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The vassal kings have recently been frightened by the emperor's reclaiming the fief, for fear that something will happen again.

"It has nothing to do with you, just talk about the situation in Mobei, and the fact that the Di people are eager to move." King Mobei looked at the brothers in front of him, and after he finished speaking coldly, he got on his horse and left.

He still needs to think about it.

Mobei is half sandy and half grassland. Animal husbandry is good, but there is a serious shortage of food, and the sandy land is not suitable for cultivation of food.

For so many years, apart from collecting taxes on businessmen, he has never collected much tax from the people of the fiefdoms.

The population of Mobei is scarce, the people are poor, and even basic food and clothing can hardly be solved. How could he bear to levy taxes again?

His army of 100,000 people were half-agricultural and half-soldiers, hoeing and bowing in wartime.

Only when there is a war will the court issue military supplies, and at other times, only on-site farming and animal husbandry, self-reliance and self-sufficiency,

He is not like the king of Liaodong. There are still mothers and concubines in the palace who can subsidize him. Moreover, the weather in Liaodong is only bad and the land is a little barren, but he can still cultivate food.

The new emperor promised him that after recovering the fief, the court would distribute free of charge new seeds suitable for sandy land cultivation to the people of Mobei.

Only the land tax was owned by the imperial court, and the appointment and removal of local officials were decided by the imperial court, and the vassal king no longer had the right to govern.

In the end, he also promised that after the fief was recovered, the prince would not descend to the throne. The descendants, on the basis of military merit, consider whether to lower the title to inherit.

The rest of the vassal kings, after taking back their fiefs, will be downgraded by one rank if they have no merit.

He kept thinking about it on the way back, and it is not appropriate to discuss this matter with the officials for the time being.

The emperor asked him to reply in three days, and three days later, the court general also proposed to cut the vassal.

Thinking of yesterday that the important minister had been negotiating in the imperial study for a whole day, today the emperor came to him.

He also understood that the emperor had already obtained the consent of those old ministers.

It is imperative to cut the fan, and it is useless for him to disagree. This has both advantages and disadvantages for him.

Locking himself in the study for a whole day, he also thought of the situation in which the imperial court kept splitting up the feudal queens, and he actually agreed in his heart.

But I was also very reluctant to give up. Governing by myself is not the same as governing by the court.

Taking back the fiefs is also a good thing for the people. They can get new grains suitable for sandy land cultivation, and they can eat and clothe themselves.

Although the right to govern the fief has been taken back, he still has military power and is still the king of Mobei stationed in Mobei.

The impact on him of cutting Fan will be relatively small. After thinking twice, he still agreed to take back the fief.

After all, he is only a courtier, and the important ministers have agreed. His resistance will not change the facts, and he may eventually become a prisoner.

He was neglected and grew up since he was a child, and he didn't have much ambition. After seeing the hardships of the people in Mobei, he just wanted to protect Mobei and prevent the Di people from coming.

Moreover, the emperor treated him preferentially, he did not take back his military power, and did not let him return to Beijing to raise him.

After the emperor summoned the king of Mobei, the queen issued a decree the next day and summoned the princess of Huainan to the palace to accompany her.

Huainan Princess was at a loss for a while, what did the Queen mean by summoning her suddenly?

Disappointed for many years, she did not take to heart what the Queen said before, seeing children similar to her.

I thought the queen was just talking casually. After all, Liaodong is far from Huainan.

That year, the Yellow River happened to be flooded, and there were corpses all over the coast. She actually believed in her heart that her child was gone.

"See the Queen Mother!"

"No gift, Princess Huainan, please take your seat!"

"Thank you, Empress!"

Princess Huainan took the first seat on the left. She straightened her back and sat only a third of the way. With a decent face, she said with a smile, "What is the matter with the concubine summoned by the queen today."

"Didn't this palace say it a few days ago? I have seen a child who looks exactly like you, and ordered someone to investigate. There has been news."

Princess Huainan was surprised. She thought that the queen was just talking about it, but she didn't expect it to be true.

After searching for so many years, from full of hope to repeated disappointment, she no longer reported delusions.

"There are birthmarks under the child's feet!" She asked with a smile, and there was still a glimmer of hope in her heart.

The queen ordered Zhou Shan's portrait, the portrait of the foot, and the playful one to be handed to the princess of Huainan by the maid.

Princess Huainan took the portrait, and when she saw the handsome boy with beautiful eyebrows on the portrait, her heart skipped a beat.

The pouting smile at the corner of her mouth froze, her pupils contracted, her hands holding the portrait trembled, and she couldn't help reaching out to touch the child's face on the portrait.

Like, so similar, she looks exactly like her, her child looked a lot like her when she was a child.

Her eyes were red, and she couldn't help crying with excitement. She was afraid that the tears would fall and drip onto the portrait, so she hurriedly wiped them away.

With trembling hands, he opened the second portrait with anticipation, and couldn't help crying for a while, hugging the portrait, tears falling down.

The position of the second portrait is a foot shape with three red dots on the thumb.

It's her son, this is her son.

She bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying, but the tears couldn't help falling. This is the child she has been looking for for more than eight years!

She clenched the portrait in her hand, for fear that he would be gone again.

After relaxing her mood, she took out the third portrait. She recognized the son among the children at a glance, and she couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth when she saw them happily cuju.

Her child was well and had not suffered so much, and that was the best consolation for her.

The unstoppable tears fell again, as if she couldn't see enough, UU reading www. had to flip through a few portraits.

It took a long time to calm down, her makeup was spent, she didn't care about being rude, and knelt down directly.

"I'm sorry Niangniang, the concubine has lost her way."

"It doesn't matter, you are just showing your true feelings, and this palace can understand your feelings of being lost and found again."

Princess Huainan wiped away her tears, "Thank you madam, dare to ask madam, where is the child? Can you bring it out to see?"

She looked at the Empress expectantly, anxious to see her child immediately.

The queen shook her head, "He is not in the palace, nor in the capital, you wait patiently. I will order someone to bring him to the capital to meet you.

Princess Huainan couldn't help being disappointed, but knowing that he was still alive and doing well, she was also satisfied.

Full of gratitude, she kowtowed and knelt down, "Thank you, the Queen, for your success!"

"Don't be too busy to thank you, the emperor has something else he would like to ask the King of Huainan for help."

"What are the orders of the emperor and the empress, but it's okay, the prince and his concubines will do their best."

The queen took a sip of tea and said slowly, "The emperor wants to cut down the clan, and wants to get the support of the king of Huainan!"

Princess Huainan raised her head in shock, her mouth moved, "Cut...Cut the vassal!?"

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