Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman

Chapter 359: Houfu four thousand words

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Pei Xiu was also a little speechless when she thought of her daughter. She came back two days ago and was tired and lay down on the bed for a while, and Mai sat on her back. She couldn't help but bowed and played with her twice. She remembered it and shouted every day. Riding a horse.

"Go, I'll go, mother, I'll go to the banquet with you in a few days." The boss smiled at his mother to please his mother.

"Don't do it, bro, we have both blessings and misfortunes. We are brothers. You can't enjoy the blessings by yourself and leave us to suffer and suffer at home."

Pei Xiu tapped the third child's little head, and everything he said was messy, and it became more and more out of tune.

"Go, go, go, go, I'm getting old, I have to go out more to see the world."

They looked at their mother longingly.

"Just watch your sister at home, or she'll make a fuss again."

They sighed resignedly, and the second child couldn't help pinching Mai's little cheek, this little ancestor.

Since she will leave, they have to follow her. They finally came to the capital. They just went out to play happily for a few days, and they will be at home to see her next time off.

Wheat hates people pinching her cheek, so she patted off her second brother's hand and ran to hug her mother's leg.

On the 20th of May, Pei Xiu put on the clothes that had been hung up in advance, and took out a face mask that she had never worn before, and asked Ginkgo to put it on her. It is not too elegant to go to celebrate her birthday today.

"Madam looks so beautiful today!"

The bronze mirror was a bit blurry. Pei Xiu could only see the yellow and yellow figures, but he could also see the clothes of the characters inside, which was indeed more extravagant than usual.

People rely on clothes, Buddhas rely on gold.

The boss is getting impatient waiting, and the mother usually doesn't have to be so troublesome to go out.

"Or brother, don't go, let's stay at home and play football together?" The second child watched his elder brother sit and stand for a while, only to feel his eyes hurt.

"Yes yes yes!"

The boss glanced at the three younger siblings and said proudly, "No."

Pei Xiu also dressed up, let Ginkgo bring a birthday gift, and came out of the house.

Their eyes lit up, and they had never seen their mother dressed up before.

"Mother, you look so beautiful today, with a yellow head on your head."

"It's a pity that Dad isn't at home, otherwise Dad would definitely like it."

Pei Xiu smiled, "Wait for your dad to come back and dress up for him, let's go, the road will be blocked today, let's go out early."

The boss couldn't help rolling his eyes, most of the day has passed, is it still early? But he didn't say a word, didn't dare to refute, and followed him out.

As soon as they went out and drove on the street, they saw that there were significantly more carriages on the street today, and they were all going in the same direction.

She originally made an appointment with Mrs. Qiu and the others to go there together. Later, she thought that there will be many carriages on the road today, and it will be crowded by then, so it is better to go separately.

The road was still clear at the moment, and I didn't notice the congestion. The streets of Chang'an Avenue were wide, and four carriages could run side by side. It was only when they entered the turning intersection that the carriages began to block, and they stopped and went.

When they got to the street where the Xinwuhou Mansion was, the road was almost blocked, and most of the officials and eunuchs in the capital came, and those who didn't receive the invitations also prepared a generous gift to send over. It would take many carriages.

"Mother, I'll go ahead and take a look." Zhou Yong sat on the horse and looked far away. The street in front of him was full of carriages at first glance, and he didn't know how far it was from the Xinwuhou Mansion.

The streets were already blocked by carriages, but it was still possible for one person and one horse to pass.

He rode forward, interspersed in the gap between the carriages on both sides. At the end of the road, I saw that the entire road in front of me was also congested, and the carriages were concentrated in front of a mansion.

There is no need to ask any more. At a glance, you can see that the door of Hou's mansion on the opposite side is wide open, and there is an endless stream of guests.

It turned out that not only the street was blocked when they came, but the streets in the other two directions were also blocked. Zhou Yong couldn't help frowning. Are there so many officials in the capital?

On the side, there were also the ladies who rode forward like him to visit, and got out of the car to walk. It was estimated that they knew that the road was not available, and it was useless to wait any longer.

He turned the horse's head back and asked his mother to come down and walk for a while, it was better than waiting all the time and not knowing when it would work.

After talking to Pei Xiu, she agreed to walk over. After handing over the horse and carriage to Cheng Bo and Qingsong, he helped his mother to get out of the carriage.

When the ladies in the carriages on both sides of the road saw this, they also frowned and walked down one after another. They were probably used to it. Every time there was a banquet, there would always be traffic jams, but the severity was different. Today, the traffic jams were too serious.

