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The queen nodded, "Yes, the emperor has already received the support of the important ministers. But he still hopes that when it is officially proposed in the court, the vassal kings will not be so fiercely opposed."

She shook her head, "Our lord won't agree, what a big deal this is, and it's not something I can control as a woman."

"This is an imperative for the imperial court, and it is useless for the vassal kings to oppose it."

"Chen and concubine, a woman in the back house, can't change the prince's mind. Why doesn't the emperor directly summon our prince?"

"The emperor will announce the call. This palace wants to share his worries for the emperor, so I called you into the palace and let me know in advance. You take the portrait back first, and tomorrow the emperor will call the king of Huainan into the palace to discuss."

The incident of cutting Fan shocked her and brought her back to reality from the joy of finding her relatives.

She nodded and said that she would tell the emperor's intentions to the prince. As for how the prince would react, she could not predict.

Princess Huainan put away the portrait, and after a while in the side hall, she left the palace and returned to the mansion.

Along the way, she kept touching the portrait in her sleeve, and she couldn't help but get excited again.

Heaven has eyes, and her son grew up safely.

She looked up at the sky, holding back her tears.

The maid supported her by the side and looked at her suspiciously and worriedly, "Princess? What's the matter with you?"

The maid has been waiting outside the hall, so I don't know what happened.

"It's okay, let's go."

After getting into the carriage, she took out the portrait again.

The maid also saw the portrait and said in surprise, "Princess, this child looks just like you."

"Mother Xiao, son." The princess said with tears in her eyes.

The maid was taken aback, "Ah? This is the second son? Did the princess find the second son? Did the empress help you find it? Congratulations, princess, Hexi, you are finally able to reunite as a family."

She was really happy for the princess. The princess had been searching for more than eight years, and her eyes were almost blinded from crying, but it was considered that she had found her own son.

It turned out that the princess came out of the queen's palace with red eyes because there was news of the second son.

"You can't cry anymore, it hurts your eyes. It's a happy event to find the second son, you should be happy."

"Yeah, knowing that my son is still alive and growing up safely, I should be happy." Tears blurred her vision, and she couldn't see her son's face clearly, so she quickly wiped it again.

"With the news of the second son, you will be able to reunite with the second son immediately."

With tears in her eyes, she responded with a smile.

"You are smiling now and your brows are stretched. When you go back and tell the prince, the prince must be as happy as you."

At this time, the carriage stopped, and the maid opened the car window and looked at it: "Princess, we are home."

Princess Huainan wiped away her tears and carefully put away the portrait.

Just after returning to the courtyard, before sending anyone to invite him, the King of Huainan came.

As soon as he heard the news that the princess had come back with red eyes, he immediately came to see her worriedly.

He felt ashamed of the princess, and was most afraid of her crying.

"Why are your eyes red, what did the queen say when she summoned you?"

The princess threw herself into the arms of the King of Huainan, and then she burst into tears, "My lord, our child is still alive, he is still alive."

The King of Huainan sat down with the princess, and asked in surprise, "What's going on? Where did you hear it?"

She took out the portrait in her sleeve and handed it to him, "Look, this is our child. He has grown up safely and has grown. He looks exactly like me."

The Prince of Huainan looked at the people in the portrait in surprise. They were too similar, and they were exactly the same as the princess. "Are you sure? Will someone draw it according to your appearance to trick you."

She shook her head, "No, look at this picture of the foot. Only you and I know the red dot under his toes. Others were executed when the child was lost."

The King of Huainan was also excited, "It's really Yuan Bin! It's really our baby, and I finally found it."

"Well, I finally found it." The princess cried and laughed, wiping away her tears.

"The doctor said you can't cry anymore. Stop crying, where is the child now? Where did you get the portrait?"

He took out the last playful portrait, and it could be seen that the child was living a good and happy life.

"The queen gave it..." She told the King of Huainan from the beginning, including what the queen said to her during the banquet before the emperor ascended the throne.

There's also the matter of cutting down the vassal.

"Cut the feudal..."

The King of Huainan was stunned for a moment, but as expected, several of them had guessed it.

The emperor did everything possible to keep them in the capital and prevent them from returning to the fief, which was indeed purposeful.

"The queen said that tomorrow the emperor will summon you, lord..."

"They are going to use my son's news as a bargaining chip!" King Huainan frowned and snorted coldly, "The imperial power is really crazy."

She covered Wang Ye's mouth, "Your Highness!"

He patted the princess soothingly, "I don't believe it, I don't agree to cut down the vassal, they won't return the child to us."

She also thought so, cut the fan to cut the fan, the child belongs to the child, the emperor is still the child's uncle.

"Don't worry, the king of Japan will go and get the child back for you tomorrow. If you don't give it to me, the spittle of the people all over the world will drown him."

The princess nodded, she didn't care whether she cut the fan or not, she just wanted to see her poor child.

After appeasing the princess, the prince also summoned several confidants to the study to discuss.

The reduction of the vassal is related to the interests of all people. The vassal king has the right to self-govern the fiefdom, and he can judge the behavior of the officials of the royal palace by himself according to the law.

If he was really cut off from the clan, he could only stay in the capital to be raised and become a mascot, how could he agree.

After the morning of the second the emperor really summoned him.

He has been waiting for a long time.

After entering the palace, he bowed respectfully and saluted, "Wei Chen knocks on the emperor."


The emperor said straight to the point: "You should understand why I am looking for you today."

"Weichen knows that he will not agree to cut the vassal." The King of Huainan looked directly at the emperor and said firmly.

"The matter of cutting down the vassal is imperative. Several old ministers agreed unanimously. I have also reported to the Taishanghuang, and the Taishanghuang also understands my intention to cut the vassal. This is not something you can stop if you don't agree."

"The emperor is not afraid. The cutting of the vassal caused dissatisfaction among the kings of the vassal, the instability of the court, led to mutiny and chaos, and the people complained about it?"

"If you don't cut the vassal, you will be unstable to the court. Daxia is divided into feudals and governed. If things go on like this, the country will not be a country."

The emperor slowed down again, "How do you know that other fiefdoms can now live and work in peace? Maybe, they are looking forward to the court taking back the fief and giving them a peaceful life."

He couldn't refute this, he knew that some vassal kings only had fun, but they didn't care about people's livelihood.

"Other people can't control it. The people of Huainan will live well as long as there are no natural disasters. The emperor's forced use of troops and horses will only make the people resentful."

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