Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman

Chapter 358: Four thousand words in a house

The fields are not sold by anyone. They are close to the capital in Linxian County, and many people are staring at the surrounding fields, and those who have fields are holding tightly to where they are willing to sell.

Big families like to buy farmland to build Zhuangzi, and the production from Zhuangzi can be dedicated to the government. Isn't that what Pei Xiu thinks too?

The shops are not necessarily the same. Linxian is the only way to enter Beijing. The bustling and lively streets are not inferior to the streets of Beijing. Many people who enter Beijing will choose to rest in Linxian first, and then enter Beijing when they are ready.

Therefore, the shops in Linxian are also very popular, and it is not easy to meet the right ones.

The middle man didn't hide it, he explained it to Pei Xiu and the others one by one, "So the villain has only three shops that have not been sold yet, all of them are located on the street and suitable for business, of course the asking price will be higher. "

"What about the house?"

"There is a house. Linxian is next to the capital. Most people don't stay here too much, and they go to Beijing directly. The house price is not high, and there are several people who enter."

Pei Xiu had some thoughts in her mind, but she still had to read it before deciding, "Let's show us the shop first, and then the small courtyard with a single family."

"Okay, ma'am."

They looked at them one by one slowly and asked about the price.

The children in the restaurant were full of energy and full of energy, listening to the sound of hawking on the street and eager to move.

The third child and the county master have been lying by the window, looking out at the people coming and going on the street, wanting to go down for a stroll.

"Second brother, Zhou Shan, why do you think mother and the others will come back? We've all eaten, how long will we have to wait?"

The county owner also held his chin in boredom, "Let's go downstairs for a stroll, anyway, it's idle, it's boring to sit and wait all the time."

The second child looked at Zhou Shan and said, "Let's go shopping? You should be fine with two guards. The others are waiting here. It just happened that Mai fell asleep, so let Sister Li watch it here."

Zhou Shan also felt bored. They were all used to playing around. Apart from doing their homework, it was really hard to sit quietly. "Take two more people to be safe."

Several little masters wanted to go to the street to play, and they didn't dare to stop them at the moment, so they could only follow.

Some of them are happy when they go out.

Pedestrians on the road saw several guards with knives behind them, and they all took the initiative to avoid them.

These children did not look like ordinary people, and the vendors who set up the stall greeted them with great enthusiasm.

They are not fooled, there are many of these little things in the house. They bought it, and Princess Xuexi also gave it away, and they are still there.

Princess Xuexi is also not interested in the things on these stalls, and has shopped around and bought them last time. They didn't stop, just took a look and moved on.

Linxian is still not as lively as the capital, not to mention that they just visited during the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a bit disappointing.

I walked around casually in a moody mood, but when I passed a grocery store, I heard someone swearing and talking about high-yielding seeds, which surprised the three boys.

The princess didn't understand why they didn't stop.

The boss and the others heard from his father and mother that the imperial court planned to promote high-yield seeds and distribute them to the common people for free after the rebellion of the seven vassal kings was pacified.

Huangzhuang should still be planting at this moment? The court did not announce it, how did this grocery store know about high-yielding seeds?

They glanced at each other and asked the guards to wait outside. They were about to go in and find out. The county master was confused and didn't know what they were doing, so he went in to have a look.

The proprietress of the grocery store didn't want to take care of the children when she saw several children, but her eyes lit up when she saw the large collar on the neck of Princess Xuexi, who might be the God of Wealth.

She immediately put on a smile and greeted them warmly, "What are the young masters and girls coming to buy?"

Zhou Shan said calmly, "We just passed by and heard about the high-yield seeds. We wanted to come in and have a look. Is it this bag? How high-yield are the high-yield seeds?"

The proprietress looked at the children suspiciously, "Which family are you from? It's not up to the young masters and young ladies to worry about the seeds at home, right? This is the job of stewards. Why are you asking this?"

"We are scholars, just curious, what kind of seeds can be called high-yielding seeds? There is no shortage of fields at home, I plan to take a look, maybe we can buy them back and try to cultivate them."

The proprietress reluctantly believed his words and opened the bag to show them. They were stunned. Isn't this the sweet potato grown by their family?

Zhou Shan patted them and asked without changing his face, "Is this what it is, what is it called, and how to plant it."

The proprietress briefly talked to them, but when Zhou Shan asked her where she got it from, she kept silent.

