Taisun thought that Xue Xi was angry at him for drinking, and he also had a hard time saying, so he obediently let her take him away, but this is almost in the backyard, right?

"Where are you going, if you go further, it's the backyard."

When she saw that there was no one around, she whispered, "Go to the king."


Taisun held Princess Xuexi backhand, "Isn't the father resting in the guest room? Going further is the backyard."

Princess Xuexi repeated what Mrs. Zhou said to him, and he suddenly realized. At that time, the servant helped the father and the king out of the lobby from the back door, and he was still puzzled, but Marquis Xinwu said that the back door was close to the guest room. He was still too young.

Marquis Xinwu just planned to wait until the traitor was caught, and then tell the guests that the prince woke up somehow and walked to the backyard to offend his niece who was taking a lunch break. Who knew it was yellow.

Now, there is no need for Princess Xuexi to pull him away, but instead he pulls her away.

Pei Xiu waited for a while. Seeing that Princess Xuexi hadn't come yet, she couldn't help worrying that Marquis Xinwu would send someone to look for it.

However, Marquis Xinwu has already given up. With such a large mansion and so many guests, how can I find it? And that yard is in the backyard, and the backyard is full of female dependents.

Seeing His Royal Highness Taisun coming with Princess Xuexi from a distance, she greeted her and gave a blessing.

"Mrs. Zhou doesn't need to be too polite. Let's take us there to find the father and the king." Taisun was much more awake now, and his footsteps were no longer slippery.

"Yes." Pei Xiu didn't say much, and led the way.

The scorching sun was in the sky at the moment, and there was really no one near the garden. The banquet was in progress, and the servants were all waiting by the side.

Mrs. Qiu and the two were relieved to see that Pei Xiu finally brought Princess Taisun here, and the hot potato could finally be handed over.

"Here, it's rude, our three weak women took all the strength from the yard to move the prince out. They were not caught on the spot and laid on the bed. The prince couldn't wake up either, for fear of being found and beaten again. Wrong idea, had to hide here. Offended."

Pei Xiu was afraid that they would misunderstand that they were disrespectful to the prince, so she explained why they put the prince on the ground.

"Mrs. Zhou doesn't need to explain, we understand that we have to thank you for stopping in time, otherwise my mother and concubine will be very angry. Let's send the father back first, and thank you later!" Taisun said politely and ordered The guards helped the prince.

"Tai Sun is very kind. I'll leave it to you. We'll go back first, and it's been a long time since we came out."

Taisun nodded.

The three of them didn't have the time to go shopping anymore, they sorted out their clothes and hair accessories, and walked to the backyard banquet room.

"Let's have a natural expression and be happy." Pei Xiu urged.

"How happy are you?"

"Imagine that when we return to the mansion, the East Palace will order someone to send a gift of thanks. Will this make me happy?"

The two of them couldn't help laughing when they heard Mrs. Yang's jokes.

"I didn't expect you to be a money fan!"

"Who doesn't like money. Money can make a ghost run the mill, but without money it's hard to do anything."

They entered the banquet hall while talking and laughing.

The ladies present did not move around except to change their clothes. Listening to the opera and chatting, no one paid attention to the three of them going in and out.

Only the lady at the same table asked curiously, "It's so hot, where have you been and how long have you been going?"

Mrs. Yang smiled and answered as a matter of course: "We felt bored, so we went out for a walk to get some fresh air. In fact, as long as you don't stand in the sun outside, it's more comfortable to wind in the shade, you can also go out for a walk."

"It's so rare. Don't you like listening to the play the most? I'll wait until the play is over, and then I'll change clothes and stroll around. It's uncomfortable for my back after sitting for a long time."

"Who made the weather so hot and stuffy, I dragged them out for a walk when I couldn't sit still. No, I came back after a while and continued to listen to the show."

Pei Xiu listened to Mrs. Yang's expressionless words. If she hadn't been with her all the time, she would have believed that she was really just going out for a walk.

Gu and Mrs. Qiu met eyes, and they smiled at each other.

Not long after they were seated, someone came to tell Madam Hou that the prince was drunk, and the grandson and the county master sent the prince back to the East Palace first, so it was inconvenient to come and say goodbye.

Mrs. Hou did not suspect him and nodded.

The three of them sat patiently until the end of the banquet before leaving with the ladies. Today's banquet can be said to be a joyous occasion for the guests and hosts.

Except for the dissatisfaction of the East Palace.

The Crown Princess was very grateful to Pei Xiu and the others, and her affection for the Zhou family became even stronger. If it weren't for them, Donggong would be a newcomer, and it was still from the prince's uncle's house. She could not be light or heavy, it was too embarrassing.

The next day, they ordered someone to give them a gift of thanks.

Pei Xiu accepted with a smile.

"Mother, why is Donggong giving a thank you gift?"

The three children asked curiously as they opened the gift box.

She clapped their hands, "It's nothing, you go to school quickly."

"We're waiting for Zhou Shan, he hasn't come yet, why is it so late today?"

"It's almost time, you all go first. When he comes, I will tell him."

"Okay then." They looked at the sky, they would really be late if they didn't go.

Pei Xiu was waiting for Zhou Shan while registering these gifts.

But a morning passed, and she didn't wait. She planned to send Qingsong to the Huainan palace to ask questions, but she didn't expect the palace to send someone over first.

The servant said: "The king of Chu's carriage was startled, and it ran rampantly and ran into our second son's carriage. The two horses were frightened and turned over together~www.readwn.com~ Our second son was passed out, his head was bleeding, When you wake up, let the villain come over and inform Madam."

"Ah, where are you injured, is it serious?" Pei Xiu asked worriedly.

"There was a big hole in the forehead, and the blood kept flowing. Fortunately, the bleeding was stopped in advance in the medical center. The imperial doctor has already re-bandaged it, and he needs to stay in bed for a few days."

"That's good, you go back and report to your second son, let him rest well, and after the three brothers Zhou Yong leave school, I will go with them to see him."

"It's Madam, the villain retire."

Gingko said from the side: "Why did the King of Chu suddenly startle the horse? He has been tossed about the good throne of the King of Qin. What are you doing on the street this morning?"

Pei Xiu shook his head.

The second prince's original title was King of Qin, which was known to everyone in the court and the public.

Who would have known that he was doing nonsense in the fief, and when it was spread to the capital, the temporary sage adjusted it.

If you can't steal chickens, you can eat rice! How can the title of the king of Chu have the honor of the king of Qin.

I haven't seen Zhou Shan come to school all day, and the second child is worried. They will only know when they tell the first and third one after school.

Pei Xiu told them before she asked when she got home.

"Ah, so unlucky, I said why didn't I go today."

"Mother, let's go see him now."

"Well, you have to go to school again in the morning, so you are free after school now, let's go, I'm all ready." Pei Xiu brought the prepared gifts and medicinal materials and went to visit together.

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