Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 97 Negotiation

"It seems that you have also discovered the uniqueness of this power. I thought it would not be a good thing for you to know too much about this power at this level, but since you asked, I can tell you about it."

Mr. Orange's face, which had always been as calm as a well, also flashed a trace of memory: "This is a power called [sex]."

You Ge almost spit out when he heard this. The name of this power is really good.

Mr. Orange knew what You Ge was thinking without having to guess. When he first came into contact with this power, he was also full of complaints, but he had to continue talking about it.

"【Sex】 is generally divided into two types. The first type is called sex recognized by the world. When you get close to my level, you will naturally come into contact with it, but you don't need to know too much now. The second type is the power you are in contact with now, in other words, the sex recognized by the world.

From the name, you know that it must be recognized by countless creatures before it is born. Although I don't know where you got it from, there is one thing you must remember. If the world that recognizes and has seen this power dies, the power of this seal will disappear immediately.

So remember not to easily reveal the place where you get this power, your enemies will not miss any opportunity to weaken your ability.

But before that, it is an existence that can be compared with the first type of 【Sex】, and naturally it will have a very high suppression effect in the corresponding field.

And it has the same purpose as the title given to you by the power, but it depends on how you use it.


The title, if Mr. Cheng didn't say it, Youge would not have actively associated it with it. In comparison, the two are indeed very similar.

According to this understanding of the power of the seal, it is actually much simpler, just like the human world's recognition of a power with its own unique properties, compared to the world or great power, it is a recognition title for professionals. The result is that one is just countless humans, and the other is the world.

And if humans perish, there is naturally no recognition to speak of. As for the demise of the world, it is more than a little difficult, so the latter is definitely more reliable for everyone.

After thinking it through, Youge was more relieved about Mr. Cheng's instructions. In this world, let alone being able to contact the place where he got the seal, it's like finding it is impossible.

And let alone other people, even he can't easily go there now.

As for the disappearance of the seal, the stability of the seal on Youge's back is enough for Youge to use countless times.

And Youge doesn't have to worry about this at all. Although the birth of this seal was stolen from other puppets by Marian Shaw, it was the work of a true master. His popularity in that world is comparable to that of countless great men. Although there are still many controversies about the degree of good and evil, those followers will never care about these things, and the faith will be passed on forever.

Advice from Mr. Jigsaw: "Live or die, Make your choice."

Returning to the present,

After asking about the seal, Youge talked about the underground people, from the farm to the cooperation ideas of the underground people's faction.

"Hahahaha!", along with Youge's words, Mr. Orange couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, I understand. Hall, you really gave me a big surprise."

Turning around and releasing several different weird clockwork gear creations from the console, he said: "I didn't expect those underground people to choose this method. In fact, the research on dark vision and breathing began as early as after we discovered the mountain mine. Over the years, I don't know how many generations of complete products have been updated. Regarding cooperation, I think we can completely open up a new situation!"

Looking at the series of instructions next to those bizarre clockwork creations, Youge's heart couldn't help but ripple. If these things are brought underground, let alone factional disputes, they can completely pull all the underground people into their own camp! Moreover, the underground people chose to completely alienate for better survival. If these problems can be solved from the equipment, why would they choose to lose their human form and alienate?

Moreover, the embarrassing situation of the Clockwork Center in the Royal City is also because the heavy clockwork gear-like metal transformation style cannot be accepted by other humans. In this regard, even if a new and more beautiful style appears, it is probably not going to change the situation. Instead, it is better to shift the attention to the underground people and wait for a new technology that can change the situation to appear, and then look for a breakthrough in the Royal City.

Mr. Orange naturally thought of all this. The intelligence 01 that belongs to Mr. Orange also simulated a plan in a short time. According to this situation, even the construction of the new city area can be temporarily put aside. After all, those who make trouble are not so easy to talk to.

"What do you think, Hall? 01's plan has basically further improved the situation you mentioned before." As the biggest contributor this time, Mr. Orange naturally cannot ignore him, and Youge is a person who has been to the underground in person, and perhaps he can find something interesting in the details.

"01 has done a great job on the plan, but what do you think about the underground people's so-called poisonous fire explosives, Mr. Orange?"

"Poison fire?" What You Ge mentioned made Mr. Cheng a little confused about the other party's intentions. What do you think? What can you think about this kind of thing: "Items made purely for power can only have a destructive effect on the human body. There are currently no effective utilization points on the way to improve self-power."

Mr. Orange gave a very pertinent evaluation. Indeed, many people believe that the existence of poisonous fire cannot effectively achieve self-improvement except for the power of explosions. After that, it is completely reduced to a "foreign object", and at higher levels A level of 100 can definitely eliminate personal weaknesses, and it is difficult for this kind of explosion to have a miraculous effect.

"What if this kind of explosion increases to several levels?"

"Improvement?" Mr. Cheng really didn't think about it this way, but now he understood what You Ge meant, just like a child who suddenly noticed the attraction of this novel thing. For a person who is completely devoted to professional level improvement, he really needs some other things to entertain and enrich his heart.

Following this idea, Mr. Orange said: "The explosion of this mixture is related to the secretions of the two creatures. Investing a lot of resources in upgrading their levels can increase the explosion level, but the development of this explosion is also Limited." He could only provide You Ge with a more rational view.

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