The latest website: Officials above the seventh rank in the city have all received invitations, and they basically go out at about the same time.

So today's streets are particularly congested, and they were blocked by the cars and horses in front of them two streets away from the destination.

The palace holds plum appreciation banquets every year, and they have a lot of experience. They start to clear the traffic and horses when it is almost time, but everyone basically arrives at the same time, and no matter how to clear it, it will always take time to wait.

But they can only wait in the car at the moment, moving forward at a fast pace.

At this moment, there were also many carriages on both sides of the road, and the two of them stopped talking. Otherwise, if you tell others what is out of date, you will inevitably make a joke.

Suddenly listening to the impatient voices of the people in the carriage next to him, and getting angry with the people in the carriage, Pei Xiu was inevitably a little curious.

He asked Mrs. Qiu in a low voice, "Do you know who owns the carriage next to you?"

She shook her head, "I have a bad reputation, and I am old. I rarely deal with these young girls, and I don't know much about them. Most people don't let their girls have a bad reputation, and they will cover up if anything happens. sternly.”

It wasn't until the movement of the carriage next door became a little louder that she became curious, and there was still crying?

Is this the lady beating and scolding the maid out of anger? Or is the first daughter in a bad mood, beating and scolding the prostitute?

She gently opened the car window and looked at the emblem of her car, only to realize that it was from the Lou family.

The voice was a young girl. There are several daughters in his family. Isn't the first-class daughter known as being proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, handsome in appearance, and gentle in temperament?

It can be seen that the rumors are really unbelievable, and I don't know anything else, this gentle temperament is definitely not true.

He was able to bully people on the carriage halfway along the way. It can be seen that he is usually a bully at home.

The speed of dredging in front also accelerated, and they directly staggered from the carriage of Lou Mansion.

Only then did Mrs. Qiu whisper: "The carriage just now was from Lou's residence, and belonged to Lou Changshi's family."

Pei Xiu nodded, she was just curious for a while. This girl who hasn't left the cabinet can't fight her.

After being blocked for nearly half an hour, they finally had to get off the bus. After getting off the bus, the two of them also breathed a sigh of relief.

After handing over the invitations, the maids and servants stepped forward to separate the male and female guests, and led them inside.

They came to enjoy the scenery and have a banquet, not to meet, so Pei Xiu looked at the surrounding scenery generously while walking.

This garden is particularly exquisitely built, with obvious Jiangnan garden characteristics, small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions.

Along the way, there are various plum trees planted on both sides of the road. Those plum blossoms, some of which are white and rosy, with lubricating and transparent petals, are carved like amber platinum or jasper, and they are a bit pure and elegant. Some are as bright as the dawn, some are as white as snow, and some are as green as jasper, with different colors.

The pure white snow is pressed on the branches, embellished, and these plum blossoms are even more beautiful and moving.

Mrs. Qiu said: "The plum trees on both sides of this road are not too many, and they are not very beautiful."

Isn't that pretty?

When hundreds of flowers wither, it is rare for plum blossoms to be full of vitality, and they are all vying to bloom along the way. Isn't this beautiful?

Pei Xiu said suspiciously, "It's already beautiful, I've never seen such a beautiful and delicate garden."

"The reason why this garden is called Jiahe Plum Garden is because there is a red plum forest, cinnabar plum forest, and some other varieties of plum trees. When you walk in, it's like entering a plum sea."

Mrs. Qiu took Pei Xiu to walk slowly, kept a certain distance from the maid in front, and then whispered: "When the prince was choosing his wife, the palace hosted a banquet for the young ladies of Dong'an City. The first time Mrs. Shizi stepped into Merlin, she Fascinated by the scenery, I couldn't help dancing in the plum forest. Then I was caught by the prince who entered by accident, and it was a good story at a glance. The princess was also very satisfied, so later, the palace also held plum appreciation banquets every year, hoping to take the opportunity Match up a few couples of lovers."

After he finished speaking, he dragged her quickly and followed.

Hearing what she said, Pei Xiu became more interested in Merlin.

"We'll have a look later."

"Well, I haven't seen it for many years."

The two talked softly all the way, and the maid didn't care. It was good for them to keep up. She was only responsible for leading people to the banquet hall. back down again.

Pei Xiu didn't care to look at the magnificent and spacious banquet hall in front of her, so Mrs. Qiu pulled her forward and gave the princess a salute.

She had asked her how to carry luggage in the car, and she painted the gourd in the same way.

"No gift, this is Mrs. Zhou. It's the first time I've seen you. Thank you for saving Xue Xi."

"Princess, you're welcome, the child just bumped into it by accident. It's just a little effort. The county owner is full of good fortune, and even if there is no child, it can be turned into good luck."

The princess smiled kindly and nodded, and invited them to stay.

Pei Xiu endured all kinds of gazes from all directions, some were disdainful, some were scrutinizing, some were curious, and some were kind.

Withstanding the pressure, she calmly followed Mrs. Qiu and took a seat slowly with a smile on her face.

This also made the ladies present give her a high look, and heard that she was just a country peasant woman a few months ago.

I never thought that being famous would be better than meeting each other. I didn't look like a vulgar country woman at all.

As soon as she was seated, someone couldn't wait to say to her: "The first time I saw Mrs. Zhou, she seemed to be different from the rumors, so I was a little curious."

Pei Xiu smiled lightly and said, "What's the difference? The same is the one who grew up eating farmers' rice."

The other lady beside her chuckled softly and said in a pretentious manner, "Mrs. Zhou doesn't know something, and this rice is different from rice."

Pei Xiu patted Mrs. Qiu who wanted to speak The two were coming at her, and she had to solve it.

"Of course, people are divided into three grades, six nine grades, nine grades, and the same is true of rice. The growth environment is different, and the quality is also different. I was born in a farming household, and my ancestors have been muddy legs for generations, and I know this quite well. This lady , I didn't expect to be able to understand the quality of rice, because you were also born in a farmer?"

"You're talking nonsense, scholar, peasant, businessman, I was born as a nobleman."

"What about your ancestors?"

This question made her speechless, and she didn't know how to answer. Her grandfather was only a jailer at first, and her great-grandfather was a pig butcher.

The ladies here have been dealing with each other for many years, and most of them have known each other since they were in the boudoir.

Mrs. Qiu was immediately amused, and said with a chuckle, "Isn't Mrs. Chen's great-grandfather who killed pigs, not even scholars, farmers, businessmen, etc.?"

"You..." Mrs. Chen's face changed drastically, she was so angry that she wanted to scold someone, but she was robbed by others and smoothed out.

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