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Hearing this, Hu Zi felt uncomfortable. He also missed his parents, younger brothers and sisters.

"I will write it and send it to you tomorrow. This year, I relied on military salaries and saved a little money, and sent it back to them together."

"Okay, by the way, let's take a look at what to buy and take back with you. It's also a local ritual in the capital. Your parents will have a lot of face when they say it out."

"Hehe, listen to you."

In the past two years, the Zhou family and Qiu family, who had depended on him for food and lodging, had no face at all to take their money and bring things home.

Now relying on military pay to save a little money, I use the money I earn to buy things for my parents and family members, and Hu Zi is also happy when he thinks of how happy they are when they receive the things.

The next morning, Zhou Shan could not wait to come to the door.

Hu Zi had just arrived and was stunned for a long time when he saw Zhou Shanhou.

The boy came from a distance, dressed in a blue brocade robe, with a jade pendant on his waist, and his black hair tied with a white jade belt. The items seemed simple, but they were very valuable.

There was a smile like a spring breeze on his face, and his pure black eyes were like a pool of ocean, attracting everyone unconsciously.

He respectfully bowed to Zhou Cheng and Pei Xiu.

He smiled and said, "Uncle Zhou, Auntie is early."

"Sure enough, people rely on clothes, and Buddhas rely on gold clothes. When you dress up like this, my aunt almost doesn't recognize you. What a handsome young man."

Pei Xiu couldn't help but admire, this child is so handsome, and in a few years, he will grow up, and it is estimated that it will be even worse.

"Wow, Zhou Shan, you are too handsome today. The hosta on your head is so beautiful."

The old man walked around him, his eyes sparkling.

"I was stunned. I almost didn't recognize it as Zhou Shan. I haven't seen the difference in a year. It's too embarrassing to be dressed like a gentleman." Hu Zi said without exaggeration.

He also heard that Zhou Shan was the second lost son of the King of Huainan. He was brought back yesterday, and in a blink of an eye, he became a relative of the royal family.

When I saw it today, it was really different from the past, and my body was extravagant.

Zhou Shandu blushed, "Don't stare at me like that."

"Okay, he's thin-skinned, don't make fun of him, let's go out together."

Xiao Chuan also wanted to follow.

"Brother...Brother." She screamed as she struggled to get down.

When Pei Xiu saw her twisting and turning, Sister Li was struggling to hold her, so she let her down.

He pulled her to the front and coaxed patiently, "Don't make trouble, what are you doing behind them all day as a girl."

"Wow~ I want it, brother... brother." She closed her eyes and howled, the more she cried.

Zhou Shan stepped forward and said distressedly: "It's okay, let her follow. We didn't go out, so we just stayed at home and played."

After he finished speaking, he stepped forward and held her hand.

She broke into a smile instantly, wiped her tears with the back of her hand, and pulled Zhou Shan out with her short legs.

Pei Xiu laughed and shook his head, Zhou Shan usually accommodated her the most.

Since she was going to leave, she liked to follow the **** of several brothers.

The boss and the others were fresh from the beginning, and they all disliked her for getting in the way at the back. Only Zhou Shan will hold her patiently and walk slowly.

"You follower, you want to play with us again, don't cry when you fall." The third child was disgusted.

Little Fatty hears her brothers say she is a follower every day, and she is familiar with this word.

Frowning, he rushed over to hit him angrily, his hands were soft, and the hit didn't hurt at all, but the third one hit him exaggeratedly and screamed.

Not to make people happy.

The group was just sitting in the garden, not playing anything. They had just eaten breakfast in the morning exercise, so it is not advisable to do too much activity for the time being.

The boss asked Zhou Shan curiously: "After you went back to the palace with your parents yesterday, what was your eldest brother's expression?"

This aroused everyone's curiosity, and they also wanted to know.

When he was only twelve years old, he could throw away his one-year-old brother. No matter what the purpose was, his heart was too cruel.

Zhou Shan thought of the way his eldest brother forced a smile when he formally knelt down and kowtowed to his father, mother and concubine when he returned to the mansion yesterday. He couldn't tell whether it was hatred or resentment in his heart, his mood was very complicated.

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have been living abroad for many years and suffered so much. But let him take revenge, he can't do such a thing, he can only ignore it.

King Huainan didn't want the brothers to turn against each other again, so he arranged the two people's yard far away.

Yesterday, the lobby didn't ask him to meet the boss, but only notified the boss to come over and let him know that the second child was back.

"Um... Shocked, like seeing a ghost? Mixed feelings? Forced smile? Anyway, the expression on the face is colorful, it is really good-looking."

"It must be like seeing a ghost. I never expected you to be found." The second child nodded affirmatively.

"When I knelt down and kowtowed to my father, mother, and concubine, I even caught a glimpse of his hands clenched into fists in his sleeves."

"Come on, he's a thief who won't die."

"You have to stay away from him and be careful, maybe he will attack you again. He was vicious at a young age, and now he is even bigger."

Their concern warmed Zhou Shan's heart, "Our yard is one east and one west, and we usually don't touch it."

Hu Zi also said: "It's hard to say, you can't prevent it if people have their minds or not."

The boss suddenly thought of something, "Is your elder brother married?"

"Not yet, I heard someone say that they were going to get married a few years ago, but the woman's grandfather passed away, and she has to observe filial piety for three years, which has been postponed until this year."

"Then he's twenty-one, your father Wang Ken?"

Not being taken seriously, of course it doesn't matter.

"Well, the woman gave in and allowed him to take a concubine and have children first."

"This is reluctant to bear the wealth of the Huainan I have made up my mind to cling to it."

Hu Zi said jokingly: "You have only been back for a day, so you know a lot?"

Zhou Shan smiled, "My mother-in-law was worried that I would not grow up in the palace and didn't know everything about the palace, so she ordered someone to tell me everything about the family."

"You have been brought back. If your eldest brother gets married, will your father invite a heir?"

The third child widened his eyes, "Ah, he threw you away, and he still wants to be the heir?"

"He is the eldest son. If you ask Zhou Shan to stand up, the etiquette will be difficult. Unless you tell Zhou Shan's being thrown away, he will be cast aside by the world. After all, Zhou Shan's mother has brought him up."

Hu Zi calmly analyzed, "Also, with Zhou Shan as the heir, his eldest brother will definitely not give up."

Zhou Shan nodded, he never thought about the throne, he didn't care about it.

"Then he harmed Zhou Shan, so he wouldn't have to repay his grievances with virtue, right?"

"It depends on what the King of Huainan thinks. We think for nothing."

"It's really complicated. I heard that Zhou Shan has three younger siblings who share the same father and mother. I don't know how it is." The second child patted his shoulder sympathetically.

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