Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 958: Concerns of the Horned Rat

The Horned Rat Universe is a universe that was completely conquered by the Horned Rat and turned into a boundless continent.

The huge Black Death Throne towers high on the top mountain of the continent. There is no trace of light in the black sky. The dark universe shows its due depth without any cloud cover.

Looking at the airspace near the mainland, it is completely surrounded by black plague. Relying on sporadic black light, the whole world has organs that can adapt to receiving light and can operate normally.

And the existence of this continent is also undergoing its own, special up-and-down rotation in the circulation of the plague.

From the teasing of the Horned Rat, he put the plundered lives on this continent. Every once in a while, gravity would reverse, and his throne would appear at the highest point of the continent, or appear. At the lowest point of this continent, those lovely creatures will continue to crawl through the rat-men's habitat in their dying days, bringing them entertainment.

It is the beginning of another reversal. After the gravity is reversed, the throne of the Horned Rat is at the bottom. The back of the continent filled with black particles has become a place where everyone is scrambling to be safe and sound without being captured by any rat people, and suddenly fall into the dark universe. The destination of tragic fate.

Just after this twist was over,

The existence of the Chaos Cults came to find this horned rat.

"The ancient rat people record that you were also a follower of the Chaos Saint?" Under the chaos-colored robes, a hoarse voice asked from the side of the Black Death Throne of the Great Horned Rat.

This unpleasant world, whether it is the plague or the distorted gravity, all violate the perception of normal life.

With some awkward adaptation, these members of the Chaos Cults floated in the air free of gravity one by one.

The believer who spoke out also continued:

"The recorded picture says that you were also born from the power of the Chaos Saints. The powerful rat-man ruler, the boundless great cosmic connection driver, and the sensing device that synchronizes all intelligences were all created by the Chaos Saints. "

It is not just about the description of the picture. This inquiry to the Big Horned Rat is also mixed with the pride of the Chaos Religions. There is a faint sense of showing off in the silence of the Big Horned Rat, and it does not get the due feedback.

"The great horned rat, the destroyer of the universe, the spreader of the black plague, are you willing to help us destroy the existence of the four gods of chaos, return everything to chaos, and adapt to the existence of the saints of chaos, for the sake of great unification? !”

Although they were somewhat dissatisfied with the silence of the Horned Rat, these believers did not dare to express anything. After hinting at the potential connection between the Chaos Saints and the Horned Rat, they turned to ask about their true purpose and then rearranged themselves. attitude.

"The condition they gave me was... the right to destroy all universes in the Kingdom of Chaos." The horned rat's voice kept roaring, and a black sense of destruction fell out of thin air, surrounding the believers as if they were enemies.

"Hahaha, the right of destruction is the right of destruction that needs to be carried out by yourself, right?" It seemed not surprising that the believers were not even more stressed by the words of the horned rat than the sense of destruction.

"They no longer have control over the universe. When will the existence of chaos give them real control over the universe?"

"Great Horned Rat, destroying a universe does not mean that they will evacuate their followers from the universe. What's more, you may have to pay more... Moreover, if you want to destroy a universe, do you still need their approval? ?”

The sense of destruction around the believers disappeared. What these believers said was indeed what the horned rat thought. However, the difference was that the horned rat still had some other concerns in his heart, which came from the inertia of Yuge's existence. He wanted to do something in his heart, but he kept telling him that TheRed did not come back in vain, and his silence for such a long time was not in vain either!

There must be greater fear waiting for them. How could this person care about his existence?

What he needs is to find his own vitality in this time.

Chaos Saint? Haha, if this person would care about this title, if this person would care about the existence of Chaos, he would not unify everything like this, and truly belong to Chaos instead of himself.

"Great Horned Rat, there is no conflict between destruction and returning to Chaos. If we return the evil god to Chaos, you will not only have the right to destroy all the universe, but no one will continue to disobey you in the universe. Will, these four do not exist for destruction.”

There is no doubt that from another perspective, returning to chaos is actually destruction, but their destruction will send everything into chaos, instead of watching the universe be destroyed in front of them.

Similarly, even so, didn't the finally destroyed universe actually flow into chaos quietly? It's just a small, one-sided existence that doesn't know it.

"I know, I will show up at the right time."

The Horned Rat leaned on his Black Death Throne, with a familiar posture, but he was not staring at the energy vortex that You Ge once had. He was silent and did not give any further response to the group of believers, as if this casual agreement was just perfunctory.

"Praise be to the great Horned Rat."

The leader under the robe stopped the other believers from asking questions. With a slight smile, he led everyone away from here. Yes, he did not need the rigorous reply from the Big Horned Rat. He came here to remind the other party that the existence of the Four Evil Gods was not so reliable, and he must not fall into false lies.

And now, he has also potentially proved the attitude of the Big Horned Rat, which is enough.


After leaving the Big Horned Rat universe, these believers came to the Hell Star in the Chaos Kingdom, a floating building that existed on the Hell Star and floated far away from the ground, which they called the appearance of Chaos.

Chaos Temple,

The only building in the Chaos Kingdom now, and the only great habitat in this Chaos Kingdom.

"The next holy war will begin a hundred years later, and the great Chaos will have more high-level followers, and the counterattack against them will open a new curtain!", Gray Saint, the current leader of the Chaos Church, is also the only one who survived on the Hell Star and appeared a little bit of controllable Hell Star appearance carrier.

Clear will, perfect control,

An independent being who has acquired the power of the appearance of Hell Star, is definitely not a puppet life under Youge's control.

"A hundred years? Lord Gray Saint, a hundred years is not enough for our universe to recover sufficiently..."

The believers below questioned, this is just a holy war that has just ended for less than a thousand years, and it seems a bit too hasty to start a new battle here.

"No, the time has come, new saints have appeared, new universes and new followers, the great Chaos Saint has descended on the revelation of chaos, and we will reach a new heyday in a hundred years!"

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