Hou's mansion had expected it long ago, and prepared the incense case in advance.

The prince and Mrs. Hou supported Mrs. Tai to stand in front of the crowd, and the ladies behind them stood in sequence.

Chief Supervisor Sili said with a smile: "Prince, Mrs., let's start when you're ready."

Everyone knelt collectively.

"Fengtian, the emperor's edict said, the mother of the Marquis of Xinwu Lin, Kunyi Yuxiu, the moon room is drooping, the brocade thread is piercing the clouds, it is Yi who will make Er as the lady of protecting the country, and this is honored!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Lady Huguo, please accept the order! Congratulations to Mrs. Huguo."

Everyone was in an uproar. It was Mrs. Huguo, not Mrs. Guoguo. This was the highest award given to a lady by the imperial court. Everyone in the Hou residence was overjoyed.

Madam Tai received the imperial edict excitedly.

"The emperor has a birthday gift for you. This is the gift list. Please take it."

"Thank you, Lord Ron!"

The in-laws and wives who were closer to each other came forward to congratulate each other beamingly, and the good words kept going out without money. The wealth of the Hou Mansion is also a good thing for them.

"Congratulations to grandma." The prince said with a smile.

"Okay, okay!" Mrs. Tai was so happy that she was speechless and nodded.

The emperor's award and the arrival of the crown prince are enough to ensure the Houfu's future for a hundred years, and she is also the right ancestor of the Houfu.

"The chief executive also stayed and used a thin bar." Mrs. Hou had a spring breeze on her face, and politely invited the supervisor of Li.

"Thank you Mrs. Xinwuhou, our family has to return to the palace to recover, so I won't stay any longer."

Mrs. Hou didn't force it. She was originally a polite invitation, so she handed over the big red seal that she had prepared for a long time.

Chief Supervisor Si Li smiled and accepted it before leaving.

The atmosphere of the banquet was suddenly pushed to the top.

Mrs. Tai placed the imperial decree on the high hall, turned around and said to the crowd with a smile: "Everyone, stop standing, take your seats."

"Mother, can you order the troupe to come on stage?" Mrs. Hou was already laughing from ear to ear.

"You arrange it."

The prince sat down for a while, and after talking with Mrs. Tai for a while, he said to take the grandson to the front hall to meet Marquis Xinwu. He has not yet been to meet his uncle.

Madam Tai smiled and nodded, leaving Princess Xuexi behind.

Pei Xiu and the others have been standing in the crowd, looking at the prince, the palace is the icing on the cake for the Hou Mansion, everyone is smiling, and they are no exception.

The ladies around were discussing the favor of the Marquis of Xinwu Mansion. After today, the Marquis of Xinwu Mansion became very popular again.

They are also talking.

"It's amazing, Mrs. Huguo, Mrs. Tai's birthday is so timely, just in time for the first year of the saint's enthronement."

"The Marquis of Xinwu's mansion is truly magnificent today!"

Pei Xiu felt the same way. If it was last year, the Marquis of Xinwu would not have been so beautiful.

"So lucky!"

While they were eating, they watched the performance of the troupe on the stage, and they discussed a few words by the way. The atmosphere was extremely strong.

Mrs. Tai was getting old, so it was impossible to sit at the table all the time. After staying for a while, she went back and asked Mrs. Hou to greet Princess Xuexi well.

"Will the county master feel bored? There are life women here, so it's bound to be boring. How about the court lady take you to play at the lady's side? Let a few children of my family accompany you, and you can get to know more of your peers." Mrs. Hou Afraid that Princess Xuexi would not be able to sit still, he suggested.

Princess Xuexi nodded, it's all right, it's really boring to sit here.

Mrs. Hou personally led her to the lady's side. The lady's banquet was held at the Qingchi Pavilion on the side of the waterside. It was cool and beautiful, and young girls would like it.

The eldest miss of Hou's residence is already married, the biggest is the second miss Liu Ziqing, the third miss Liu Zixi, Madam Hou ordered them to greet Princess Xuexi well, and then left.

Pei Xiu watched Princess Xuexi being taken away from the seat by Mrs. Hou, thinking that she should also be taken to play with her peers. She was young and bored here.

Halfway through the banquet now, the protagonist has left the banquet, and everyone is more at ease. Those who don't want to watch the play can go to the garden together.

It's just that the scorching sun outside is scorching hot at the moment, and there are not many people willing to go out, not to mention that many people are not coming to Houfu for the first time, so they don't think there is anything good to visit.

Pei Xiu and the others are exactly the opposite.

Mrs. Yang can't sit still, the lobby is too stuffy, and she is curious about the Hou's mansion. It was a rare visit. She suggested going out for a walk. Both Mrs. Qiu and Pei Xiu readily agreed.

Why do they go under the sun? There are many places where there is no sun, and there are pavilions near the verandas and waterside pavilions, and there are pavilions by the lotus pond. Isn't it cool?

Although there are a lot of ice cubes in the room, but only in the corner, the person sitting in the middle can still feel the heat, and it will be stuffy. Dozens of people are crowded in a lobby, and the air is not good.

Just go out to get some air.

The three quietly left the table from the side.

"It's much more comfortable to come out, but it's too crowded and stuffy inside." Mrs. Qiu breathed a sigh of relief and felt at ease when she came out.

Seeing Mrs. Yang standing directly at the mouth to blow air, the two of them also stood over to blow air.

Even if the weather is hot, they still have to wear two layers of clothes, but they will be thinner. What's more, they are all dressed up today. It's better to sit still, and sweat when they move.

As soon as Mrs. Yang came out, she walked to the air vent of Chuhuamen, closed her eyes and let the wind blow for a while to cool herself off.

"It is more comfortable to blow the natural wind. There are many people in the room, and the ice cubes are not very useful. I am most afraid of heat, and there is already a thin layer of sweat on my back~www.readwn.com~ Pei Xiu rubbed his temples, "I Fortunately, I felt that the troupe was making my head buzzing, and I couldn't appreciate their babbling. "

"You have to learn to get used to it. Now which mansion is hosting a banquet and doesn't invite a troupe? All of them will be invited to have a fun. Some elderly ladies also like to listen to opera. I also like to listen to opera, but I'm just afraid of the heat, otherwise I can start from scratch. Sit to the end."

"It's good to like listening to dramas, anyway, banquets are boring, just to pass the time."

She has never watched any of the many interesting TV variety shows in modern times. Although opera is a national quintessence, she really can't appreciate it. She just feels that the clanging and clanging noises make her head hurt.

Now that I'm far away, I only heard the reverberation sound much better, she suggested: "The wind blows for a while, it's much cooler, let's go to the lotus pond for a stroll, otherwise I'll be sleepy, usually at this time I'm the lunch break."

"Okay, I noticed it when I came in. As long as we don't get close to the pool, we won't get the sun and won't feel hot." Mrs. Qiu suggested.

"I don't care, as long as I don't get in the sun, let's go there."

The three of them walked together slowly, talking and laughing. When they passed the Shuixiechi Pavilion, they saw some young ladies playing the piano in the distance, and soon they heard cheers.


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