Originally, she was just complaining, and she couldn't sell it for half a year. People thought she was lying, and they didn't believe that this unnamed red lump could be used as food and yield high yields.

Since she refused to tell, Zhou Shan didn't force it, and only asked, "Is there anything else, is that all there is to it?"

The proprietress saw that they really wanted to buy them, so she took out the corn and potatoes that were put away.

Originally, she had already thought about it. If she couldn't sell it, she would wait until next spring to bring it back to the countryside to show her parents in her hometown. It was brought late at the beginning of the year, and the fields were all sown. Of course, if it can be sold now, I will sell it. What if I can't put it out and germinate next year.

Zhou Shan bought them all, took out a little and handed them over to the guards, and planned to return to the restaurant.

These seeds are not many, and I don't know how this grocery store got them.

After returning to the restaurant, Princess Xuexi asked, "What kind of high-yielding seeds are these? I seem to have heard my father say it."

"Our family has been turned over by this. Now all the seeds should be sown in Huangzhuang or Liaodong. We don't know where this shop came from before the harvest."

"Could it be that the servants of Huangzhuang stole out to buy and sell?"

"I don't know. Let's talk about it when Auntie and the others come back."

They were just a little surprised, it was none of their business, and it had nothing to do with them how much the seeds circulated.

Pei Xiu didn't know that they bought the seeds. They looked back and forth at several shops and mansions, and finally settled on two elegant small courtyards with single-family homes, close to the east gate of Linxian County, and going to several academies in the capital was faster than entering Beijing from the south gate.

The south gate of the capital is the gate, and most people enter the capital through the south gate.

When they came, they came out from the south gate of the capital, but they entered the north gate of Linxian County. When they returned, they could try the east gate.

On the way back to the restaurant, the boss asked: "Mother, although the price of the shop here is a little lower than that of the capital, it is still very expensive. The house is a lot cheaper, but why did you buy such a small one?"

She explained patiently: "This year is the first year after the saint ascended the throne. The Enke would have been opened originally, but it was delayed because of the unfortunate cutting down of the vassal, and wars broke out in various places. But after the war is settled, the Enke will definitely be reopened. Let's Buying two small courtyards and renting them out to students is not very good.”

"Can they live in the capital?"

"You think the capital is so easy to live in. When Enke was opened, students from all over the country flocked to the capital. There are so many suitable houses for students to study in the capital? The capital price is high, the houses are expensive to sell, and the rental will not be cheap. Not all students are The family is well-off, and the houses in the outer cities of the capital are not cheap, and they are all towns and cities, and the traffic is noisy, so it is not suitable for quiet study."

Zhou Yong also understood, "The two small courtyards we just bought are small but elegant, and one has a few bamboo trees, and it is a single family. It can be lived in one family, or three or four students can join together. Live in separate houses without disturbing each other. Go directly from the east gate to the west gate of the capital, which is closer, Qingfeng Academy and Yunzhong Academy are both located in the west of the city, and Gongyuan is not far away.”

Pei Xiu nodded. After seeing the location of the house, she asked the middleman's distance from the city gate, and then went to the east gate for a walk before buying it.

By the way, I also entrusted the tooth bank to rent it out, starting from three months, whether it is a student or a businessman, it can be.

How come this is also the boundary of the capital, so buying a house will not be a loss.

After finishing the work, let Yaxing send the deed to the restaurant later, and they will go back first. Pei Xiu is really tired, tired and thirsty after going back and forth all day.

After sitting down at the restaurant, she didn't care about talking to them, so she drank a big bowl of tea first.

"Mother, what do you think these are?" The second child saw his mother slow down and pointed to the seeds on the ground to show her.

She opened it for unknown reasons, and was surprised, "Where did you come from? Haven't it been promoted yet, are you still planting in Huangzhuang?"

"We just went shopping and bought it at a grocery store."

She frowned. Did someone steal it from Huangzhuang and sell it for a profit?

"Mother doesn't know what to do, let Zhou Shan take it back to the King of Huainan and report it to the king and see how the boss handles it."

It was originally intended to be promoted, but now it just appeared in advance, but I don't know who stole it and how much it took.

After they waited for the deed from Yaxing to arrive, they set off back to Beijing. It was getting late, and the city gate would be closed if they didn't go back. This time, they deliberately went out through the east gate of Linxian County.

