After discussing with everyone, Weipa returned to the tribe as quickly as possible to restrain the tribe members and canceled the original attack on Arpaiado.

Weipa's move was naturally puzzled and opposed by the tribe members, but when Rolando's sailing diary appeared, the tribe members of Shandia were silent.

They couldn't believe that the ancestors of Caldora had wrongly blamed Rolando, and they couldn't believe that the 400-year battle of the tribe was a joke.

When the truth came out, even if the Shandia tribe couldn't believe it, they had to admit that their war was meaningless no matter how they looked at it.

After that, Weipa called on everyone to live in peace with the Sky Islanders and gradually eliminate the barriers. He was most pleased that from now on, the tribe members no longer needed to steal [Bass], and Shaqi, Aisha, Kamlido, etc. no longer needed to live on thin ice.

Although they encountered great resistance at first, the Shandia tribe was not unreasonable after all.

Weipa told his people that he had reached a consensus with the [Old God] Gan Ful, and that no more wars with the Sky Islanders were allowed. He also gathered the people around Apayard and stopped challenging Enelu.

The Shandia people will soon be able to return to Apayard and live with the Sky Islanders. They will no longer have to fight for land! People living under the same sky will work together to make progress!

The [God] of Sky Island does not need them to confront each other every day, because the [God] will soon cease to exist!

The Shandia people said they could not understand and could not believe it, but Weipa restrained the people and said that time would prove everything.


Apayard, the central temple.

Enelu was lying on the main seat bored, with four [priests] kneeling below him.

Enelu claimed to be a [God], so he naturally had to accept the worship of the [priests].

Enel wears a white headscarf, his earlobes hang down on both sides, his upper body is bare-chested, and his lower body is wearing bloomers. He looks arrogant, and there is a huge thunder drum behind him. He wears several gold rings on his hands, and holds a scepter made of pure gold.

Enel has four [priests] under his command-

Gedaz, in charge of the [Trial of the Swamp] with a survival rate of 50%.

Sadli, in charge of the [Trial of the Ball] with a survival rate of 10%.

Shura, in charge of the [Trial of the Rope] with a survival rate of 3%.

Ohm, in charge of the [Trial of the Iron] with a survival rate of 0%


Enel's devilish laughter echoed in the temple, and the four [priests] were full of fanaticism, as if Enel was really a [God].

Enelu said frivolously:

"Recently, a group of Qinghai people invaded the Kingdom of God. I have issued the God's Sanction. But they did not die, and disappeared inexplicably at Angel Beach. They dared to disobey me.

And what worries me is that there seems to be another Qinghai person recently, but I can't even observe that person!"

The [Priest] immediately agreed and volunteered:

"Lord Enelu is a God, and the orders of God cannot be disobeyed! I will send someone immediately Go and capture them and bring them to the emperor!"

Enelu was bored:

"Hahahahaha! That's it! Go and bring those Qinghai people here! Go and bring those Qinghai people who disobeyed the gods here! This is a trial!"

[Trial of the Ball] priest Shadley asked:

"Excuse me, Lord God, the Shandians, and the [Old God] Gan Ful who suddenly reappeared recently..."

Enelu raised his eyebrows when he heard this:

"Don't worry about them! If they dare to attack [God], I will Sanction and destroy them!

It seems that they are very close to the Qinghai people. If you meet them, just execute them on the spot! "

The [priests] laughed wildly:

"Subordinates have received orders!"

Enel held up the golden scepter, and the whole Apayard was thundering and lightning, and the wind and thunder were rolling. He also transformed into thunder:

"Wow hahahahaha! I am the [God] of Thunder! Participate in the trial and try to survive, humble insects!

Those who survive will serve [God] and board the Ark [ [Proverbs], follow the gods to the infinite land! "

The [priests] echoed excitedly:

"[God] must not be disobeyed! [God] is omnipresent! [God] knows everything!"

Enel was very satisfied:

"The Ark [Proverbs] will be completed soon. By then, this ugly Sky Island will no longer have any need to exist. The Shandians and Sky Islanders will be destroyed under the punishment of God as the Ark [Proverbs] sets sail!"

