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Hu Zi hadn't seen him for more than a year. He looked thinner and darker, but he had grown a lot taller.

After calling someone with a silly smile, he stayed for a while, then went to play in the yard with the boss and the others.

Pei Xiu asked, "Is Huzi going to be sent to the military camp?"

Qiu Baize nodded: "Well, I will send it to the cavalry battalion in the suburbs of Beijing in a few days to polish it. There will be a war soon, so I can take it out to fight."

"War? Is it the rebellion of the princes?" Madam Qiu asked nervously.

What Pei Xiu thought was that Hu Zi was only fifteen years old and was about to enter the battlefield. He was still a child.

He sighed to himself, and knew very well in his heart that it was his own choice, as long as he didn't regret it.

Thinking of what Zhou Cheng said, when the eldest was fifteen years old, she would be sent to the military camp, and she couldn't help frowning.

"Well, the family members of several vassal kings who agreed to cut the vassal have already escorted them into the capital one after another. The emperor has gathered all the soldiers and generals in his hands, and is already arranging the deployment of troops."

The fact is that the emperor has already ordered someone to write a crusade letter, and he will announce it to the world soon to prepare an army to conquer the vassal king.

Pei Xiu also asked nervously, "Then are you all going?"

"Of course, this is Bai Jian's military exploits, and he must go." Qiu Baize said as a matter of course.

Zhou Cheng also nodded, this time cutting the vassal is also an important opportunity for them, and there may not be such an easy opportunity to make meritorious deeds in the future.

The family members of military generals are not good at this, and they will send their men to the battlefield at any time, and they are worried.

When he came out of Qiu's residence, Pei Xiu was silent, thinking about his upcoming expedition.

"Don't worry, the vassal kings don't have many soldiers and horses, and the soldiers recruited temporarily are useless, they are just a mob, and it will be a matter of time to take back the fief."

"I'm worried about your safety."

He squeezed her hand, "I know, nothing will happen, and the order hasn't come down yet, don't think too much."

"Well, I also know that you will be on the battlefield sooner or later, but you are a little caught off guard at the moment. It feels like everything is stacked together."

Zhou Cheng smiled and diverted her attention, "Let's take a look at the new house first, let's move in early while I'm still at home."

"The King of Huainan is really rich and generous!" Pei Xiu said with a smile.

"Huainan is the most prosperous place besides Jiangnan. It is well known that the king of Huainan is rich, so I will not refuse him when he sends the house and the land, and accept it openly."

Looking at the house is still very pleasant, a few children wandering around the yard excitedly.

This is a mansion for juniors. It is in a good location, close to the academy and not far from the imperial city.

Many of the surrounding houses were inhabited by court officials, and the King of Huainan was also very interested in sending this house, so he must have chosen it carefully.

"Mother, it's so beautiful here, when will we move in?" The second child ran with a flushed face.

The third child also followed, "Yes, mother, I like the new house."

"You don't like the house you lived in yesterday?"

"I like it, I like it all, but it's not our family's, it needs money. This is ours, no rent."

Pei Xiu smiled, "You know a lot."

The eldest hugged his sister and landed at the back, his face wrinkled into a ball, and Hu Zi followed and smiled.

After finally walking to his parents and putting down his sister, he couldn't help rubbing his sore hands.

"Mother, it's time for Mai to lose weight. It's too heavy. She loves to follow. She will follow wherever we go. She has to hug after a few steps. If I don't let the tiger hug, my hand is about to break." The boss was bitter. Complaining with a face.

This is what Zhou Cheng has always wanted to say. Although his daughter is very cute, it is time to lose weight.

His arms and thighs are several pieces. He is afraid that when he grows up, it will be the same, and it will break his hands. He wants his daughter to stay at home for a lifetime, but he also knows that it is impossible.

Pei Xiu glared at the father and son, and hugged the ignorant daughter, "Nonsense, you should learn from your father. What kind of weight does the little baby lose, it's just fine when it's bigger."

Zhou Cheng was aggrieved and silent, this time it was not what he said, why did he rely on him again?

The third child smiled and pulled his mother's sleeve, "Mother, you haven't said when we will move in."

"We need to ask someone to clean it before we can move. Our servants are busy. When I get back, I will ask the housekeeper to invite a few women from the street to come and clean for two days."

"Okay, okay, let's help too, supervise by the way, just haven't found a good academy yet, so you don't need to go to school."

"Who said that you haven't found it yet? Your father has already made a decision for Yunzhong Academy. You guys are going to take the entrance exam early in the morning in five days. After that, you will be admitted immediately."

Zhou Cheng, the academy in the capital, had already inquired about it a long time ago, and decided on the Yunzhong Academy.

In the past few days, let them relax and get acquainted with the capital. They will not be so free when they go to school.

"What if you haven't?"

The boss secretly thought that if he didn't pass the test, would he wait for the next test? Play for a few more days.

Pei Xiu gave the boss a cold look, "You don't have to go to school if you don't pass it, just play with your sister at home, and it can also reduce our burden."

The boss shook his body.

Forget it, his sister is so tossed, he can't stand with her for a long time.

He smiled pleasantly: "I'll just ask, hehe, it's just the entrance exam, I'll definitely take it at my fingertips."

"Brother, my sister likes you so much, you hurt her too much." The second child made fun of him.

The boss gave him a sideways look, "Then you can stay at home and play with her!"

"Then I definitely don't have this honor. I must have passed the entrance exam."

Under their ears and eyes, Zhou Lao Er could occasionally say a few words.

"Let's go, UU Reading went back. It's been a long time since I came out,"

Zhou Cheng hooked the corners of his mouth, it was more lively when the whole family was together.

"Father and mother, you go back first. Let's go to the streets with Huzi. It was evening when we came out yesterday, and many hawkers have closed their stalls."

They don't have any objections, they all don't need to be tied at home, just go out and get familiar with the streets.

When the three brothers went out, they thought that they could take the opportunity to go out for a walk, and they had enough copper in their pockets.

This street is so lively, there are juggling, and sure enough, the stalls were closed yesterday evening.

A few of them walked and chatted with Huzi.

"Brother Huzi, is the barracks tired or not? Why didn't you write to us?"

"I don't have the energy, I don't have time, I have to get up every day before dawn. After training from morning to night, I went back to sleep when I was exhausted."

The third brother frowned, "It's so hard? Then I'd better study hard, big brother, come on!"

The boss ignored him and said to Huzi, "You haven't written a letter to go home to report safety for a year, right? It's more than a month before the Dragon Boat Festival, and my mother should return with a boxing gift. Do you want to write a letter? Listen to Ding Bo. Saying that there was no letter from you last year, your parents were very worried about you."

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