It was an hour from the capital to Linxian Zhuangzi, and after crossing Linxian, Zhuangzi went to Linxian for half an hour.

Therefore, it only took them about half an hour to return to Beijing, and they entered directly from the West City Gate. It was just that this road was not an official road, and it was not so easy to walk, but it was fast.

After they got home, Pei Xiu didn't leave them anymore. Everyone was really tired and it was getting late.

"Mother, I feel like I haven't done much all day, why are you so tired?" The boss spread out on the chair.

"Why haven't you done it yet? I've been running back and forth, and I'm going to see the shop's house. Can I not be tired? It's not that I'm tired of wheat, it's been held by someone all the time."

"Mother, what kind of shop did you buy?"

"Bought two small houses and entrusted the tooth bank to rent them out. Everyone is tired today. Let's go back and rest. I am also tired."

After hearing Pei Xiu say that they were tired, they sensible enough to stop asking.

"Mother, you rest first, and we're going back to the house."

Pei Xiu went back to the house and put away the house deeds and land deeds. Seeing that the boxes were filled with their respective deeds, his heart was full.

I don't know if she walked too hard the day before, and the next day her legs were sore. Fortunately, she didn't need to do anything and could rest at home all day.

Just two days later, Zhou Shan came back from school and told her that Marquis Xinwu had been reprimanded by the emperor. He ordered someone to steal the seeds from Huangzhuang and plant them in his own village, just to plant them first and sell them. Profit for passing merchants.

When the free promotion came, he was sold out, and the businessman could only knock down his teeth and swallow it with blood.

The servants of Huangzhuang were also selfish, and they detained some of them in private and wanted to use them for relatives to plant.

But when he took it out, it was too late. The fields had already been sown, and he didn't want to open up wasteland, so he could only put it on consignment from the relative's grocery store.

But the people in the countryside didn't believe it and didn't want to spend a lot of money to buy it.

"It's during the birthday of the old lady of the Marquis of Xinwu, so the emperor doesn't give face to the queen?"

"No, it was summoned into the study and reprimanded, and all were confiscated after harvest."

She just said, the queen's face must be given, after all, it is the queen's family.

"Then this matter should have been revealed."

He nodded.

"I heard the mother-in-law say that Marquis Xinwu will not be able to steal the chicken this time, and will lose the rice. He has already told the queen that he wants to give his granddaughter to the grandson. The opportunity to mention it to the emperor and the prince, the queen can only postpone it now."

Pei Xiu was surprised. It turned out that the Marquis of Xinwu still had this idea. No wonder the second miss just smashed a bowl a few days ago, but was about to frame the third miss.

It is estimated that he also knows the family's plan and wants to start first.

The ancients are really precocious, and they knew that they were planning to find a good marriage for themselves at the age of Taisun was fifteen, and he was about the same age as the two young ladies of the Marquis of Xinwu, no wonder they were targeted.

In this era, it is indeed possible to say that you are close, and it will take a year or two for the three media and six hires to go down.

I heard that the second miss is from the big house and the third miss is from the second house, so there is a lot of commotion.

Taisun is a sweet pastry, and many girls in the city are staring at him, but there is no chance to get close. In addition to the East Palace, he also has the Imperial College, but he seldom goes out.

The Marquis of Xinwu's Mansion can be said to be close to the water, and the moon is the first to see if there is an opportunity.

"In a few days, I'm going to attend the birthday banquet of Mrs. Xinwuhou's mansion, so don't go there if you're young."

"Ah, I also want to say that you can go and see what the banquet in the capital is like." The third child felt a little regretful.

"What's there to go to, a group of people are smirking and flattering each other, and they can't get enough to eat."

The boss has not been interested in the banquet since he attended the plum viewing banquet in Liaodong.

Zhou Shan smiled, "Big brother can go with me and get to know some of my peers."

"I dont go."

"You can go to play, otherwise you will stay at home and watch the wheat with Zhou Sheng and Zhou Heng." Zhou Shan used his trump card to persuade him to accompany him, otherwise he would be boring alone.

The old man just realized that, yes, the birthday banquet is on May 20th, ten days off, and my mother is going to the banquet. They must be at home with my sister!

He shook his head like a rattle. He didn't want to watch his sister at home. Recently, this little devil learned it from nowhere. He actually wanted to ride a horse, and he wanted them to ride for her. He didn't want it.

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