When the doctor saw that there was no more water to vomit, he put the person down.

The people onlookers were excited when they saw the drowning child wake up yo-yo, and were finally rescued.

The little servant knelt on the ground with fearful tears streaming down his face, if the young master had an emergency, he wouldn't have to live.

He didn't dare to cry loudly, for fear of disturbing the doctor's rescue. He didn't cry until he saw his young master spit out the water, "Young master is fine, young master is alive, woo woo..."

Boss and the others were also relieved, it would be good if they were rescued.

"The patient has just spit out the water, and his body is still weak. He will take him back to recuperate first. I will prescribe some medicines. Fortunately, it is summer, not cold winter. Conscientiously, he said some precautions, and then handed the little master to the little servant.

The little servant was so grateful, he wiped away his tears, took out the doctor's fee, and took another string of copper coins, and asked the little brother who had just asked the doctor for help.

"Trouble, little brother, help me run again, go to the nearby Shen residence in Orange Lane and report a letter, and tell the housekeeper that the ninth young master has fallen into the water, and ask him to send a car to pick him up immediately."

After everything was properly arranged, the young servant solemnly kowtowed to the boss and the others, "Thank you two young masters for saving our master and servant, my master will definitely have a big reward."

"Get up quickly, we already know water, it's just a little effort."

There was no sun today, and a gust of wind blew. The second child looked at the young master and shivered coldly and said, "It is not good for your young master to lie on the ground like this. Let us help you carry him to the bench next to him."

"Okay, I have a few young masters to work on."

"Take off your wet clothes. Although it's summer, it's easy to get cold when you wear it like this."

After the boss finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Chongliang.

"Why are you looking at me? I won't take it off." Zhang Chongliang took two steps back and folded his arms.

"Then let your little boy off."

Zhang Chongliang saw that their two little servants had already taken off their clothes and wrapped them around them, leaving only the undershirts. The county owner only brought Cai Wei and the two guards, so he had no choice but to turn around and instruct the servant to take off his clothes and put them on for the unfortunate child.

"Thank you for this young master." As he said, he took off the wet clothes for his ninth young master, and the little servant's clothes were put on first. Fortunately, it was not autumn and winter, otherwise his young master would have to freeze to death when he rescued him.

"Dare to ask the surnames of the young masters, where do they live?"

"It's just a little effort. Since your home is not far from here, then we'll go first."

The young servant held on to the eldest brother's hand tightly, "Hey, wait a minute, young master, please leave your name and address. If my master asks about it, if I don't know, I will be punished."

"You're going to be punished anyway..." Zhang Chongliang spoke from the side, who's young master fell into the water, and the little servant was able to get out of the water?

At this time, the steward of the Shen residence also hurried over. After thanking the people who led the way, the steward hurried forward nervously.

Looking at the ninth young master on the bench, his chest heaving and breathing, he breathed a sigh of relief. If the ninth young master had any accident, the servants of their capital mansion would suffer.

He ordered the servants to carry their young master to the carriage to lie down.

Only then did the housekeeper call out in a dark voice and say to the servant, "Go back and let you go."

Then he changed his smiley face again, looking at the eldest and the second drenched in wet clothes and wearing the clothes of a servant, he also knew that these two teenagers went into the water to save their ninth young master.

He saluted them respectfully, "Thanks to the two young masters for saving our young masters by going into the water in time. The Shen family is very grateful. I also hope that the young masters will inform them of their names and addresses. My master will go to the nearby county for inspection, and he will come back in a few days to thank him."

"Which of the Shen family?" Before waiting for the Zhou brothers to speak, Zhang Chongliang asked first.

"My master is the young master of Shenjiabao in Yanyun Prefecture."

Zhang Chongliang's eyes lit up, "Shenjiabao, who made a fortune by raising horses? Shenjia Racecourse in the suburbs of Beijing? The owner of Drunk Xianglou?"

Gu "Yes."

He was pleasantly surprised, but also felt regretful, why wasn't he the one who saved people?

Others looked at his behavior puzzled, "what are you doing?"

"Can't you see? I'm jealous of you guys, so there are benefits to being able to swim." He sighed and pointed to the two brothers and said to the housekeeper, "They are the sons of General Xuande, Zhou Yong and Zhou Sheng."

He also knew that he had contributed a little servant's clothes, and he was reluctant. It was not worth it.

"It turned out to be Young Master Zhou. When my master comes back, he will definitely come to thank him!"

"Ah, no, no."

The official smiled and asked again that the little girl was the Princess Xuexi of the East Palace, and that Zhang Chongliang was the youngest son of the Minister of Rites, before letting them go.

Boss and the others were all wet and uncomfortable. Now they want to go home and take a shower and change their clothes.

Seeing that Zhang Chongliang was still following them, he couldn't help turning around and said, "Why are you still following us, we're going home."

"Can I go shopping at your house? I can help you learn about the Shen family."

The boss rolled his eyes, "What are you doing with the Shen family? I'm their young master's savior, but it's not that they are my benefactors. I'll take whatever you give me. Don't follow us."

"Cut, if you don't go, you won't go, who cares." Zhang Chongliang was also embarrassed, and went home with a displeased face.

Princess Xuexi also followed them back to Zhou Mansion. She was very familiar with them anyway.

Pei Xiu was practicing calligraphy at the moment, and she planned to take a lunch break after finishing writing~www.readwn.com~ I didn't expect to hear Erya running over to report that the county master was here and the young masters were back.

She looked at the weather outside the window, came back so early?

Putting down the pen in his hand, he went out to the side hall to take a look, only to see that the third child and Princess Xuexi brought Cai Wei in, the guards were waiting outside the hall, but the other two sons were nowhere to be seen.

"What about your eldest brother and second brother?"

"They went to take a bath first." The third child told his mother that they had rescued the ninth young master of Shenjiabao at Daming Lake.

"Yan Yunzhou? The Ninth Young Master of Shenjiabao?" Pei Xiu repeated in surprise.

The third one nodded.

This is a coincidence. I have saved the previous generation, and my son has saved the next generation.

"Understood, it's a good thing to save people, but it depends on the situation. You have done well today."

"Mother, the housekeeper of the Shen family said that their master is not at home now, and he will come to thank him when he comes back soon. Are we making money for the family again?"

Pei Xiu was ashamed, she was a little worried at the moment, if this child really became an official in the future, she would become a corrupt official.

"You don't want to repay your kindness. Don't always think about others giving you big gifts. We just helped others within our ability. It's his business for others to repay us, but we shouldn't worry about it. If you think about what you want in return before giving a helping hand, this is not helping people, but an exchange of equal value. You know?"

The third child nodded, seemingly understanding but not understanding, "Got it, mother."

The princess also nodded thoughtfully.

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