He sent troops to assassinate the doctor on the way back, but he failed several times. He was finally caught alive and revealed the truth, causing his father to be put in prison.

The Prince of Nanman was worried that he would be arrested and imprisoned after dawn, so he led his troops away overnight.

The Second Young Master, who had been hiding in the dark in the city, heard that the King of Nanman was imprisoned, and the son also absconded with his troops.

He knew that they were over, so he had to pack up and escape from the capital.

Who knew that sheep would enter the tiger's mouth.

The forbidden army chased after him for several days, but the eldest eldest did not catch him, but he did catch the second child, which was a pleasant surprise.

Dali Temple did not dare to use torture on the emperor's grandson. After three days of interrogation, it was a stalemate.

Later, he had no choice but to ask the empress to allow the punishment, so the second son of the king of Nanman couldn't bear to confess all.

That's why the entire palace will be thrown into prison today.

The next day, Dali Temple handed over the results of the interrogation to the emperor.

"This bastard, he actually did it all." The emperor was furious and furious, almost out of breath.

She hadn't been out of the palace for more than a month, and the old hospital of the Taiyuan Hospital, who had been waiting in the side hall, rushed over to give the emperor an injection, and the emperor let out a slow sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, you must not be angry any more! You can't be emotional at all."

The emperor leaned on the pillow and took a few deep breaths before saying, "Pass on my will, abolish the throne of the Nanman king and vassal king, demote him to a commoner, and send troops to take back the Nanman fief soon, and the Nanman king's mansion will be escorted to Beijing for imprisonment!"

The ministers have no opinion.

Thinking that the forbidden army was still chasing, the emperor said again: "It's been a few days? I haven't caught up for so long, and I can't catch up, so let's call back first. Then send the army to Nanman to read the imperial decree, take back Nanman, and **** all of the Nanman palace. The heirs are in Beijing."

After the imperial decree was read, everyone in the court was shocked. Wu Shi San came from the hands of the Southern Barbarian King, and someone was installed to lure the former prince to take it, causing harm to the crown prince of a country.

Moreover, even the golden thread and jade clothes were collected by him to find someone to present to the prince and frame the former prince.

But the former prince is not completely innocent. After reading the books of sages and sages for decades, he can actually take the golden thread and jade clothes as a birthday gift.

It can be seen that he is also getting more and more stupid. If the Xia Dynasty is in his hands, it will not be far from defeat.

After the matter of the former prince came to light, the King of Luoyang and the King of Mobei were also released, but the matter of the establishment of the Crown Prince was already heated up, and they couldn't get involved now that they came out.

"Your Majesty, the issue of sending troops to Nanman still needs to be discussed in the long run. For the time being, the matter between the prince and the king of Nanman can be put to an end. The establishment of the prince is imminent! I urge the emperor to make the prince of Liaodong the prince!"

"Please ask the emperor to appoint the king of Liaodong as the crown prince!"

All the officials in the palace responded to the prime minister, knelt down together and asked to make the king of Liaodong the crown prince.

This is the result of their several discussions. As long as the seed thing is true, it is everyone's expectation to make the King of Liaodong the crown prince.

Otherwise, no matter which feudal dynasty is established, there will always be words, and the new crown prince can't suppress the king of Liaodong.

The good seeds donated by the King of Liaodong have made great contributions. If they are popularized, it will not be a dream to have a world without hunger. This is a great deed to benefit the people of the world, and the Great Xia Dynasty will be even more prosperous.

Moreover, his own advantages are also very obvious. Whether it is to establish long and virtuous people, or to give priority to children and mothers, he has all of them.

The emperor no longer hesitated: "Present! The Imperial Academy was instructed to draw up the imperial decree and establish the King of Liaodong as the crown prince."

From the beginning to the end, he never thought of making his grandson the heir, even though the grandson had always grown up by his side and won the emperor's heart.

However, he couldn't suppress the various vassal kings. The vassal kings had deep roots and made him their heir. The kings refused to accept him, and the mutiny was not far away.

There are no secrets about the affairs in the palace. The ministers just discussed the matter of establishing the prince in the bedroom, and before the draft edict was sent, it spread all over the palace.

When the concubines and concubines in the harem heard the news, they all rushed to the Yongle Palace to congratulate the concubine.

The noble concubine only said that she had not summoned the world yet, and all the concubines spoke cautiously, thus dealing with waves of palace concubines.

"Congratulations to Niangniang, Niangniang finally got what she wanted, and the prince will soon be established as the crown prince and will stay in the capital for a long time." After Li Ma and others left, they also congratulated her master beamingly.

"Yeah, I thought I would be able to go to my son's fief to retire after a hundred years. I didn't expect to stay in the palace." The concubine said a little melancholy.

Then he shook his head again and said with a smile, "Bengong is too dissatisfied, my son is made a prince, which is a great thing."

"Yes, Niangniang, after all, Liaodong is a bitter and cold place, and it is not as prosperous as the capital. You are getting old, and Liaodong is not suitable for your retirement. Besides, the prince was established as the prince, which is what you have always hoped for, you should be happy. ."

She nodded, "Yes, this is a big happy event, Xue Xi, bring her here, and Ben Gong will tell her the good news in person."


Xuexi County Lord was playing outside, and he had already heard the discussion of the palace officials, saying that his grandfather would be made the crown prince.

She was skeptical until the imperial concubine told her in person that she believed it was true.

The imperial concubine graciously touched her little face, "Are you out of joy?"

She nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Do you want to go out to see your mother?"

"Can you?" Xue Xi looked at her great-grandmother in surprise. She hadn't been out since she entered the palace.

"Well, the great-grandmother asked someone to pack your things for you. You will leave the palace later and tell your grandmother and parents the good news." The imperial concubine said with a smile.

She didn't need to keep her in the palace anymore. Her son was made the crown prince and lived in the East Palace. They could see each other every day in the future~www.readwn.com~ There's no need to keep Xuexi anymore and let their mother and daughter be separated.

Xue Xi sat in the carriage and was excited all the way. She thought she would be kept in the palace forever, and when her parents returned to the fief, she would never see them again.

Mrs. Shizi was also very surprised when she heard the report, so she hurried out of the yard and hugged Xuexi who was running towards her.

"Why did you suddenly leave the palace?"

Mammy Li walked quickly behind with a few palace servants, and said with a smile, "The county lord Xuexi has been with the niece in the palace for so long, and the niece was afraid that the wife of the prince would miss her daughter, so she let the county lord go out of the palace to reunite with the family. ."

"Thank you madam for being considerate, a mammy brought her back." It's not just because of trouble.

"Mrs. Shizi is very polite, the county lord has arrived home safely, and the slaves can return to the palace to do business. The empress brought the county lord's clothing and jewelry."

Mammy Li asked the maid to hand over everything to the maid and left.

Mrs. Shizi took Xuexi into the house and couldn't help kissing again and again.

"Mother, I have good news to tell you." The county chief Xuexi put her arms around her mother's neck and said with a smile.

"What good news can compare to you coming back to me?"

"Grandfather is going to be made a prince."


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