Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 923 A gift for Youge

It is the madness of the royal city, and also the freedom of the royal city.

The beginning of freedom, the fire of freedom, and the light of freedom.

The three types of works named by Fakuyu were neatly placed in front of Youge.

As his body shrank, Fakuyu began to shuttle among these so-called arts, showing Youge one by one the things that he did not know and recorded in his collection under freedom.

"These are all the prices of freedom. Everything has a price. Hahahaha~ Lord Youge, you really played this hand of cards unexpectedly."

Death, resentment, misery, regret,

This is just the simplest human nature. What's more, many people don't know why they have become consumables under freedom.

The compromise in the royal capital, the interests in the royal city, the emergence of the lightless layer, the transformation of the nobles, the wailing of the aliens, the spread of the mechanical city, and even two of the most interesting things were placed in front of Youge by Fakuyu.

Fink's suicide, Anthony's demise,

These are all artworks made by Fake for Youge.

Sculptures, paintings, woodcuts, oil paints, clay sculptures, abstracts. Various artistic techniques were used by him.

More than a dozen faces could not be seen clearly, but it was known that the other party was locked in the center of the kneeling man. A ray of light fell from the sky and scattered around the man.

A woman-like existence also fell behind the man, but there was a strange twisted sword behind her, and it was obvious that she was dead.

And at the end of this face that could not be seen clearly, there was a child in his teens, trapped in the darkness, unconscious.

This is Fink's suicide.

And the most puzzling thing among them may be the familiar Fink's face, which is so calm at this moment, without any waves. Under this more absurd performance portrayed by Fake, it highlights a little difference.

"Didn't the Demon Spider Clan avenge her?"

However, Youge didn't care about these, and asked Fake directly in a calm manner.

"Her, what can happen? Did they come in to cause trouble?"

With a smile, Fakuyu immediately put Anthony's disappearance in front of Youge. The difference is that most of the disappearing artworks are paintings, and there are no overly figurative sculptures.

Under the same beam of light, Anthony standing in the center seemed unchanged, calmly looking up and enjoying the breeze in the sky.

But as the next painting progressed, his body began to bend, and then another painting, the bent body began to rise and fall,

The next one, bulge,

The next one, tentacles are born,

Tentacles grow everywhere, tentacles are mixed, and the human form is lost

From calm to crazy, from controllable to completely rampaging, the last one only had a long tentacle that was retracted by itself and fiercely inserted into his body, which made all the tentacles in sight gradually disappear from the crazy dance.

"Lord Youge~ hehehe hahaha~ you know, I haven't decided how to end this work for you, but today when I saw you~, I suddenly thought of it~ hahahaha!"

Fakeyou walked in front of Youge, the ending, of course this last painting is not the final ending, the real ending has always been hidden in his heart.

Drawing board, brush, paint,

The tools for creating art were all placed in front of Fakeyou by those crazy artists, and the huge drawing board already had a dark background with a brilliant light.

Fakuyu raised his paintbrush, a crazy desire to create emerged in his body, his face was immersed in himself

"What paint should I use? Lord Youge~ What do you think should be used?"


"Red? Hehehehehehahaha~ It should be red indeed."

The paintbrush was unrolled, and he was not stumped by the color that Youge casually said. Fakuyu waved the tip of the brush, and a touch of red began to spread from the painting, like blood flowing out, rendering a large area of ​​the black background.

"Then what?"


"Green~ It's time to go green."

Another wave,

After the last stroke fell, Fakuyu immediately threw away all the tools and stared at the art specially made for Youge, full of excitement.

On the black background of the drawing board, a scattered dark green tentacle full of death and decay completely collapsed in the center. The only tentacle still inserted in the center of the tentacle group had a slightly bright color contrast, and the deep red blood slowly flowed out of the wound.

Along the gap between the tentacles, it slid onto the ground around it, dyeing the entire area where the light hit red.

"Hahahaha! He still has red blood, Lord Youge, did you know? After Anthony died, human-like blood flowed out of his body! Hahahaha!"

"Those people who were looking forward to and waiting for his death were also shocked. This person's body actually still has human existence! Hahahaha!"

Fakyou's naked laughter spread across the sea of ​​this dream, and a crazy sense of joy flourished in his heart.

"Where is that tentacle?"

Looking at the last painting calmly, Youge suddenly asked a question, asking about the green tentacle that stabbed itself to death.


The indifferent calm, the laughter stopped abruptly, and as Fakuyu's calm shoulders shrank inward, another more rampant laughter sounded.

"It was thrown under the lightless layer by his children, his descendants, and those people with the surname Siniro, and fell into the abyss~hahahahaha!"

"It seems that this is Anthony's last will! Hahahahaha!"

Mockery, disdain, and joy,

Fakuyu looked back at the still calm Youge, facing the other's body, and asked while laughing: "Lord Youge~ If you go to look for it, you may really be able to find that thing~hahahaha! Bring it back? Give it to the Siniro family?"

"Anthony's children, but they miss their father day and night~hahaha~"

The laughter continued, and Fakuyu was amused by his own interesting idea.

"You", Youge did not stop Fakyou's action. Perhaps in the past, he would really try this interesting idea, but now, what he wants to know more is.

"Are you creating paintings of Velvet?"

"Hahaha, oh? Hahaha~ Yes, of course, but it's not complete yet."

Calling out a few artists, some familiar things were also presented in front of him,

Vilvet's security clothing, the madness of the Rakshasa Bird, Ackerman's anger, the destruction of the auction, the siege of the Yishan City, and so on, were all recorded and produced here by him.

Even many small changes that occurred under the existence of these things were recorded one by one on the small paintings on the side.

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