This also shows how hot the Xinwuhou Mansion is now.

After Pei Xiu walked around the corner, she saw that the whole street in front of the main entrance was blocked. Fortunately, she got down and left.

There were also ladies walking down the road, and no one felt embarrassed.

When she was about to reach the door of the Marquis of Xinwu Mansion, Pei Xiu saw Mrs. Qiu. There were so many people that she was embarrassed to shout loudly, but she was taken aback by someone behind her, which shocked her.

It was Mrs. Yang.

Mrs. Yang said anxiously: "I just saw Mrs. Qiu go in. Let's go in quickly. It's too sunburned. I don't even know if the makeup on my face is gone, and my back is sweating."

"Me too, my forehead has been sweating, I only dare to wipe it carefully."

The two walked together, talking and walking towards the front door.

They handed in the invitations, handed the birthday gifts to the registration office for registration, and went in. The men and women were also seated separately, and the servant girl waited at the door.

She told Zhou Yong, "Don't cause trouble with Zhou Shan, and if you want to find me, tell the servants of the Hou residence."

"I know mother, don't worry."

Pei Xiu and the others followed behind the maid, and walked along the chasing veranda to the backyard, looking at the Hou Mansion curiously as they walked. It was their first time here.

The buildings in Beijing are all the same, the difference lies in the layout and the design of the garden.

When passing through the garden, I saw the exquisite pavilions and pavilions, the serene and beautiful ponds and pavilions, the large rockery, the koi carp jumping up from time to time in the lotus pond, and the beaming maids came and went, looking at the clusters of flowers.

Pei Xiu couldn't help but admire when she saw it. The Hou Mansion was indeed rich and noble, and there were no less than dozens of servants and maids coming and going. Moreover, the little servants and maids who come and go are all dressed in uniform today, and the hair accessories are exactly the same, and the clothes and materials look good.

They walked through the hanging flower gate and walked for a quarter of an hour before arriving at the banquet hall in the backyard. There was already a play set up in the courtyard. The lobby was filled with tables and chairs, and some guests were sitting scattered.

The maid saluted a lady in her thirties who came towards her, "Eldest madam, Mrs. Yang, Duwei, and Mrs. Zhou, the general of Xuande."

The eldest lady waved away the maids and greeted them with a smile on her face, "Finally looking forward to the two of you, you are the old man of the old mansion and the upstart of the present. This is the first time we see each other today, and this is where you are in the capital. The first banquet?"

"Madam, you're welcome. I just entered Beijing, and I didn't expect to receive such an honor to receive a post from Hou's mansion. We are some upstarts. We only know what real wealth is when we enter the Hou's mansion. The Hou's mansion belongs to the new dynasty. The uncle's mansion is the real upstart, and the extravagance is extraordinary."

Mrs. Yang smiled brightly. She was the smartest and most able to speak, and she was able to speak easily. Pei Xiu only needed to smile, she was happy and relaxed.

After hearing this, the eldest lady's smile deepened, "The two ladies, please come in and sit down for a while. The guests have not arrived yet, so you need to sit down for a while."

"It doesn't matter, we came early. There are many guests today. The eldest lady can just go and be busy, and you don't have to wait for me."

After arranging for them to be seated, the eldest lady smiled at everyone before leaving the table to receive new guests.

As soon as she was seated, Pei Xiu saw Mrs. Qiu sitting beside her and smiling at them.

She smiled and nodded with everyone, although she was not familiar with the lady from Liaodong either.

Mrs. Yang also saw that all the ladies at the same table from Liaodong were of equal rank, and greeted them with a smile.

"There are so many guests today. I heard that we also invited a troupe, juggler, and actor." Mrs. Yang drank a sip of tea and quenched her thirst, then looked around and said in a low voice.

"We're just here to join in the fun, the more lively the better."

Pei Xiu saw that there were ice basins in every corner of the lobby. No wonder she only felt cool when she came in. Maybe the staff hadn't arrived yet.

Mrs. Qiu also sighed: "The capital is much more lively and prosperous than Liaodong. The birthday banquet of a lady of the Houfu is so grand. It is no wonder that everyone who is an official has sharpened their heads and wants to squeeze into the capital."

"Of course, people go to high places and water flows to low places. What's more, the madam of the Marquis of Xinwu is not the madam of an ordinary official family. She is the mother of the empress."

This is where the top ladies of the upper class of the Xia Dynasty gathered, and those who were not of sufficient rank would not be able to enter.

Pei Xiu is honored that she is of sufficient quality and fortunate to have seen it.

