After listening to this, Weipa was silent. He hesitated for a long time and asked:

"You are here to defeat God, so if that's the case, will you take away our Golden City?"

Luffy chuckled and said, "I know what you are worried about, Weipa. Although the Golden City is magnificent, it is not our destination. The Golden City is just a node in our adventure.

We may visit the Golden City, but we will not destroy it.

Taking away your home is meaningless to us. We hope that you, the Shandia clan, can live in peace with the people of Sky Island in the future.

Ending this 400-year-long chaotic civil war, the unnecessary internal consumption of this Sky Island will stop. , maybe the entire Sky Island will become the new [Golden Town] in the future. "

Wepa was dumbfounded: "This... is it possible for this to happen?"

Sanji lit a cigarette:

"Yes! You Shandians and Sky Islanders have been at war for many years, but you can't destroy each other because your two tribes have conflicting interests and are evenly matched.

As long as there is an absolutely powerful force involved in this war, your disputes over the years will lose their meaning. "

Luffy took out a book:

"Let's not talk about these for now. This is the navigation diary I asked for from Mont Blanc Kulikate."

"Mont Blanc? Mont Blanc Rolando's Mont Blanc?" Wepa's eyes widened.

"That's right! This is the navigation diary of [Big Liar] Mont Blanc Rolando." Luffy was very sure.

Weipa took the wrinkled diary and stroked it:

"Big Liar? I didn't expect that people in Qinghai also call Rolando the Big Liar! But although it's not right, it's not far off. Rolando, after all, broke his promise to his ancestors!"

Robin also laughed: "Broken his promise? That's not necessarily true! After coming here, I vaguely guessed that the reason why Rolando didn't come back to meet your ancestors again is because he couldn't come at all!"

Wepa said angrily:

"What does this mean? You said our ancestors were hard to come by. Is it possible that you made a mistake?"

Luffy patted Weipa on the shoulder:

"What is the truth? You can find out by opening it."

Wepa opened the diary with doubt. Rolando's diary did record an immortal friendship across time, which is also the most romantic interpretation of human pursuit of adventure-

It turned out that 400 years ago, Rolando's adventure team accidentally came to Gaya Island because of the attraction of the mysterious bell and saved the Shandia tribe who were deeply trapped in the plague.

Rolando and the Shandia tribe's [Great Warrior] Calgara established a deep friendship and became close friends.

But later, in order to eradicate the threat of the plague, Rolando and his companions accidentally cut down the Shandia tribe's [Sacred Tree], which made them hate the Shandia tribe.

The misunderstanding was not revealed until Rolando and Calgara were about to part.

Cargara ran to the sea with full of regret and guilt, and swore to Rolando who was gradually going away that he would keep ringing the golden bell, so that the beautiful bell sound would guide the two to meet again.

After returning home, Rolando told the story of the Golden Country. The greedy king was attracted by the gold and asked Rolando to lead the fleet to the Golden Country again.

But when Rolando and his team finally arrived at Gaya Island after all the hardships, the Shandia tribe and part of the island had completely disappeared!

Rolando was desperate, and finally Rolando was executed by the angry king, and he has been carrying the infamy of a big liar.

Weipa said: "Isn't this the experience of Rolando and his ancestors meeting each other? Ancestor Calgara never waited for Rolando to meet him again until his death... Wait!"

Luffy smiled and said: "Do you finally realize it now?"

Wepa couldn't believe it, tears streaming down his face: "We, Gaya Island, the Golden Bell, etc. were all washed here, and the Golden Bell has long been lost, so where can Rolando find it...

Part of Gaya Island was washed up to a height of 10,000 meters by huge waves! The two close friends held regrets and never met again!

Ancestor Calgara was so that he could meet again The battle just started!"

Robin was also shocked by the huge amount of information:

"It seems that the Island of God is really the Golden Town that was washed up by a huge upwelling current 400 years ago! And the truth of the fairy-tale friendship that spanned 400 years is actually like this!

Then, what about the Golden Bell? Since it has been washed away since then, it is impossible that there is no trace. "

Luffy affirmed:

"The Golden Bell must also be somewhere on the island, and we will also ring the Golden Bell to fulfill our promise to Kulikate!"

Yes, this is the truth of the friendship that spanned 400 years.

Gan Fowl also had mixed feelings:

"Is that the case? The source of the contradiction Arpayard, the island carrying the legendary Golden Town, was originallyThe land of the Shandians!

The Sky Islanders' enthusiasm for land and their desire to compete with the Shandians for land have become the fuse of this 400-year war! "

Wepa couldn't help crying: "If our ancestors have never been broken, then what have we been fighting for in the past 400 years!"

"Live together! Live above this sky with the Sky Islanders! 400 years of hatred should not exist!"

Gan Ful stretched out his hand to Wepa.

Luffy said solemnly:

"Now, you should slowly discuss how to go next! Since the dispute between the Shandians and the Sky Islanders should not exist, your handshake today will be a historic moment!

The next priority is to quickly deal with Enelu, the false god of Sky Island, and return Sky Island to a peaceful and clean sea!"

Wepa cheered up: "Yes! There is no need for the Shandians to fight anymore! I will explain it clearly when I go back! Luffy, can you give me this diary? I want to bury it in the tomb of my ancestors!"

Luffy nodded: "Of course! The Mont Blanc family will never refuse after knowing the truth!"

Gan Foul bent down and said:

"Next, can I really ask you to take care of Sky Island? We must defeat Enelu! If you need us to do anything, please just ask, we will do it!"

"Of course!" The Straw Hat Pirates said in unison.

"Our pre-war preparations are to prevent all possible unexpected situations from happening, and we must never let Enelu have the opportunity to destroy Sky Island!" Usopp cheered everyone up.

At the same time, at Angel Beach, the Golden Merry, which had returned to the voyage, slowly landed under the control of Merry, with only one person on board.

"Haha, this is the legendary Sky Island, what a beautiful view! "

Mr. Yixiao got off the boat, his observation Haki activated, feeling everything around him, and walked slowly towards the city on the road formed by the clouds.

Luffy was the first to sense Mr. Yixiao's arrival, and walked out to welcome him in:

"How is it? Mr. Yixiao, if this place can become the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, the Revolutionary Army will no longer have to hide!" Luffy said happily.

"Very good! There is no such beautiful scenery in the world! But we still need to get the consent of the people of Sky Island! We can also find a way to transfer some people here first!"

Yixiao was as happy as a child at this time.

Luffy's eyes were like torches:

"That will be no problem! The trouble we are facing now is the so-called [God] Enelu of Sky Island. Judging from what he has done, he is very likely to choose to destroy Sky Island! He is the [Natural System·Thunder Fruit] ability user!

At that time, we will go to war with him, and we will also trouble Mr. Yixiao to protect this Sky Island and the people living here! ”

Currently, the Straw Hat Pirates do not have a large-scale offensive and defensive capability, so with a suitable powerful force to help raid the formation, every blade of grass and tree on Sky Island can be protected.

“Wow, the Thunder Fruit? A powerful ability that has not appeared in 200 years, that’s really a big deal! Does this [God] want to destroy Sky Island? Then we must stop him.

It’s okay, Luffy and others can fight with confidence, and leave the rest to me!”

He promised with a smile.

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