At this moment, which courtiers dare to say that they do not know the purpose of the golden thread and jade clothes? The generals may not know, but how dare they speak out. This is equivalent to touching the brows on the holy.

Every one of the civil servants was a jinshi, and they were familiar with the collection of scriptures and history, so how could they not know?

Taisun didn't dare to answer at this time, even his children knew that the golden thread jade clothes were funeral clothes, how could his father be so confused.

The other kings were pondering in their hearts, it was estimated that this was the handwriting of which vassal king deliberately sent the golden thread and jade clothes to the prince.

The King of Liaodong also thought the same way. This is simply a stroke of genius. It is too extreme. The crown prince has become more and more stupid, and even such a low-level mistake can be tolerated. He has long since lost his prudence and shrewdness.

It was a big assist for their evening arrangement, and this crit was enough for the prince to drink a pot.

"Father, please believe me, I really don't know." The prince's forehead was already bleeding, but he didn't dare to stop.

There is still a good show to come. The concubine doesn't want her son's plan to be ruined. The farce of this golden thread and jade clothes can be paused for a while.

She softly persuaded: "Your Majesty, your anger hurts your body, please take care of your dragon's body. Today is your birthday, a day to celebrate with the whole world. It's not appropriate to see blood. Let the prince go down and treat the wound first. Unlucky things make people Take it out, but it can't affect your luck, let's talk about what we have to do tomorrow."

Listening to the concubine's persuasion, the emperor didn't want a good birthday banquet to be ruined like this, so he slowly took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Come here, send the prince's congratulations back to the East Palace, and ask the imperial doctor to come to the side palace to treat the prince's wound."

The prince said to his grandson gratefully, "Thank you for the father (grandfather), and thank you for the concubine."

The crown prince also glanced at the imperial concubine gratefully, got up and helped the prince to the side hall with the grandson.

The ministers also broke out in a cold sweat, and they all breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. Fortunately, there was a concubine who persuaded me, otherwise this matter would not end well tonight.

Tomorrow to mention it again is tomorrow's business, at least to mix tonight first.

After the emperor saw that the obstructive people and the dazzling objects were gone, his anger was relieved a lot, but there was no joy on his face.


Under the pressure, the King of Liaodong took his family to the center of the hall, "My son, I wish my father a happy long life and good health, and future generations!"

"Well, flat!"

Looking at the second son, the emperor looked very pleasant. After all, he was the parent and son of the imperial concubine. The imperial concubine was still very sensible and had a general knowledge. The King of Liaodong had always been disciplined.

After the princess and the others kowtowed, they sat back to their seats according to the rules.

The King of Liaodong said aloud: "My son has prepared a few gifts for the father, please take a look at the father."

Several generals carried two congratulatory gifts, and Zhou Cheng alone held a box covered with a red cloth.

When the King of Liaodong unveiled the red cloth for the first gift, there was an uproar in the hall, and the ministers were amazed.

"Father, Liaodong faces the sea. This is the whole piece of red coral that the fishermen in my fief excavated on the seabed connecting with Goryeo when they went out to fish."

The imperial concubine smiled and said, "Red coral is not unusual, but such a large piece is rare in the world. This is the first time I have seen it in this palace."

The emperor stroked his beard and nodded in agreement.

The King of Liaodong lifted the second red cloth with confidence, "This is an ancient bronze tree from the Xia Dynasty, which I got by accident."

He glanced at the civil servants who were losing their temper on both sides, and said calmly, "The ancient bronze tree is an ancient bronze ware from the ancient Xia Dynasty, which is nearly a thousand years old. Standing on the branch is the sun bird, and under the tree is a dragon hovering. The ancient Xia people believed that this was a sacred tree connecting the heaven and the earth, and they could pray for good weather. My son wished the Daxia Dynasty good weather and good harvests for the people."

He bowed again to the surprised royal father.

"Okay, you've got your mind, I didn't expect to find the legendary bronze ancient tree." The sage nodded with great satisfaction.

The King of Liaodong was greatly encouraged, walked towards the third ceremony held by Zhou Cheng and said, "This third ceremony is somewhat special."

Everyone is very curious, what kind of ceremony can be placed behind the bronze ancient tree, and it can be called special.

The first two congratulations are very valuable, and they have stunned everyone. This third gift should not be too much to let go to the end.

Everyone watched as the King of Liaodong lifted the red cloth to reveal a black box. He took out three booklets and poured the contents of the box onto a tray.

Everyone looked at a few ordinary things curiously, and with their knowledge, they couldn't tell what they were. I wondered if there was something special about that book, but it didn't look like an ancient book.

After the King of Liaodong presented the booklet, he pointed to the seeds on the tray and said: "These three things must have never been seen before. The three booklets just presented are their planting records. Yes, these three things are seeds, but they are not ordinary seeds."

The emperor looked at the planting records curiously, but did not see anything outstanding. He was a little puzzled, and didn't widen his eyes until he turned to the end and saw the harvest.

Before waiting for the emperor to ask questions, the King of Liaodong explained, "Father, please listen to my ministers, this yellow grain is a corn seed, and its yield per mu can reach a thousand catties. This red, the largest one is called sweet potato, and the yield per mu can be Up to nearly two thousand catties. Finally, the little yellow bumps are called potatoes, and the yield per mu can reach nearly three thousand catties!”

When the King of Liaodong said the last planting, his voice couldn't help but rise.

There was silence in the hall for a while, which was different from the scene when the prince was just now. At this moment, everyone was in disbelief, shocked, and surprised and didn't know how to react.

Several high-ranking veterans couldn't help standing up and walked towards the center of the hall. Picking up the seeds suspiciously, they took a closer look. They couldn't believe it, how could there be such a high-yielding crop in this world.

If it is true is popularized, the people of the Great Xia Dynasty will no longer have to go hungry.

The Prime Minister looked at the seeds, but could not see anything special. He looked at the King of Liaodong and said suspiciously, "Are these seeds really as productive as the King said?"

"It is absolutely true that this king does not dare to deceive the king. The land in Liaodong is barren. This is the per-mu yield calculated after this king's fief was planted!"

He pointed to Zhou Cheng again, "It was this Colonel Zhou who first discovered these three kinds of seeds, and planted them and reported them. This king didn't dare to believe it easily. Last year, he was assisted by a farm officer and planted again. What is recorded in the booklet is the record of their planting last year."

The ministers' eyes all focused on Zhou Cheng again.

Zhou Cheng was sweating coldly, resisting everyone's gaze, and stood firmly and steadily.

The emperor carefully read the three booklets from beginning to end, and he believed them by five points. He endured his excitement and let the **** pass on several planting records to the prime minister for their review.

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