Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman

Chapter 357: Linxian four thousand words

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Pei Xiu continued to inquire about the village chief: "I don't know how far it is from Linxian? We have just passed the carriage, but it's not time to count."

"I know mother, about half an hour."

The village said, "We are very close to Linxian. We walk for an hour, and we don't need a carriage for half an hour. Riding a horse is even faster. I haven't heard anyone say how long."

That's really close.

A group of people walked around the wheat field, and the county owner asked curiously, "Why is there only wheat and no rice here?"

"Rice needs water to grow. Wheat is relatively drought-resistant. We don't have much rain here. It is not easy to plant rice and irrigate it, and the yield is not high."

Princess Xuexi nodded in understanding. He squatted down and touched the ears of wheat again, "These wheat are all heading. This year is going to be a good year, and the village chief will definitely have a bumper harvest!"

The village smiled cheerfully: "I borrow Miss Ji's words."

He mistakenly thought that these children were all born by Pei Xiu.

"Is this one hundred and fifty acres of land allocated to several families? Are all the nearby ones also owned by you? Whose fields are they?"

"There are four families, and they have been cultivating these ten acres of land for 20 years. Some families have more strong labor, so they can rent a little more, and some have less strong labor, so they cultivate less. These nearby fields are owned by various vassal kings. It is Huangzhuang, which was later divided into various vassal kings. The villagers were originally from various surrounding villages. They relocated and settled here when they knew that there were fields to cultivate here. The little old man heard that the imperial court cut vassal vassals and sent troops to crusade the vassal kings. Right?" The village said that he was a little worried.

"It's true." This is something that everyone knows.

The village chief frowned and said worriedly: "Then will these fields be taken back by the royal family? I don't know if they can rent it for me to farm again."

Several of them also thought that the villagers here are all tenants, and they don't know what to do when there is no land to cultivate.

"Village chief, don't worry, I will report the situation here to the king when I go back, and let him tell the grandfather that the land here is still to be farmed by you."

Princess Xuexi felt that they were too pitiful. They could only farm the farmland to make a living. If the court took back the land and used it as the emperor's village, they didn't know if there was any chance to farm.

When the village chief heard what she said about Grandpa Huang, he almost knelt down in shock and trembled, "The noble person is..."

"My father is the prince, and my grandfather is the emperor!"

"Caomin sees the county master!" The village chief knelt down and kowtowed, this is the future princess.

"No gift, get up."

"Thank you, the county master! The county master is kind and kind, and has the heart of a bodhisattva."

Princess Xuexi was a little embarrassed for him to boast, she just said a word, and there is no shadow yet.

Pei Xiu saw that there seemed to be a big hole on the far right of the house.

She pointed to the corner over there and asked the village, "I didn't see it when I first came in. It looks like a hole from a distance. What is it?"

"There is the former Zhuangtou who dug a small pond to grow lotus roots. No one will take care of the planting this year. It is estimated that they are all abandoned."

She was moved, it was almost time for the lotus flowers to bloom, and she could go to see if there were any lotus flowers in a while. When there are lotus flowers, there will be lotus pods, and there will also be lotus roots at the rhizomes.

Seeing what she should ask, she understood almost, and she did not leave the village chief to bask in the sun in the fields.

"With the village chief Lao accompanying us for so long, we will not delay the village chief's busy work."

"Don't delay, don't delay, there is not much life in the field now, the little old man will go back first, and the nobles will send someone to the village to call me if they have something to do." The villager bowed respectfully and stepped back.

Pei Xiu nodded.

"Let's go to Zhuangzi for a while, the sun is a little bit hot at the moment, and the guards should be almost done cleaning."

She thought as she walked, that this farmhouse was quite perfect in every way. Of course, the King of Huainan couldn't give him a gift as a thank you. It's so close to the capital that many people couldn't buy it if they wanted it. Their family really got a big deal.

It is estimated that the King of Huainan also thought that they were in Huainan, the capital, and they were too far behind to think of using it as a favor.

These tenants depend on the land for a living, and they are not afraid that they will not take good care of the fields, and they will abandon the fields. Looking at the fields in front of them, they know that they are very careful.

She originally wanted to see if the farming conditions of the fields were not good, but now it seems that she is overthinking it, she is just waiting to collect the rent.

