Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 96 Return to the Clockwork Factory in the Old Town

"Okay, then we'll have to wait until tomorrow for the results."

After this topic ended, the atmosphere in the room picked up again. With Marcelo as a foil, the two parties only exchanged a few words about various situations underground.

The most important thing is that both of them achieved their goals. Apart from playing the role of the heterogeneous Youge and only giving a few limited answers, Rios became more interested and kept talking about various interesting things about the underground.

Others really don't understand why this adult likes to share so many stories about themselves with a heterogeneous person today, but they are willing to listen to themselves and others and are reluctant to stop them.

It wasn't until You Ge couldn't listen anymore and took the initiative to remind the other party that he gave up.

"Hahaha~, I said so much without realizing it, please forgive me." Although Rios felt a little sorry in his heart, he was still full of naked and sultry enthusiasm.

"Without further delay, cooperation with the governor is the most important thing." You Ge had to remind him again.

"Okay." Rios turned his head with a smile and looked at the man with a grimace who was huddled next to him: "Marcelo! Go, see this adult off, don't let those human-faced spiders disturb you. grown ups."


There's no way to escape it,

If you had the courage to have both sides at the beginning, you must have the courage to bear the consequences of your own actions now.

Occasionally the thought of escaping crossed my mind, wondering where I could go in such a large underground place.

In desperation, he could only walk out with You Ge behind his back.

It was under this circumstance that walking through the courtyard just now made those underground people who were also living on the wall feel a slightly different atmosphere.

I hope they can see the situation clearly, otherwise Rios wouldn't mind letting them go find Giselle and the others.

"Lord Rios, us?" Several people watching Yu Ge leave with Rios by the window also let go of the embarrassment of being in the same place as a stranger.

"Go and monitor those wallflowers. If anything goes wrong this time, there is no need to be merciful!" Rios' eyes flashed across Marcelo behind Youge, and continued: "Send a few reliable people to take care of Yu Ge. The passage on the next floor is also under surveillance, and tomorrow is the day when all this ends!"


This alone was not enough. After a while, Rios not only sealed off the weapons depot, but also isolated all the warehouses storing poisonous fire.

Everyone could see that something was wrong now, and the entire farm was destined to be unable to sleep peacefully tonight.

Marcelo, who left with You Ge, was attacked by You Ge with malicious intent as soon as he walked out of the door.

In addition, he was already immersed in various emotions such as distress, and he lost his vigilance to the ever-changing intensity of malice around him.

Even if You Ge's back occasionally flashed in his sight, he couldn't react.

Now, this prey is so good, of course You Ge won't have any embarrassment.

Just like this, along the way, he gradually transformed from a normal underground man into a twisted human form covered with tentacles, and Marcel's consciousness had long been completely corrupted by malicious intent.

After casually collecting it, You Ge also accelerated his return to the surface.

At Orson's house, Emma, ​​who has nothing to do, recalls every bit of her time as a human being.

It was originally a passage left by our ancestors to save lives, but now it has become a reminder for them.

Martin had a sudden change, her husband died tragically, and all the female relatives in the family were turned into playthings. The Orson family became the laughing matter of others.

It's not that I haven't thought about what would happen if I broke away from Martin's control, but now I don't have the same sense of joy after I really break away.

Perhaps only by wallowing in desire can you numb yourself and forget all this.

Just when all kinds of distracting thoughts were running through her mind,

You Ge, who arrived at the exit of the passage, emerged from the ground in a flash and stepped into the room. He ignored Emma who was meditating on the seat and lay down on the ground to rest.

With the full strength of his body, he finally reached the ground.

The momentary difference comes from the sense of openness in the field of vision and the fragrance of the breath, which is immediately reflected.

"Huh, this underground man's nose does make some sense. Only these vengeful beings and other beings that don't need to breathe don't care about it.\

,"No matter how powerful You Ge is now, his understanding of himself still belongs to the category of human beings. In fact, in this case, you only need to use your own internal energy to maintain your own needs to filter out the sense of difference. There is still a way to go. You Ge gradually became familiar with this point.

Emma had already noticed Youge lying down. As soon as he got up, the latter waved his hand to indicate that he should continue sitting there.

At night, the Orson family fell into silence again.

The next morning,

After Youge woke up, he told Emma to prepare the passage, and then went to the nearby clockwork factory.

Nowadays, Youge is always a person who has shown his face. After everyone saw this, they lowered their heads.

As for the poor boy who died last time, he has long been forgotten.

After meeting Mr. Cheng, he was very surprised by You Ge's sudden visit. However, they had just met each other not long ago, and clues about those things cannot be found in a short time, and:

"Hall? Why did you come to me so quickly after disappearing for a few days? It seems like you have found something interesting!" He looked away from Youge's face, and in just a short moment he felt that Youge exuded a questioning aura.

"Go ahead, I'm not very busy here."

The gears nearby turned, and two brown sofas emerged from the ground: "Sit down and talk slowly."

How could Mr. Orange not see that many things seemed to have happened in the past few days from Youge's hesitant look. As one of his most favored professionals, he should also provide some help.

"The Ghost of the Orson Family", after telling the beginning of the story, Youge showed the seal in his hand: "Please explain to me, sir, what Martin said before his death meant."

It was only after Youge hesitated for a long time before he decided to ask Mr. Orange about the seal.

When Martin attracted his attention, he had the idea of ​​asking Mr. Orange, but he did not think carefully. It was not until now that he found some hidden problems.

What if this power is also attractive to a high-level person like Mr. Orange, and it may cause trouble if it is easily revealed.

After thinking about it in his mind, he realized that Mr. Orange must have known his information for a long time. Instead of thinking about it, he might as well ask directly. If he wanted this kind of power, why not share it with him.

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