When the boys came back in the evening, they were disappointed to know that their father still hadn't arrived home today.

Many days have passed, and they all know that something must have happened, or they should have been home long ago.

Like little adults, they went back to the main courtyard worried. Before they could open their mouths, Pei Xiu said, "You are still young, it's not your time to worry about the affairs of the adults. Why are you frowning all day?"

"We're worried about Dad, it's time to come back."

"Your father is fine, I received another letter from him today."

On their faces, it turned cloudy and sunny, "Show us."

Pei Xiu handed the letter to them, "If you have anything you want to say after reading it, write it yourself and ask. Give it to me tomorrow, and I will send it to the inn."

Several people took turns to read it, and the boss was the first to read it and said, "Mother, did you tell Dad where the red dot under Zhou Shan's feet was picked up?"

She nodded.

"I think it's not just one-sided words to recognize relatives. It's best to have a face to face. If you can't face it, it's safe to have a portrait. At least you know what it looks like, does it look like?"

She looked at the boss a little bit by surprise. She was getting better and better? I also know how to draw a portrait and send it to increase the persuasiveness.

A few of them also read the letter and nodded. The second child added: "It's better to draw a picture of the foot as well. The verbal expression is not intuitive to see clearly."

She thought what they said was very reasonable, "Okay, I will ask the housekeeper to find someone who is good at painting tomorrow, and I will paint for Zhou Shan when I come back from school."

Lao Santian really asked: "Mother, something happened to the prince, why hasn't the vassal king been sent back to the fief? Why can't Dad come back?"

"The prince is the crown prince of the country. His business is very important. Your father said that it is related to the abolition of the establishment. All the vassal kings are not allowed to leave the palace, so as to avoid chaos. Your father is an official of the palace. Naturally, we have to follow the frame of the palace back. Now we can only wait slowly."

They nodded vaguely, meaning that Daddy was fine, he just wouldn't be back until later.

After painting Zhou Shan's portrait and feet, Pei Xiu asked the artist to draw another picture of a few children playing football. A few paintings and letters were put together and sent to the inn.

There are a lot of people sending letters these days, because they are all reply letters to the capital.

I have been saving for two days in the inn, and I plan to leave early tomorrow morning to deliver the letter to the next inn.

It just happened to catch up with her. If it was delivered a day later, she would not know when her letter would be delivered.

She stood in the yard and looked in the direction of the capital, she couldn't help worrying, and she didn't know when the dust would settle down.

Zhou Cheng himself didn't know when he would be able to return, so he could only wait for the news from the court. I heard that the saint was going to court today.

This time, it is not about setting up the reserve, but about discussing the seed, which is related to people's livelihood. The courtiers are also very concerned about whether what King Liaodong said at the birthday banquet is true.

Zhou Cheng was still lying in the room, and he didn't go out. Qiu Baize happily ran over and said, "Do you know what news I just heard?"

He lay there without raising his eyelids.

Seeing that he was injured, Qiu Baize didn't care about him, "I just came back from the street and heard that the King of Nanman was put in prison. The prince of the King of Nanman sneaked away with the 1500 garrison outside the city last night. No. His mother, wife and children didn't bring him."

Zhou Cheng was really shocked. He glanced at Qiu Baize unexpectedly and sat up too.

"Why was King Nanman suddenly arrested, his son is going to rebel?"

"Maybe, didn't you come back yesterday with an assassination attempt? I heard that the leader was stubborn, and he committed suicide as soon as he was tortured. But those little soldiers didn't have this consciousness. They just confessed that it was the Prince of Nanman who sent them to intercept them along the way. Yours."

"We also guessed that one of the vassal kings sent people to intercept them, but they were all handed over to General Yun Hui. We can only wait for the news. It seems that the Nanman King is finished."

"Yeah, the emperor has already sent troops to intercept the Prince of Nanman this morning. I don't know if he can stop him. If he runs away, he will return to the mountain. Nanman is an uncivilized land. There are many, and fighting over there is not good for the court." Qiu Baize's analysis was straightforward.

Zhou Cheng thought of what happened at the birthday banquet, "Do you think the matter of the prince is also related to the King of Nanman?"

He touched his chin and thought: "It's very possible that Nanman not only has many exotic flowers and plants, but also has abundant ore resources."

"Let's go out for a walk." Zhou Cheng was aroused by his curiosity and wanted to go out to have a look.

"Aren't you going to rest?"

"Enough sleep, it's all skin injuries." He got up and found a clean plain clothes to put on.

"Okay, I heard that the Nanman Palace has been surrounded by officers and soldiers and are not allowed to enter or leave. Let's go and have a look."

The two of them excitedly went to the street in the Nanman Prince's Mansion.

The surrounding area of ​​the palace was heavily guarded, and there were many people watching the excitement gathered in front of the gate, pointing and whispering.

"This Southern Barbarian King is really fed up, and he doesn't want to be rich and rich, but now he is a prisoner, and he has also affected the whole family."

"The good prince has become a prisoner."

"If I can be reborn as a prince in my next life, I can wake up laughing from my dreams."

"Then you should go back and dream now, and come back sooner."

The crowd burst into laughter.

If the Prince of Nanman did not run away with his troops, their assassination of courtiers might just be a punishment.

Now that you have led the troops to run away like this, the nature is different, and this matter is now treated as a rebellion.

After the Nanman Palace was besieged for seven days~www.readwn.com~, all of them were sent to prison. Originally, they were only imprisoned.

Zhou Cheng and Qiu Baize have been dangling in the street like Qiu Baize has been doing nothing for the past few days. If there is no major matter, the lord will not send the news back to the house.

They stayed in the mansion and had no news, but the people in the capital were very well informed, and they knew everything when they went out.

"I heard that the Prince of Nanman didn't catch him and ran away, but he caught the second son who fled south."

"Didn't the vassal kings only bring their princes to Beijing?"

"My daughter-in-law's cousin-in-law's mother-in-law's uncle was in Dali Temple to sort out the case documents. I heard that the second son was arrested three days ago. But the trial was only released today. It turns out that he has been in the capital and not in Nanman. "

"What is he doing in the capital?"

"I don't know."

Zhou Cheng and Qiu Baize were sitting in the teahouse, listening to the chatter of the people beside them, thoughtfully.

"These two young masters have been staying in the capital for a long time, and their plans are not small." Qiu Baize said in a low voice.

"Prince." Zhou Cheng opened his mouth and said silently.

He laughed for a while, and also thought about the Prince's consumption of five-stone powder, as well as the matter of the golden thread and jade clothes. It is very likely that this second son did it.


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