It is these fields that are planted with wheat. She thought about taking back a few acres of land in front of Zhuangzi's gate after the autumn harvest and planting some fruits and vegetables, so that the house would not have to go out to buy it all the time.

She also had this intention in bringing Cheng Bo to identify the way. The shop was not open, and if the village was to grow melons, fruits and vegetables, it would also need manpower, and the house would be easily damaged if no one lived there.

At that time, the children can come to Zhuangzi to play for two days in their spare time and experience the fun of picking.

"Mother, what are you thinking?" The boss called her several times but didn't respond, and several children also looked over.

Pei Xiu smiled and said, "Oh, I'm thinking about the farm, and in more than two months, the wheat will be harvested. We can also eat the grain produced by Zhuangzi, but such a big Zhuangzi has no vegetables and fruits. It's not good either, I want to wait for the wheat to be harvested, and then harvest two acres of land and come back to grow some fruits and vegetables."

"This is good, we can come over from time to time to help pick and play."

A few boys grew up in the countryside and liked to do these things. They haven't caught insects and fed chickens for several years, and they went up the mountains and rivers to grow vegetables and pick vegetables, and they still miss them very much.

"I'm coming too." The county master had never experienced it before. Seeing how happy they were, he thought it would be fun, and shouted not to be outdone.

Pei Xiu laughed, and there is still nothing to do. "Let's wait for the wheat to be harvested. Let's go to the side of the house to see the hole first. The village just said it was a small pond."

"It hasn't been taken care of for a long time, isn't there really lotus root?"

"Brother, you are stupid. The lotus flowers haven't bloomed yet. Where did the lotus roots come from? Last year's ones must have been dug up long ago." The third child said bluntly.

"Go and see first."

A group of children are not afraid of the sun, and they are not tired when they walk back and forth. Even the pampered Princess Xuexi ran back and forth with great interest without any complaints.

"Wow, there are lotus buds, look, when will there be lotus roots to dig?" The county owner of Xuexi was surprised when he saw that there were lotus flowers in this small pond.

From a close look, the pond is not too small, with a length and width of four or five meters. The quiet lake in the pond is covered with green lotus leaves, like dense emerald umbrellas, covering the lake. Seriously.

There are some fallen leaves and dead branches floating intermittently along the lotus leaf, which should have fallen from the uphill side.

A few boys happily circled around the pond, which is a pleasant surprise.

"Mother, when will there be lotus roots to dig?" The boss was a little eager to try.

The second child also looked at the pond with bright eyes, and the third child had already reached down and touched the lotus leaf.

Zhou Shan and Princess Xuexi were also very moved.

No one has tried the experience of digging lotus roots in a pond.

"Be careful, it's not there yet, it should wait until the lotus flowers have thanked and all the lotus seeds have fallen."

"Oh, so that's it, is it waiting for the autumn harvest?" The third child stood up in disappointment and wiped his hands.

"Mother, our academy has a seven-day farm holiday for the autumn harvest. Can we come and pick it up?" As soon as the second child finished speaking, everyone else looked over.

"Almost, if we have nothing to do, let's come and stay for two days." She generously promised a few children, and they were happy again.

"Yeah ~ autumn harvest, autumn harvest."

"Okay, let's go back to the yard to take a break and drink some water. You've been in the sun for most of the day, and you're all sweating profusely."

After the house was cleaned up, it looked much more comfortable, and it was not bad to come here occasionally to stay for a day or two, and the house was quite cool, with its back against the hillside and a small vegetable patch behind the house.

"When will you come to Zhuangzi to tell me, and I will come to play with you too." Princess Xuexi blushed. She was looking forward to seeing the scene of a bumper wheat harvest and digging lotus roots. fun.

"I want us to inform you."

The boss is not happy, it is too troublesome to bring her out, and it will take a long time to wait for a long time, and they will be held accountable in case of any accident.

"Brother Zhou Shan can enter the palace. Just let him go to the East Palace to find me in advance. I will find a way to get out of the palace."

Several of them had no choice but to nod their fate, who made her the princess.

Donggong will send guards to follow him to protect him, so Pei Xiu has nothing to worry about. Just follow him when the time comes. They didn't go to any dangerous places.

"You guys can go shopping on Zhuangzi and play by yourself, I'm going to Linxian."

The second child: "Mother, why are you going to Linxian? Let's go with you too."

Others: "We want to go too."

Zhuangzi and the others have visited and understood, and they also want to visit the county seat.

