Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 924 You don’t even deserve despair

"Thousand years~ Lord Youge, do you like these crazy things? They secretly set off a wave of Crimson School's past in order to target you, especially after the last show. Although the photo was not circulated, it still made most people know its ability and became more curious about your ability~"

"Why can an ordinary blood attribute ability grow so much to surpass other more powerful attributes?"

This profound hatred and time are still secretly entangled with Youge. Although Youge also knows these complicated potential information, he doesn't pay much attention to digging into everything in it.

"So you have figured out how to deal with me."

Youge looked at the other party silently. This guy did so much, but in fact he just wanted to test his existence.

This guy can do anything. Besides, the existence of wanting to target him has long been very obvious after the individual independence. This kind of madness, this idea of ​​trying to pull him into the existence of art, is not it what Youge noticed.

At this moment, after directly reclassifying the other party as an enemy, he didn't care that this was the other party's lair.

"We~hahaha~we haven't really figured it out yet, Lord Youge, you change too fast, why don't you tell me, tell me about your existence, so that we can try to find your weaknesses and see if we can kill you."

Fakyu didn't care, even if the relationship between the two sides was at its worst, they were still unusually calm until the moment of swords fighting.

"You don't know the existence."

Youge stood on the sea, his feet seemed to touch the sea surface, but it seemed that he couldn't touch it at all. The sense of existence of absolute alienation was exposed in Fakyu's eyes.

"Maybe you can ask him for help, Migo's existence will definitely know."

With a hint of human ridicule, just like the past control and dissatisfaction with Fakyu, with a strong disdain.

But then he didn't give the other party any chance. Youge continued to speak:

"I originally planned to reveal everything about the royal city, let despair come completely, from heroes to Yishan City, to completely overthrow the false prosperity of the royal city, and let all this place completely lose the glory they should have in their hearts."

"A royal city that is no longer a royal city, a royal city that is always in a state of destruction in despair, that's what I want."

"But you... you made me change my mind. You know, some people like to struggle repeatedly in despair, always like to fight against those who are stronger than themselves and cannot be touched. This can make them feel their own sense of existence and reflect their sense of superiority."

"This is human nature, really ridiculous human nature."

Youge's voice was calm, without any ripples, and in this slow explanation, Fakeyou's face became more embarrassed.

The existence of the estrangement that could not be detected, the idea of ​​being poked by the other party to seek help from Migo, and finally the words that made their existence all ridiculous.

"My art doesn't even cause you to miss it a bit?"

He didn't believe it. Fakyu didn't believe that this guy had thrown away his humanity so thoroughly. If that was the case, why did he come back?

What did he come back for? To play? To destroy? To mock?

But in the past thousand years, the other party didn't intervene at all, and even Yishan City was completely abandoned and freed by the other party.

Fakyu's madness didn't understand what Youge was thinking. This unfounded behavior made his madness begin to become disordered.

"Give up, you are still a human being, still the human being who is solidified in the existence of crimson matter. Even if you are independent, even if you have achieved a new self, your existence limits you."

Youge approached Fakyu, the crimson matter brain, the ability gained when facing Dagon for the first time, did improve Fakyu's thinking ability, but this improvement is also an absolute limitation. How can he easily get rid of the gift and help given by a god?

"If it weren't for this brain, do you really think you can withstand the coming of madness? Do you think you can really control yourself and not go to self-destruction?"

Youge's face remained the same, but the ridicule in his words made Fakyu hysterical.

These are all things that Youge has known for a long time. It's not like Kahayu's curse core, Pikeyu's ghoul manuscript, or Lan Ruisha's chaotic power.

Fakyu is still too far behind in all aspects.

"I have a new idea now, do you want to know?" After waiting for Fakyu to vent hysterically in the ocean of nightmares, Youge whispered again silently: "A new idea for you, do you want to know?"

The giant Fakyu surfaced, half of his head floated on the water, looking at this Youge who he absolutely could not stand with his own strength, silently waiting for the other party to continue.

"I have thought of how to find that existence, the existence filled with the sound of the celestial body."

An indescribable sense of shock emerged from Fakuyu's heart. He knew that the other party was definitely not talking nonsense. This absolute belief made him begin to recall the horrible scenes hidden in his blood memory in the past.

That deep memory that was triggered in the existence of the Desolate City.

"You once told me, and I have studied it carefully."

Yougexisao, will you personally experience the apocalyptic fear and despair? If you weren't in this doomsday, you wouldn't even be worthy of despair!

"Run away, otherwise you will lose hope."

You Ge's body returned to its own state, like eyes, like a rat man, like a human being, like clouds and mist. Intangible and undetermined, it transformed from the description of human voices into an expression of his existence uniquely.

The amorphous expression came to Fakiyu,

The ridicule from You Ge, the crazy ridicule from You Ge,

"You don't even deserve despair."

Barriers appeared and matter separated. The last glance before leaving also allowed Fakeyou to see the existence of a little void. The matter of the matte pot that seemed to be separated by water was completely different from Youge.

"Is this your current existence?"

Fakeyu's heart was still shaking crazily. The blood-filled celestial voice only had time for him to look at the other person for a moment before he once again entered into the torture of his crazy self.


But at this moment, in another place,

Pikyou, who was wearing a suit and leather tie, also appeared in the base of Na Ackerman and others, in the core area of ​​the Hanging City, an unknown secret place.

It's not difficult to find them. If you follow all the clues about You Ge's existence, the ultimate destination will definitely be these individuals.

It's late at night,

The slow, continuous sound of a cane hitting the ground filled the still air.

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