray King can match. Even now, she will not easily give up such a huge force.

"No giving up, no possession, Blight Mountain City is still Blight Mountain City, and I am still me."

The two were equally cold, but compared to the coldness of the Gray King, Youge was more thorough.

"Your incarnation?"

"They are them, and I am me."

Following the footsteps of the Gray King, Youge began to have a sense of wanton verbal communication in the information explained.

The transmission of information has been expressing his own thoughts, and he can also change to a way of expression that is no longer constrained by the inherent existence. That is a way of expression that belongs entirely to him.

Like roaring but not roaring, like crying but not crying, like laughing but not laughing, like quarreling but not quarreling,

Amorphous sound, amorphous expression, amorphous explanation, amorphous transmission,

They are them, I am me,

You Ge's body is naturally spreading outward about his natural expression of this information. This is his expression of existence at this moment, rather than reusing the explanation and expression under the need for past human thoughts.

Maybe his external expression at this moment is like a human, but the next time the same expression may be in the form of roaring, or with hoarse friction, or the sound of mechanical collision, or the sound of explosion.

But all of this only expresses this meaning,

They are him, I am me.

"What are you doing?" Gray King also heard You Ge's repeated expressions at this moment, from the external feelings to the acceptance of information, which made her very puzzled.

"Just myself."

Once it was an amorphous statement, and in the acceptance of the Gray King, he could only endure the other party's seemingly messy communication and then receive the information in it.

"Here we are."

It seemed that this situation made her no longer want to continue chatting with Youge, and then after walking forward for a distance, she also arrived at the Gray King's residence at this time.

"It's just an exchange of information, but without the provision of the original god ore, how can I succeed? Moreover, the existence of each original god ore is different, how can I get enough materials to meet my needs."

"The information you gave is not valuable, it just provides a possibility, and what I give you is information of a certain nature!"

The Gray King lay on his throne, looking at Youge standing in his nest in front of him.

"Moreover, if you want this information from me, you must want to merge with my companion puppet, so as to ensure that this information will not be leaked, otherwise I dare not easily show it to the current existence or even to any existence."

The Gray King showed his familiar human sneer.

Bringing Youge to his lair was not to plot against him, but to complete the deal. Just as she said, it was not as simple as an exchange.

The Gray King's bedroom,

an empty place, surrounded by gray oval buildings, like an ovary, wrapping the surroundings. Only the Gray King's throne in the center was displayed there, and at this moment there was a naked, gray stone woman on it, looking at Youge's existence with sarcasm.

"If you want it, I'll give it to you, but you have to help me~"

"This is a deal, but not a pure deal~"

"If you want it~ I can give it to you, hehe, but Hong, do you want it?"

The gray breath spread around, and the Gray King revealed an infinitely soft voice in the shadows.

What do you want?

Youge looked at the Gray King's current form with a little doubt. This was something worth considering. Although the other party showed the seductive posture of a human woman, both parties knew that the Gray King had stretched out her existence at this time. Under the existence of the super crystal, the companion puppet in her body was exposed.

Like a blooming lotus, it was waiting for Youge to go deeper and touch the depths full of secrets.


It didn't seem to be a problem.

He inserted his body into it. The two sides were like two different colors that began to stir and mix under the wrapping of the Gray King.

At this time,

Youge, who was deep in it, also felt the secret hidden in the depths.

As he continued to blend and go deeper step by step, he drilled into the desire in the depths.

pace and love

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