Pei Xiu has a big head, she went to the tooth shop, what are they doing with a group of children.

"You guys can play here, I'll go to the city's toothbrush to see."

"What do you want to buy, mother?" The boss was curious, what is it that they have come all the way to the Yaxing in Laixian County, they all have houses, land and servants.

"Let's see if there are suitable houses and shops to buy and sell. It's not a bad thing to have money to buy a few houses and shops."

"Let's go and have a look, too. Let me help you with your reference. We've already come here, so we have to go to Linxian for a walk."

"Have you seen anyone looking at the house, looking at the shop, and bringing a bunch of children and guards?" she said angrily, "You stay here."

"Mother, Linxian is close to the capital. Wouldn't it be more troublesome for you to come back to us and waste time?"

"Auntie, let's go find a restaurant in the city to sit and wait for you? There's nothing to eat here. Everyone is probably hungry after most of the day."

Zhou Shan was also very itching to go to Linxian for a while, but it was a pity not to visit.

What they said was right, there was really nothing on Zhuangzi, and it was close to starting from Linxian.

"Then let's go together, Zhuangzi doesn't have to keep anyone, and we will make arrangements after the autumn harvest. It's fine to go back to the capital directly from Linxian later."

They nodded in unison.

"Would you like to take a break?"

"I don't want my mother, we have enough rest. It will take half an hour to go to Linxian. We should hurry up, otherwise we will not have time to do anything. It will take time to see the house and the shop."

Others have no opinion, Zhuangzi Field and the others have also visited, and now there is nothing to play.

On the mountain behind the house and by the river beside the village, you can go to play, but at the moment, aren't you going to Linxian to do errands? It's more important to do errands.

"Then pack up and go."

The group got on the carriage again and went to Linxian.

At this moment, several children are also a little tired. They are sleepy in spring, autumn and summer. They are all drowsy on the carriage, and they are not excited to look around, and they have looked all the way when they come.

After squinting for half an hour, half asleep and half awake, he arrived at Linxian.

The soldiers guarding the city gate saw a small team of guards escorting the carriage, thinking that some big man was coming to the county, and quickly went up to ask politely.

They are close to the capital in Linxian, and there are often nobles who come to Linxian to rest.

Knowing that it was Uncle Nanyang, the second son of the King of Huainan, the soldiers respectfully saluted and let go.

They plan to find a restaurant to rest first. This time is not meal time, and the restaurants in the city are also free, so they just found a home facing the street.

The shopkeeper saw that there was a team of people who were extremely welcoming, and his face was full of smiles and asked them to go upstairs to the box. The guards also followed a few up, and the rest were waiting in the lobby.

"Four or five of your signature dishes, and there are several tables downstairs." Zhou Shan ordered the dishes casually.

The boss sighed, "Sure enough, people are more mad than others. Rich people are really rich."

Others couldn't help but laugh.

“So sour~”

"I saw a lemon extract!"

Pei Xiu ignored their jokes, "You guys are waiting here while you eat, keep an eye on your sister, I'll take Ginkgo to the tooth shop to see."

With a quick decision, she didn't care about the scorching sun now, it was rare to come out once, and she wanted to go and see it earlier.

"Auntie, let me ask two guards to accompany you."

Zhou Shan was not very relieved that the two women went After all, it was the first time they came to the county, and it was better to have two guards on the side to shock them, so as to avoid people who could not open their eyes.

Zhou Yong also nodded, "Mother, I'll accompany you too, I'm thirteen, and I'm not a child, so I can help you make up your mind."

She stopped the other children from speaking, "Then the boss will bring two guards with me, you are all waiting here, take good care of your sister."

"Okay, mother, come back early." The second child also knew that it would be a bit cumbersome if they all followed. Since mother didn't want them to follow, he had no choice but to give up.

She responded and took the boss out, and Zhou Shan also went downstairs and ordered two guards to follow them for protection.

After asking the shopkeeper about the location of the Yaxing in the city, she got on the carriage and went straight to the destination.

Every town has a tooth bank, and the sale of houses, fields, and servants is under the control of the tooth bank.

The lady before the meeting was simple, but the material was not ordinary. The young man was also a star-studded man, and there were two guards with knives behind him, so he didn't dare to underestimate them.

He took out his book and searched carefully according to Mrs. Zhou's request.

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