Finally, when it was time for dinner, his father came back to eat, and his mother released him from the cellar.

"Your good son sees that he is riding a majestic horse with a high head and wants to follow him, so don't let us?" Hu Ziniang has been angry since the afternoon, whether the family lacks his food or lacks his clothes, and even wants to go with others. Those who have left their hometowns do not know when they will be able to come back. Do you think it is a good thing? When did this kid have such an idea.

Hu Zi's father looked at his son in surprise, "Why do you want to go with others?"

Hu Zi knelt down directly to his father, "Father, I don't want to strike iron, I want to learn my skills and get ahead. I know I'm not a student, so I want martial arts. When I saw the uncle Qiu who was riding a horse, I knew he could Teach me. Dad..."

"You little brat, you don't want parents anymore? I only gave birth to you in ten months of my pregnancy, and you are so cruel. What's wrong with our life? There are not many families in the village that can compare to ours. What else do you have? I'm not satisfied." Seeing that Hu Ziniang still didn't give up and wanted to beg his father, she suddenly became furious, and she was so angry that she wanted to start whipping again. His younger brothers and sisters stood by and were afraid to speak out.

"Mother, I didn't want you, I'll come back to see you. Isn't Uncle Qiu often coming to the village to look for Uncle Zhou? He will definitely bring me back then." Hu Zi didn't dare to dodge, and knelt down. bear.

"You know again? No one said they wanted you, so you were sure he would take you away? Your uncle on Wednesday will also move out, you know, it's spread all over the village, and a group of people who came on horseback today are here to pick you up. His family left." Hu Ziniang said, poking his head with her fingers.

Hu Zi was surprised, he was locked up by his mother for an afternoon, he never went out, and he didn't know anything. But he didn't respond slowly, "Mom, Dad, wouldn't it be better if Uncle Wednesday would also go together. We are from a village, how could he take care of me, why don't you worry?"

When his mother heard this, she wanted to kick him again, but she still didn't give up.

Hu Zi's father reached out and stopped him, "Don't fight, he is determined to go with others, you are useless to fight." After that, he asked Hu Zi, "Tell father, when did you get up? thought?"

"The first time I saw him riding into the village, I was very envious. Later, I saw him riding a horse with Zhou Yong and the others, watching them ride on the horse, and the happy and wanton feeling of the horse running made me feel Very yearning, I just want to learn my skills with him."

"Why do people teach you, you are a country boy who has nothing, why should someone take you by your side? Have you ever thought about it?" Hu Zifa frowned. He was a young iron man in the town, and he had also seen some All kinds of people, he doesn't think that based on his son's wishful thinking, people are willing to take him.

Hu Zi gritted his teeth. He also knew that people might not want him, but this was his only chance. If he couldn't go with Uncle Qiu, he really had to stay in the village and learn to strike with his father.

"Father, I will go and beg him, please let me try it, otherwise I will not be reconciled." He kowtowed to his father.

"You child, if you leave, what will your parents do?" Hu Ziniang saw that her eldest son was determined to leave, and couldn't help but feel sad. , Thinking of this, she was very sad.

"Please make it happen, I won't come back. Please let me try it out. If it doesn't work... I'll give up."

Hu Zi's father saw that his son had made up his mind, and their parents couldn't stop him. If he sneaked away, it would be even worse.

"Since you've made up your mind, your parents won't stop you. Go try it out and see if they want to accept you and take you away."

Parents cannot beat their children. In the war between parents and children, it is always the child who wins.

With his father's approval, Hu Zi happily wiped away tears, kowtowed, got up and ran out, hoping they didn't leave so quickly.

The village is not that big. He ran as fast as he could, and when he saw a row of people squatting at the corner of Uncle Wednesday's house from a distance, he felt relieved.

Zhou Yong and the others saw Hu Zi running in front and looked at him suspiciously. Their relationship was not very good. What was he doing here? Didn't you come to say goodbye to them? Seeing that he really ran up to them, Zhou Yong stood up and said, "What are you doing."

"I want to find Uncle Qiu, is he inside?" The courtyard door was not closed, Hu Zi stretched his neck and looked around at the door, but no one was seen.

It wasn't to say goodbye to him.

"Why are you looking for Uncle Qiu?" Zhou Yong looked at him suspiciously, and the few squatting in the corner also stood up and looked at him.

"I have something to tell him, is he in there?" Hu Zi told him patiently.

Pei Xiu came out of the kitchen and saw Hu Zi standing at the gate of the courtyard, and understood what he was doing. After entering the main room, he said to Qiu Baize, "There is a boy outside who wants to find you. Would you like to meet him?"

"Ah, see me? Why are you seeing me? Haven't you met a bunch of them just now? I'll go take a look." Qiu Baize was also surprised.

Zhou Cheng asked Pei Xiu with her eyes, and she said, "It's Huzi. I came to the door a few days ago. Let's go and have a look."

Hu Zi's eyes lit up when he saw Qiu Baize coming out, there is hope when he sees people.

"Uncle Qiu."

Qiu Baize was still very approachable and smiled at this familiar boy, "Are you looking for me for something?"

He took a deep breath and said boldly, "Uncle Qiu, I want to leave you, I want to learn my skills with you."

The few children next to him stared at Huzi in They didn't expect Huzi to have this idea. They were also very moved when they heard it, and they would never forget the feeling of galloping on horseback without saying anything else.

Qiu Baize couldn't laugh anymore, and looked at Hu Zi seriously, "Boy, do you know what I do? Are you not afraid that I am a horse thief, a gangster? Aren't you afraid that following me will lead to precarious situations, or that I will push you into the fire pit?

"I believe in Uncle Zhou's vision of making friends. I believe that you are a good and honest person. I am willing to gamble." Hu Zi looked directly at Qiu Baize's eyes and looked at him firmly.

Qiu Baize looked around him, touched his chin and said to Zhou Cheng, "Looking at his small body and strong eyes, he actually wanted to follow me. But why am I carrying a burden? People are used to being chic and comfortable, and their daughter-in-law doesn't want to marry, so why do you have to bring children to others?"

"Uncle Qiu, I'm not a burden. I can do anything. I can also be a servant for you and take care of your daily life. Please accept me."

"Why do I want a servant? All my soldiers are soldiers, and I will go to the battlefield with me. You are not qualified for being so young. Go back, I won't want you." Qiu Baize shook his head, he didn't need it Get yourself into trouble.

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