Mrs. Qiu helped the woman to lie down at the end of the bed, trying to take the prince out, but she couldn't get up, she was so heavy.

She whispered to the two at the door, "Come in quickly and help."

When Pei Xiu and Mrs. Yang heard it, they hurried in to help.

Mrs. Yang looked at the woman who was only wearing her chest and trousers, and she did not forget to say contemptuously, "It's so shameless, and even naked, can you show your shoulders?"

"Don't talk about it, hurry up and help us out. If we are bumped into by others, our reputation will be gone." Pei Xiu was really anxious this time. It took a long time, but don't be bumped into in person.

The three of them worked together to move the prince out. Fortunately, this courtyard is relatively remote, and there are no servants around. I don't know if the mansion was deliberately set aside.

They successfully helped the prince out of the courtyard, hesitating where to take him.

"Go to the bamboo forest!"

Pei Xiu said decisively, they were not familiar with this place, so they couldn't find a suitable room for the prince to lie down, and they were too weak to keep supporting a drunk and comatose man.

As soon as they took a few steps outside, they heard voices coming from a distance.

She sweated nervously, "Quick, someone is coming!"

The three of them joined forces and dragged the prince away at the fastest speed.

Offended, I really can't care to help slowly, I dragged it faster!

As soon as they dragged the prince to the corner of the bamboo forest, they couldn't take a breath when they saw a group of people appearing not far away. Afraid of being discovered, the three of them also stood in a dead corner and squatted.

Looking at the sleeping prince, Pei Xiu asked in a low voice, "Is there a way to wake His Highness?"

"How?" The two asked in unison.

She looked at Mrs. Qiu, "Can't you?"

Mrs. Qiu looked at Pei Xiu in confusion, "What should I do when I'm drunk? I don't have any sober soup."

"Really drunk? Didn't you get dizzy?"

"Have you read too many words?" Mrs. Qiu said angrily.

"Then what should we do now? We can't let His Royal Highness lie there all the time." Mrs. Yang frowned and looked at Pei Xiu, and Mrs. Qiu also looked at her.

Pei Xiu frowned and thought for a while, "Or should I go to Princess Xuexi and ask her to go to His Highness Taisun? Leave it to His Royal Highness to deal with it?"

"Okay, okay, that's it, it's safest to give it to Taisun, and you can take it away directly."

They unanimously agreed.

"I'll go out when those people leave."

They all heard screams and noises in the room in the corner.

One can imagine how annoyed Marquis Xinwu was when his hope was lost. He finally waited for the prince to come. Today is a rare opportunity.

Taisun's marriage was temporarily put on hold, so he had no choice but to play the crown prince's idea.

The prince grew up in Liaodong, and he was not close to their uncle's family. The emperor and the queen were getting old, and they needed a daughter of the prince's mansion in the prince's backyard.

He chose a close and suitable woman from the clan, but he didn't expect it to fall short.

When the woman asked three questions, she said that she only saw the shadow, and she was knocked out from behind. Marquis Xinwu couldn't ask anything useful, so she slapped her in anger and left.

The three of Pei Xiu watched a group of people come aggressively, and when they left, they searched the courtyard for a while, and left angrily after finding nothing.

They also let go of their hearts, fortunately they didn't look for them, and it is estimated that Marquis Xinwu would not dare to shout everywhere.

After waiting patiently for a while, and after confirming that no one was there, she tidied up her clothes and asked them to help arrange her hair accessories. After she was safe, she went out to look for the county head of Xuexi.

"You guys are optimistic here, don't move around, I'll be back soon. If someone came to see it, you said that you happened to see the prince fall here, so you just stood by and sent someone to look for the grandson. "

"We know, you go quickly."

Seeing that there was no one on the road, she felt more relieved. This place was not far from the Shuixie Pool Pavilion. After walking for a while, she saw the Shuixie Pavilion in front of her. She exhaled and slowed down.

The maid at the entrance of the Shuixiechi Pavilion saw her, bowed and asked, "May I ask which lady is Madam looking for?"

"Help me ask Princess Xuexi to come out and say that Mrs. Zhou has something to do with her."

"Yes, please wait."

After a while, Princess Xuexi came out, followed by two little tails.

She squinted her eyes and asked, "Mrs. Zhou, are you looking for me?"

Pei Xiu looked at the second and third misses beside her, and said with a smile, "Yes, I have something to say to the county master. Can the second and third misses avoid it?"

The two nodded embarrassedly and went in.

Princess Xuexi is a little curious, what can't they hear?

"Mrs. Zhou, what are you going to tell me?"

Pei Xiu took Princess Xuexi and walked to the hand-chasing veranda, "The sun is shining here, let's talk while walking."

Princess Xuexi followed obediently.

After walking for a short distance, and seeing no one around, she said, "Go to the front hall and call your brother, if you have something to ask for him."

"Ah? Looking for my brother? What's the matter?" Princess Xuexi felt so inexplicable.

She thought about it for a while and then simply said, "Your father was almost raped by Marquis Xinwu. We brought him out. He is drunk now, and we have no idea what to do, so we want to hand him over to you."

Princess Xuexi opened her mouth in shock.

She is not an innocent After a while, she said, "I understand, I'll go and call my brother to deal with it. Where is the father?"

"In the bamboo forest, I'll wait for you at the corner over there and take you there." Pei Xiu pointed to the front.

She nodded and went back to find the maid without changing her face. She only said that she would go to the front yard.

The maid obediently took her to the front yard, and when she arrived, she sent the maid away.

She saw that the guards her father brought were also in the front yard, and she wondered, how could her father be brought to the back yard?

When she couldn't understand it for a while, she stopped thinking about it for a while and asked the guard to call her brother out.

Taisun also drank his feet a little. He wanted to withdraw for a long time, but he was outnumbered. The cousins ​​in the Houfu took turns to play, and he couldn't turn his face in anger.

De Gongdu also wanted to go with him, but he was also drunk. Fortunately, the guards came in time, otherwise he would have to fall.

He breathed a sigh of relief and hurried out with the guards.

When Xue Xi saw her brother drinking too, his face was flushed. As soon as he was angry, she stepped forward and slapped him, "How did the concubine tell you when you came out, to make you look after your father and father?"

When she said the last sentence, she lowered her voice, and the servant beside her just thought she was acting like a spoiled child.

Before he could answer, she pulled him away and ordered two guards to follow.

Taisun didn't know why, "Hey, where are you going? Did someone bully you?"

There were servants on the way, she didn't speak, she just dragged him to and fro, and when she came over, she paid special attention to how to go.

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