"Follow the oracle!"

All the [priests] below were already insane.



Conis's house.

Gan Ful has left, Yixiao is ready to stay in Sky Island City, and the Straw Hat Pirates are ready to set off.

DoorSuddenly there was a commotion outside:

"Stray people, please get out of the way! Lord Enel, the [God] of Sky Island, has issued the [Oracle] personally!"

The residents of Sky Island on both sides of the street immediately lowered their heads in trembling.

The [Priests] outside shouted:

"Request: Invaders from Qinghai! [God's Kingdom] treats outsiders equally, and all must accept the [God's] trial!

People of Qinghai, you humble bugs, get out and kneel down to accept the [God's] order! Lord Enel, the [God], ordered us [Priests] to capture the invaders and bring them before the emperor! You must not disobey God!"

Pagaya and Conis were very nervous:

"Priest! It's the servant of the [Trial Priest] under Enel! You must be careful!"

Nami gave Conis Si gave Conis a relieved expression, signaling Conis to stay calm:

"Just a bunch of clowns, it seems that they are chess pieces sent by Enel to test!"

Mr. Yixiao silently sensed the mob shouting outside the house, and suddenly laughed:

"Haha, Luffy, is this the [little trouble] you encountered on Sky Island? You actually regarded us as invaders? It seems that you are very disdainful of us outsiders."

Chopper clenched his fists in anger: "You actually said we are bugs!"

Ajin pretended to rush out of the door to kill them all.

Luffy smiled at this time:

"Don't worry, they are just cannon fodder sent by that jumping clown Enelu. They are provocative like this, it seems that they want to know the details of us."

Usopp also smiled and loaded the sniper rifle:

"Do you need me to snipe them one by one?"

Zoro said helplessly:

"This is in a residential area. It will be troublesome if you snipe them all. What, if a mad dog bites us, we have to bite the mad dog back?"

Robin crossed his legs:

"But I am very unhappy to let these dispensable pawns for Enelu continue to disturb the people outside."

Sky Island and his daughter stared at everyone in amazement, not knowing what to do:

"You guys are... too leisurely! Are these [priests] really that unbearable?"

Chopper whispered:

"However, I will transform and kill them. Are they all scared away?"

Nami took Chopper aside:

"Don't worry! If you do this, they will become even more aggressive. They have already identified us as illegal immigrants. Why are we still being so polite to them?"

Mr. Yixiao said happily:

"It's okay, leave it to me! It's a power that I have just mastered. Let me try to calm down all the flies outside!"

Luffy became interested:

"Oh? Mr. Yixiao, are you going to use the power of [Numerous Fruit] to suppress them all?"

Yixiao shook his head:

"No, Luffy. I just participated in the glorious revolutionary cause some time ago and have officially awakened the Domineering Haki. Let me try this ability!"

Luffy's eyes lit up: The admiral in the original work did not join the navy that was restricted everywhere, but awakened the Domineering Haki. It's reasonable, right!

Navy: Reasonable ass!

The flies outside hadn't reacted yet. They only saw a blind old swordsman quietly walk out of the house. Just as he was about to shout something, he began to foam at the mouth, and began to fall down one after another, twitching all over.

Yixiao released a strong and extremely domineering aura to the priests who were shouting outside, and the group of priests immediately fell to the ground unconscious.

"Well, it's quiet now." Yixiao laughed and returned to the house.

Luffy exhaled:

"Let's go, partners! It's time to go! No need to endure, no need for any strategy. All enemies blocking our way can be cleared, and we will have no rivals in front of us!"

"Got it! Captain!" The partners were full of fighting spirit.

The nine members of the Straw Hat Pirates passed the unconscious priests, ignored the Sky Islanders with different expressions around the street, and went straight to Arpayard.

Unlike the original work, the Straw Hat Pirates did not choose to split up, nor did they prepare any battle plan, but all set off for Arpaiado where the Golden City is located.

What priest, what a shitty trial, this is not a trial, this will just be a one-sided crushing.

With absolute strength, there is no need for any tricks, just push forward and directly attack Enelu, anything else is redundant.

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