Latest website: Everything is ready. She is a little worried about who to send back for the New Year's gift. Everyone in the family has their own responsibilities. Only a few servants can make arrangements, but they are all too small.

After buying so many people, there is still a shortage of people at critical times.

After thinking about it, I still think that Ding Bo is more suitable, so I can only trouble Ding Bo and let him follow the **** to **** him.

Ding Bo also had no complaints, he would go wherever he was needed, and his wife also valued him, believed in him, and liked to arrange for him to do everything.

Pay a little more money and let the **** agency arrange the carriage to the destination. Ding Bo can just accompany him, and he will return with the **** team when he returns.

Usually, the delivery of letters is also entrusted to this **** agency. Ding Bo and the **** inside should be very familiar with it.

As for picking up and going to school and delivering food every day, I leave it to Qingsong and Qingzhu to do it first, and let Steward Zhang be responsible for the purchase.

There are not enough staff, so I can only use it first. Except for her and her daughter, Zhou Cheng and a few boys have always had little to do. They are not at home during the day.

In the early morning of the third day, the **** sent a carriage and horse to load the goods, and Ding Bo also set off with the escort.

Having done this, Pei Xiu was also relieved. It was rare that the in-laws were not prepared to disturb them, so she had to give them a good face.

She and a few boys have not tried the new clothes that Jinxiufang sent yesterday, and she doesn't know if they will fit. Might as well try it out today.

A few boys came back and asked them to try it too. Except for the third one, which was a little bigger, everyone else's fit just right.

She also saved the trouble of this little bit, just let Mrs. Li make some changes.

People rely on clothes and horses on saddles, and when a few little kids put them on, they immediately become extravagant little boys.

"Mother's clothes are so beautiful, when can we wear them out?" The third child looked around excitedly, and kept touching the clothes on his upper body.

"Wait a few days and see. If you want to keep it for the banquet, take it off and put it away."

"Oh, when are you going to the banquet?" They took off their clothes with reluctance, and folded them well and put them on the table.

She looked amused, "I don't know, I haven't received the invitation yet, just wait."

I just finished talking about the invitation last night, and today the concierge sent me an invitation.

The glittering gold foil decoration on the surface of the invitation shows that the palace is rich and powerful, and the three characters of "appreciating plum banquet" are written on the post.

She opened it and looked at it. It was the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, Jiahe Meiyuan. It's only four days from now, it's really in a hurry.

It is estimated that it has been postponed for too long. It is customary in the past, and it is not troublesome to prepare, so I plan to do it earlier. Fortunately, she had nothing to prepare for.

In the evening, after I told them, they were all a little excited. They had never attended such a high-end banquet before.

"Mother, do we need to pay attention to anything?" The boss asked after thinking for a while.

This questioned her, and she was also blinded, "I don't know either, the male and female guests must be separated, you just follow behind your father."

"Then can we find the county owner to play with?"

"It shouldn't work. The county owner must be on the female guest's side, and men and women are seated separately."

"Oh." The boss thought he could let the county owner take them to play.

The next day, Pei Xiu asked Ginkgo to go to Qiu's house to inquire. Mrs. Qiu planned to go out at what time, and the two would meet and set off together.

She hung up all the clothes she was going to wear that day, for fear that it would wrinkle and be unsightly. Another set of spares are prepared, just in case.

Before she was about to go out, she was worried, and told Zhou Cheng to take care of several children. She has watched TV for many years, and with her experience, every time a big event happens at a banquet, there are always people who will take advantage of the banquet to do things to achieve their goals.

The men and women were seated separately, and she couldn't take care of them, so she could only tell Zhou Cheng to be optimistic about them and not get involved in what was right and wrong.

Mrs. Qiu was waiting in the carriage, and when she heard Pei Xiu's uneasy explanation, she had mixed feelings.

She was originally just a country woman, but she never thought she could become a lady. There are also three sons and a daughter, all of whom are obedient and obedient. The most important thing is that after the husband became an official, he did not dislike his wife, and he still loved him as always. This made her have to look hot.

Thinking of the rough experience after losing his father and mother a few years ago, he may not be as comfortable as Sister Pei's life in the countryside.

After Pei Xiu got into the car, Mrs. Qiu packed up her mood and joked with her: "You and Mr. Zhou have a really good relationship, we share weal and woe, we share weal and woe, from the poor to the rich, we never give up."

She burst out laughing, "How can it be as exaggerated as you said, we are just ordinary husband and wife, the difference is that he has achieved wealth and wealth with his wife."

"It's hard to come by. After many men are rich, they stop wives and marry another. Lord Zhou looks cold and cold, but it's not the case. It's just cold and warm."

"I've let you know this? You praised my husband so vigorously, aren't you afraid that Mr. Qiu outside will be angry?"

There was only one carriage in her house, so she got on the carriage of Qiu Mansion, and the boys rode in their own carriage. Zhou Cheng and Qiu Baize followed on horseback.

"His wooden man who doesn't understand style doesn't understand anything, so he should be jealous." Mrs. Qiu said to her with blinking eyes.

"Master Qiu is much better than my husband. He is warm-hearted and kind and easy to get along with. My husband's cold and fierce face has frightened many children."

The two were complaining to each other about their husbands in the car, and they were not worried about being heard by the two men outside the car.

Qiu Baize gave Zhou Cheng a helpless look with a bitter face.

In the days after marrying a daughter-in-law, beauty is beauty. There are more people who care about him and worry about him. Everything at home can be handled Don't worry about him.

Every day when I go back to eat, I am no longer alone. When I go to bed, I have a sweet and soft daughter-in-law by my side that I can hold in my arms.

But, there is one more restriction, he still controls his drinking every day, and controls him to take a bath and wash his feet. Don't let it go to bed without washing it.

This... Which big man would take a bath every day in the cold weather, take a break, doesn't it mean that he only takes a bath on a rest day?

If he wants to be close every day, he has to take a bath every day, which makes him too fucked. He couldn't force the king to bow, and his daughter-in-law was hurting himself, so he could only follow her and force himself to wash.

Then he has to say good things and coax him to make him do what he wants. During this period of time, he has been so painful and happy, and his wife is still not satisfied, and even praises Zhou Cheng.

His old vinegar jar was also knocked over, and he had to rectify it when he went back at night. Yizhenfu just did it. Otherwise, this little girl can go to heaven.

He rode his horse all the way, listening to the laughter from the carriage, thinking in his heart.

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