Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 922: Fake's Godlike Appearance

The Yatogill family,

Now the mysterious place of the capital,

The habitat of Fakyu, the gathering place of nightmares of human beings, the punishment, escape and freedom place of the criminals in the capital!

Just like attracting,

When Fakyu quietly opened a little convenience for some humans, as long as no one stopped it, under the catalysis of human nature, some interesting little things also evolved into a torrent of interesting things.

After the first criminal thought of sneaking into the capital to avoid the pursuit from the outside world, when this criminal, tossing and turning and unexpectedly met Fakyu, some things happened naturally.

In addition to the rat people in the dark, the sequence people hid the traces for it,

In the criminal circle, a little-known legend appeared that there was a nightmare city in the capital that was not regulated by any rules.

And now, after Youge naturally mixed into the underground passage secretly dug by the rat people for the criminals, he walked in step by step under the ignorance of everyone.

Don't take it seriously, it's reasonable, he should pass through here, there is no problem.

The cognitive information released around Youge changed.

As long as the ratmen and gill people who saw him took a glance and completely skipped Youge's further exploration.

"So your existence also began to add the original god ore to your city.", As expected, how could Fakyu let go of this thing, plus the help of Migotaiser, compared with the changes in the King's City, this place will be more different.

Continue to step in, the changes around him also underwent familiar and more closely changes in Youge's perception.

The stairs made of the original god ore led him up step by step.

Accompanied by a series of loud roars, finally, the moment the scenery in front of him opened, a dirty evil filled with countless sins appeared in front of him.

Come in.

No wonder I can feel Fakyu, but I can't directly connect him to appear around him through information.

This is a city made entirely of original god ore.

At this time,

Just after Youge walked out of this passage, all those sinful and ugly human faces gathered on her, looking nakedly, without a trace of concealment. As humans pointed at each other, the noise completely disappeared in the clinking of debris falling.

"What a coquettish woman, she really can arouse my fire."

Youge ignored this group of humans, but how could this group of people let Youge go? A woman who can come here, no matter what, has no restrictions in the past royal city.

"Catch her, I won't be lonely tonight. Hahahaha!"

"Catch her!"

But there are no ordinary people who can come here. There are still many fierce female characters in this corridor. He urged her with his mouth, but he ordered his own men to test the truth of Youge.

"The boss wants you."

After a face-to-face encounter, Youge didn't even look at the guy in front of him. The fleshy human body was like fine sand. Youge directly destroyed the other party's structure from the material structure, and everything scattered turned into basic material fragments invisible to the naked eye and scattered all over the ground.

Without stopping,

he continued to move forward. He had sensed the place where Fakeyou was. Similarly, the other party had also discovered the appearance of Youge at this moment.

"Asshole! You dare to kill my men directly, you."

Facing the ridicule from all around, the boss of the men who were directly decomposed, in the case of losing his face, had not yet said the cruel words on his lips, and the finger he pointed at Youge also showed signs of decomposition.


But would Youge give him a chance to speak? The traces of decomposition appeared along his mouth, and the words that had not been fully said, in the aftermath of the word "you", turned into fragments like his men and scattered all over the ground.

Walking, Youge ignored the countless silent criminals around him, and continued to follow the normal route of leaving, following the corridor structure surrounding the Nightmare City, breaking down countless obstacles along the way, and walked into the interior.

"She didn't escape alive from exile, did she?"

"Even the people in the public security station can't resist this guy, right?"

Until the whispered discussion appeared, the sense of death brought by Youge gradually dissipated in everyone's hearts.

Nightmare Altar.

When Youge approached, a door leading to the nightmare had opened the entrance to him.

A huge eye on the other side was also watching Youge coming from behind the door.

"Oh~ Lord Youge, is it you?", the fishy smell, dampness and darkness rushed straight into Youge's body along the door in the spitting of this sentence.

"You~ actually came to my tiny place~ Hahahahaha~"

Uncertain and very sure, such an existence can only be related to Youge and he, and will come to the door like this.

The door continued to open, welcoming him in. Fakuyu's figure was finally fully exposed to his eyes. It was a huge fishtail deep diver that was as tall as a thirty-story building.

He was entrenched in the ocean of dreams, and beside him was the nightmare altar that carried all of this, and countless gill people and deep divers who served him.

"Near God?"

Fakuyu's existence looked a little hard to figure out, and it was completely different from the smell of Pikeyu, but the power of this family was very easy to confirm.

Lv35, the real self-level, no longer the so-called blood blessing after transformation.

"So, you are starting to take over the position of that existence?" Youge naturally didn't understand what was going on, but this state looked like Fakyu was slowly approaching the form that Dagon recorded on the desk.

"Hahaha! No, it's just the blood that is agitated, occasionally releasing some internal potential.", Fakyu's face was rampant, more wanton than before: "How could that person need me to take over? What can really kill such a great god?"

"I'm just making preparations for the preparations of the Father God, otherwise what can a human child's body do?"

Big, change, the complete display of blood, this is what Fakyu is going to do, naturally, as the blood continues to highlight, he will also begin to approach that person, constantly showing his face, for the greatness of the deep diver to continue to move forward, facing the current.

Like a human hero.

"Oh? So you are ready to take over the great ambition and awaken that existence?"

Youge floated silently on the sea. The existence of R'lyeh was exactly what the Deep Diver Father God and his many believers had been doing all along.

"Hahahahaha! Lord Youge, awaken~", Fakyou did not answer Youge's question directly. Awaken the other party? This matter was very tempting, but he did not want to show it in front of this person. Instead, he slapped the water around him, and countless artists appeared beside him. Crazy artworks that recorded the changes in the royal city were neatly placed on the sea surface that looked like the ground.

"Compared to that, I really can't wait to show you some wonderful "art" in person!"

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