Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 959: The appearance of the Hell Star that grows automatically

Revelation of the Saints of Chaos,

The Gray Saint's words instantly stunned all the other Saints who were listening.

Revelation, what a wonderful word, for their belief, for their following, if they can get the slightest feedback from the latter, it will mean the absolute recognition of the followers, and now they finally get it.

"The revelation has appeared. The great Chaos will open its arms to us. The face of Chaos will favor every one of his followers. Under the great favor, we will all become Gray Saints!"

The Gray Saint's robe was opened, and the hell star's appearance that filled half of his body squirmed and waved in front of all the believers.

"Lord Gray Saint, can we?"

It's not doubt or disbelief. After all, it is the existence of revelation. But the fear and awe of the appearance of the Hell Star cannot be explained casually in one sentence. The long-term use of the appearance of the Hell Star and the relationship with the four evil gods Confrontation, these things are absolutely terrifying in their eyes.

And now, just because of the sudden words of the Gray Saint, they are all required to re-perform the so-called Chaos Demon Ascension Ceremony?

Chaos ascends to demon,

The ritual that belongs to their Chaos Religion is also a ritual with a sharp drop in the survival rate of the number of participants. Compared with the demon ascension ritual of the four evil gods, it is almost 100% dead.

After all... from the beginning to the end, only the Gray Saint succeeded in ascending the demon from Chaos.

reality and ideals,

Apocalypse and Chaos Ascension,

This is the reason why the Chaos Religions are completely connected. The revelation came, and all the Chaos Religions became demons to welcome the greatness of Chaos.

"Hahahaha! Someone is coming!"

The Gray Saint did not have any refutation. Even he had doubted these things not long ago, but this time the revelation represented something completely different.

Click, click, click,

As the Gray Saint walked down, a group of figures wearing the same robes as him walked out from the corner on the other side.

The long-distance running of the Gray Saints, the permeating aura of chaotic faces, and the pervasive feeling that gradually frightened these ordinary believers, completely emanated from these people.

"Lord Gray Saint? Is this? Really successful?!"

"Hahahaha! Yes, take off your robes!"

Seeing the fear of the congregation below him, the Gray Saint's face showed a look of complete excitement for the greatness that was about to come. The same believers who followed his command all took off their injured Gray Saint robes.

The unified appearance of the hell star is filled with the terror that they call the appearance of chaos. It grows on their bodies and is perfectly controlled.

"Sir! Us!"

This time there is no need for the Gray Saints to continue to explain. This group of returning believers clearly realized who these successful people are. They are elites who were personally selected and trained to perform the demon ascension ceremony, and there are not many of them. They all successfully completed the Demon Ascension Ceremony!

"Hahahaha! Get ready. In a hundred years we will collectively counterattack the Four Evil Gods and return everything to Chaos, to the great Chaos Saints!"

Praise for Chaos resounded in the suspended temple, and the terrifying aura that permeated the Hell Star also slowly floated to the temple amid the praise, gently caressing, drilling in and out bit by bit, without any traces. It did not affect the existence of the temple in the slightest.


The praises in the Chaos Temple are endless. Just as the Gray Saint said, every day, batches of saints feel the gift of the hell star's appearance, and they drill out in batches and spread invisibly. Into various different universes.

Little by little, the flames of war were ignited, and small-scale outbreaks broke out again and again. One by one, the subordinates of the Four Gods of Chaos fought until their death.

Until the last hundred years come,

A new holy war was immediately launched, and countless owners of hell star appearances were wreaking havoc in the universe controlled by the evil god, bringing all existence into the so-called chaos, and maliciously destroying all existence.

At this time, behind all these crowds, in the seemingly empty Chaos Temple, a red-clothed being quietly appeared.

"Is there no one here? These guys really don't worry about this place...but also, no one will appear in such a place."

Chaos Temple, this temple today has long been completely occupied by the appearance of the Hell Star.


It’s not occupation, but an existence with the appearance of a hell star naturally grew out of this temple of chaos. It’s not Youge’s pollution, nor the deliberate relief of those saints. This is the natural existence, from the saints. It grows out of every part of the temple.

Stone, wood, cloth, moisture, diamond, iron,

Everything has the appearance of the hell star, and the existence of human beings and life also has the appearance of the hell star. Of course, they prefer to call it the appearance of chaos. It grows from every part of the body, permeates every part, and even grows out of the spirit and personal inner existence naturally and adaptably to the appearance of a hell star.

"What an unexpected existence. I didn't expect that the first thing to appear would be a dead thing without any intelligence."

Floating in the interior of this temple, Yuge, who had finished everything, caressed the appearance of every hell star that existed, and that wonderful feeling filled every part of his perception.

Different from the existence of the first Gray Saint, although it was not created by Youge actively, the association between them was not so natural. An unexpected fusion of attributes created everything about this person.

Countless years of pursuit, from the combination of attributes outside to the creation of similar Gray Saint cases under the control of attributes, these were not the results that Youge wanted. It was not until later that this unexpected situation appeared on the temple that Youge discovered an absolute display of power.

The existence of transcendence, the absoluteness of the superior,

This can actually be said to be a recognition of existence.

The advantage of the higher level over the lower level is generally stronger than the power of the higher level, and this cognition needs to be discovered by others. Only when it exists as a more general form can it be expressed.

Just like the existence of chaotic human nature, only within human nature, in the cognition and control of human nature, can the superior exist.

For the superior manifestation of human nature, it is naturally meaningless in other existences without humanity. This is also vividly demonstrated by Youge when he was fighting against the four evil gods.

"Power, superiority, is actually my deep understanding of my own existence. If my existence is not so special, and I have my own world to rely on myself, then I have already been a superior from the bottom to show my strength."

Universal, general,

After all, it still makes Youge's existence show a more perfect expression. Any existence has an ordinary side, and Youge is even more so. He has achieved his independence and specialness, and also has the general that is broken down into pieces.

General super-limited evil, general Kong, general infinite existence.

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