Looking at Zhou Cheng standing in the middle of the hall, "Tell me, how did you discover these seeds?"

Zhou Cheng typed the draft a long time ago, removed his wife and daughter, pondered it over and over again, and only memorized it after he was sure that there was no problem.

He took a deep breath, explained the ins and outs of the seeds he found, how to plant them, and planted them again after reporting them. Said it from beginning to end.

Everyone listened and nodded, and found that what they said was reasonable.

"If this matter is true, you and the Liaodong palace should record the first merit!" The emperor said affirmatively to them.

The King of Liaodong knelt down and vowed: "Please rest assured, the royal father, I will not dare to deceive the king. This spring, the seeds are planted again. The seeds have been planted for several months, and they are growing well. The corn will be harvested in two months. Please. When the time comes, the royal father will send someone to go to jail!"


Zhou Cheng also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, this stage was considered over.

He didn't dare to think about this dedication before, and he was worried that he would not be able to bear this big credit. But he didn't expect that his prince would make a direct statement and offer it with him, not alone.

When the lord informed him that he was going to the palace, he was still a little bit in disbelief.

After King Jin of Liaodong had finished his offering, he took his seat, and Zhou Cheng also retreated and waited outside.

All the ministers in the hall were still whispering around the seeds. They doubted the authenticity of the high-yielding seeds, but the gathering of witnesses and evidence forced them to believe it.

This is also the reason why the King of Liaodong brought Zhou Cheng to the hall as well. When something appears, there is always a reason for it. Zhou Cheng's explanation adds to the authenticity.

What's more, the King of Liaodong also promised that there will be a crop that will be received in two months. The remaining two will be received one after another, and the saint will definitely send someone to check if it is true.

This is not a joke. If there is none at that time, or the output is not reached, the king of Liaodong will deceive the king, which is a disaster. If there is no contribution, there will be no such thing, they believe that the king of Liaodong will not make a joke about it.

The ministers actually believed what the King of Liaodong said in their hearts. They had already thought about how to promote planting, and they couldn't help being excited when they thought that they could achieve a world without hunger in their lifetime.

They didn't even bother to pay attention to the contributions of the next few vassal kings.

Moreover, with the pearls and jade of the Liaodong King in front, the congratulations of the vassal kings were also covered up by his light, which seemed unremarkable.

This made the vassal kings secretly angry.

There are also vassal kings who are thinking about seeds, especially the king of Mobei. Mobei has a lot of sandy land, and it is not easy to grow crops.

He carefully read the planting records, and the sweet potato in it can be planted in sandy land. He is looking forward to the authenticity of the seeds, so that the people of his fiefs can also have enough to eat, and they don't have to live in starvation and freezing, and work hard for a year without surplus grain for the winter.

After the crown prince finished dressing, let the crown prince and the grandson return to the main hall first, and he should stay calm in the side hall. Now that he has no face to enter the hall, he might as well just stay in the side hall.

They didn't dare to disobey the prince's order, so they had to go back to the main hall first, and told the **** Director Sun beside the prince to take care of the prince and then go back.

After everyone left, the prince lost his temper, and the tea set was swept to the ground, and he was so angry that he overturned the table.

"These villains are not good at being lonely, and they will design and frame them whenever they get the chance. They have been the princes for decades, but they haven't lived as well as they are. What are they dissatisfied with? Who knows, Gu would rather stay away. The capital is a wanton and happy vassal king. Whoever wants to be this prince, let him alone."

Director Sun's face turned white with fright, "Prince, you can't say that, there are ears on the wall, and the hall next door..."

The prince was furious at the moment, how could he listen to what others were saying, and kicked Director Sun directly on the waist.


Director Sun has followed the prince since he was a child, and he is also getting old. This kick almost killed him, and he fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Or the apprentice Xiao Lizi on the side carefully stepped forward to help him up, and the novelist said: "Master, are you all right?"

Director Sun was afraid to provoke the prince again, so he didn't dare to groan loudly, he put one hand on his waist and waved his hand.

Xiao Lizi lifted the clothes on his back and looked at it. It was already a lot of green. When he touched it lightly, Director Sun took a breath and couldn't help shaking.

"Master, you should either go back and get the medicine first. Let me watch it here? The prince will be fine in the side hall." He persuaded in a low voice.

Director Sun was also a little scared when he looked at the angry prince. The prince has become more and more moody in recent years, and he is easily irritable, and often violently kills his servants.

He was also a little scared at the moment, thinking about avoiding it. Just in the side hall, no one will approach at this moment, it should be fine.

"Then I'll show you here for a while. I'll go back and wipe some medicinal wine first."

After sending Director Sun away, Xiao Lizi was also relieved. It was much more convenient for him to do things when Director Sun was not by his side.

He looked at the prince who was still smashing things, and saw that his expression became more and more frantic, and his eyes were bloodshot. He touched his cuff, trying to persuade him a few words.

"Prince Prince..."

"Go away... Go away. I don't want to be this puppet prince at all."

He directly waved the approaching Xiao Lizi aside, Xiao Lizi accidentally fell to the ground, and the bottle in his sleeve rolled out and rolled to the prince's feet.

"What?" He raised his foot to kick away.

Xiao Li Zi jumped over in fright and hugged the prince's feet. He only has this bottle, and finally brought it into the palace secretly. It's up to it to get things done at night. If it's broken, it's over.

"Dog slave, let go of Gu." The prince's feet could not be lifted, and he wanted to reach out and beat him in anger.

Xiao Lizi took the bottle in his hand and said, "Prince Prince, this is what Director Gao asked me to bring in~www.readwn.com~ Let me give it to you when you are not feeling well. A servant does not dare to lose."

When the Crown Prince heard that the Director Gao was going to hand it over to him, he immediately understood what it was. He always instructs Director Gao to get this thing.

"Here, go and pour the water."

The teapots in the house were all shattered into pieces, and there was no more tea to pour.

"There's no water in the prince's house, wait a moment, I'll send someone a pot." Xiao Lizi glanced at the bottle in the prince's hand, which contained three times the daily amount.

"Come on..." The prince paced back and forth with the bottle and said irritably, "Why so slow."

He became impatient and didn't want to wait any longer. He opened it and poured it into his mouth, swallowing it with saliva. At the moment, I am angry and anxious, and I don't feel that I am taking more than the daily dose.

After seeing the prince taking it, Xiao Lizi was also relieved, and then he just had to lead the prince outside the hall.

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