"Isn't General Yuan stationed outside Linxian County, the capital, why did he suddenly bring troops here?" Zhou Cheng was very curious.

This is what everyone wants to ask. It's too timely, and it's because they should not die, but they really persisted until the reinforcements.

General Yuan explained: "The eldest son has calculated the journey, and 20 days is enough for a round trip. If you didn't arrive after the expected time, the eldest son was worried that you might be in trouble. Let me lead 200 people out and search along the way."

"The prince is so clever, he finally got his life back." Deputy Commander Yang lay on the ground and panted, not forgetting to say a few words.

Just now, he was slashed in the back. The wound was a little deep, and the blood kept oozing out. He could only lie down and let the soldiers stop the bleeding.

"You'd better shut up and heal your wounds first, but don't lose too much blood and explain it here." General Zheng said angrily.

"If you don't die, you will have good luck. I am a person with good luck. You can wait and see."

"Okay, let's all wait for promotion to get rich."

The moment they talked, the battle was over. All the men in black were killed and caught, and the leader was tied up.

General Yun Hui stepped forward and kicked him fiercely, "Who are you?"

"No comment!"

He snorted coldly, "No one can support this wave of dead soldiers, you are officers and soldiers. Whose people?"

The leader of the man in black closed his eyes directly and did not intend to speak.

"There will always be a time for you to speak." He endured the pain, walked towards General Yuan, and cupped his hands, "Thank you very much at night, but I have to bring these people into Beijing for business, and the sage will definitely order people to interrogate them severely. of."

After General Yuan and General Zheng looked at each other, they thought about it and nodded, "Okay, take it away."

Arms are no more than thighs, these people sniping at court officials must be handed over to General Yun Hui to bring back for questioning.

Their errands can be considered complete.

All of them are injured, and their mental state is not good. Tonight is no longer suitable for traveling.

General Yuan planned to spend the night in the vicinity so that they could have a good rest and set off tomorrow.

After dawn, a small group of people was left to protect Deputy Commander Yang and a few seriously injured people walked slowly behind. He and several others first escorted the imperial censor and General Yun Hui to Beijing.

General Yuan has been stationed outside the city, and he knows that the courtroom is arguing about the establishment of the reserve. They knew that it was not too late to return to Beijing, and they rushed all the way to the capital.

After arriving in the capital, General Yuan successfully retreated and returned to the station.

Doctor Censor and General Yun Hui didn't care about going back to the manor to wash up, and they went straight to the palace, wounded and bloodied.

They also have their own careful thinking. The visual impact is more intuitive than the verbal description, and it can better reflect the danger of their return to Beijing.

This trip to prison directly put them in the camp of the King of Liaodong.

After the emperor saw them, he immediately summoned several important ministers.

"Doctor Censor, General Yun Hui, why do you guys look like this? It's not a peaceful journey?" As soon as the ministers entered the hall, they were taken aback by their appearance.

"The people who were captured alive have already been handed over to Dali Temple for questioning. The reason for calling you into the palace is to show you the corn you just received." The emperor motioned them to look at the new planting notes.

The ministers had already prepared in their hearts, but after seeing it with their own eyes, they could not help but be amazed.

"I have let the imperial doctor test it for non-toxicity, and hand it over to the imperial kitchen to cook. You can taste it later."

The vassal kings also received the news that the imperial censor was returning to Beijing, and the few who were interested in storing the throne could not sit still.

Recently, the voice of the King of Liaodong has been getting louder and louder in the court hall, and the people of the capital are also discussing the matter of establishing a reserve.

I don't know when it started, but the King of Liaodong made Liaodong from war and barren to the people who can live and work in peace and contentment. He was talked about by the people of the capital and praised him as a virtuous king, and they all supported him as the heir.

It's not that the other vassal kings didn't think about publicizing their deeds, but well, their fiefs are not that bad, and their achievements are not so obvious, so they are not enough for outsiders.

Recently, it was reported that the King of Liaodong discovered high-yielding seeds, and after promoting the planting, the people of the world would no longer go hungry, which made his prestige even higher.

Zhou Cheng, who was not seriously injured, followed General Yuan back to Beijing first, and as soon as he arrived at the palace, he was asked to return to the dead son and the princess. He also explained everything that happened along the way.

The princess was shocked when she heard it, "Fortunately, General Yuan was sent out to find you, or else..."

The prince is also happy, fortunately, he arrived in time.

"It's been a lot of hard work for you this trip. You go down to get treatment first. I'll send someone to the gate of the city to pick up General Zheng, Deputy Commander Yang and others."

Just after returning to his room, Qiu Baize and Luo Yuntai also heard the news and ran over to watch him take medicine.

"How did I hear that you only came back a few?"

Qiu Baize frowned. The people sent out were all good soldiers in the army. If it was damaged, the loss would be too great.

"General Zheng and Vice-Captain Yang are more seriously injured, so walk slowly in the back. I'll come back first."

Only then did he feel relieved, and he had the mind to joke again, "You have made a contribution this time, don't climb too fast, or I will be embarrassed."

Zhou Cheng smiled and said nothing, he didn't have the intention of joking right now.

They also saw it, "You're tired too. Take a good rest first. We'll see you tomorrow."


After everyone left, Zhou Cheng lay down before he completely relaxed.

On the way back, his nerves were tense and he was physically and mentally exhausted. Just now, he was completely relying on willpower to communicate and answer.

I don't know if he was very tired~www.readwn.com~ but he couldn't sleep. He lay in bed for a while and he was still in good spirits.

Pei Xiu waited for many days at home, but she didn't wait for others to come back. Instead, she unexpectedly received a second letter.

The yacha who delivered the letter said that today many officials have also received letters from the capital.

She anxiously wanted to know why they hadn't come back yet, and opened the envelope without waiting for them to go back to the house.

Seeing the content of the letter, I also raised my breath, abolishing the prince, seizing the heir...

Why did he suddenly get involved in the dispute over the succession? There were so many descendants of the emperor, not to mention that all of them were concentrated in the capital during the birthday celebration. The chaos was incredible.

No wonder he didn't come back on time, and he didn't know when he would be able to come back. Liaodong's palace is now the second son of the family, and the entire Dong'an city is in chaos.

Pei Xiu frowned and read the letter. She was depressed now, and she didn't know when she would return.

She went back to the room and thought for a while before she picked up a pen to write a reply. Write down everything about Zhou Shan as it is, and also write down the current situation in the city, telling him to pay attention to his own safety.

Thinking of the hexagrams that Mrs. Yang asked for in the temple before, she couldn't help but worry in her heart. It turned out that the danger was hidden in the capital. I hope that as the hexagram said, everything will be safe in the end.


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