The three of them had been chatting in a low voice, and the ladies around them were just shy about their table, and they knew that this must be the official family of the old mansion, and they all smiled at them kindly.

The guests came in one after another and took their seats, and the hall was packed full of friends.

"The seats are full, it should start."

Pei Xiu Zhang looked around, and as soon as the voice fell, someone sang: "Mrs. Tai is here, Madam Hou is here."

Everyone got up.

Mrs. Tai has snow-white temples and frosty hair, but she is in good spirits, with white hair and red face, and she is graceful and luxurious.

When everyone was in a happy mood, she looked at everyone with a red face and said: "Thank you ladies for coming to the humble house to celebrate the old man's birthday. The old man is honored. Ladies, please take your seats."

"What the old lady said, we are here to show your favor. If I can live as rich and rich as you and live a long life, I will wake up laughing from my dreams." There is an in-law relationship, and the seats are close.

"Yes, Mrs. Tai's blessing is profound, and there are few people in the capital who can compare with you. The daughter is the queen, the grandson is the prince, and the son is still the first-class prince. You are the real blessed person."

"My mother-in-law often told me that you are the happiest in the capital, your good days are yet to come, and there are a lot of wealthy days to come. She said that she was inconvenient to walk, otherwise she should come over to see your light. "

The other ladies also cheered and said that the smile on Mrs. Tai's face did not change at all. She was tired of hearing these words, but she still greeted everyone politely.

Mrs. Hou also smiled and jokingly said a few words, but her eyes turned to the door from time to time, as if she was expecting something.

Mrs. Tai was calm as a pine tree, with a smile on her face, listening to everyone's compliments, and then said to Mrs. Hou: "It's almost time, all the guests are here, get ready to start the table."

Mrs. Hou was patient, and then ordered the next person to open the table.

The lobby was very lively. The nearest lady was either of high class or in-law. They often chatted with Mrs. Hou and found that she was a little absent-minded.

Although Mrs. Hou spoke to them with a smile on her face, everyone could hear that she was perfunctory, and everyone knew that she kept looking at the door.

Seeing that the seats are all open, the seat on the left of Mrs. Tai is still empty. The person who should come has not come yet, so where can Mrs. Hou sit.

After a long time, Mrs. Hou was no longer in the mood to speak, and smiled reluctantly.

Why haven't you come yet? Will it not come?

At this time, someone came in to report, "The prince is here, the grandson is here, the county master is here~"

Only then did Mrs. Hou stand up in surprise, and she really came. She helped Mrs. Tai beside her, and everyone looked at the door.

Mrs. Tai was overjoyed when she saw that the prince and grandson finally appeared, and the gradually condensing smile deepened again, this time it was a joy from the heart.

"My grandson has seen my grandmother, and I wish my grandmother a blessing like the waters of the East Sea, and a long life that is not as old as the Nanshan Mountain."

"The great-grandmother has seen the great-grandmother, and I wish the great-grandmother a long life, prosperity and good health."

"Xue Xi also wishes her great-grandmother not to grow old in Spring and Autumn, and to enjoy her family forever."

"Okay, you are all good kids."

Mrs. Tai smiled kindly at them, while holding the prince's saluting hand, "It's the old man who salutes the prince and grandson."

"Where is the grandson, the grandson is a junior. I came here to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. It should have been the grandson's salute to you. We haven't apologized to you yet. It's late today." It's not too late, it's just right, His Highness is very happy to be here. "

Mrs. Tai's tears flashed and she was overjoyed. She took the prince's hand and sat down together, "The grandson and the county master should also sit down quickly, don't stand, this is also your foreign home."

"Thank you, great-grandmother."

"The grandson has prepared some birthday gifts for the grandmother." After the prince said, he ordered someone to carry it up.

A one-meter-high white jade Guanyin statue, a longevity star, a pair of rare Hetian jade bracelets, large pearls from the East China Sea, etc.

Everyone present was dazzled, they were all treasures.

Mrs. Hou was happy and said with a sweet smile: "His Royal Highness has a heart. You can come here, which is the biggest birthday gift for Mrs. Tai."

Mrs. Tai smiled and nodded, "Yes, I am looking forward to seeing Taisun more in my lifetime."

"Mrs. Tai has a long life. You will live to be a hundred years old, so you will definitely see more. If you miss your grandson, let your uncle pass the word. When the grandson is free, he will come to visit you more often."


"Also, the royal father's ceremony hasn't arrived yet, so my grandmother waited patiently, and the eunuch's hands and feet were slow."

As soon as the prince's voice fell, someone came to report, and the **** Sili came.

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