They're all back, and they don't plan to go to Daming Lake anymore. Anyway, they've all gone shopping and stepped on it.

Anyway, I’m idle, I’d rather go out to look for food if I’m just sitting. The boss suggested, “I’ve swam twice in the lake, and I’m hungry. Let’s go have a roast duck. I heard that there’s a new roast duck restaurant nearby. Some classmates said it was delicious, and we haven't eaten it yet."

"My father also bought a few roast ducks a few days ago. They were delicious. I don't know if this is the one you mentioned."

"Go to eat and see." The second child was also hungry.

"Let's go..."

"Mother, we're going out, we'll be back later."

"Aren't you tired after going out for a long time, and then running out after you get back?"

They replied with a smile, "Not tired."

Several people are lively and can't stay at home, so they can't wait to go out after saying hello.

Pei Xiu looked at them and left without stopping. There were servants following anyway, and the county master also brought guards. She could clean up and take a nap when they weren't at home.

Because it wasn't far away, and there was no sun today, they didn't take the carriage, they just walked away.

As soon as they walked down the street, they saw an uncle who was selling watermelons a few days ago. He was squatting at the stall selling watermelons.

The second child went to squat in front of the booth and patted the watermelons, "Uncle, you are here to sell watermelons again. There are quite a few leftovers today."

The uncle recognized these young men. Although their faces were blue and purple a few days ago, they could still see their facial features and their voices clearly.

He smiled naively, "It's the three young masters, hehe, it's not hot today, and there are fewer people buying melons, so it's not easy to sell."

"Then what if you can't sell all of your melons? There are still two big baskets."

"Push it home again, and come back tomorrow. The watermelon won't go bad after a few days. It doesn't matter if you sell it slowly."

"Then do you still have melons in your field? They don't sell as fast as they ripen, so what should you do?"

"When it's ripe, pick it off and put it at home, and sell it slowly. It can be sold out." The uncle said optimistically.

Princess Xuexi said with interest, "Have you bought it? Is this watermelon sweet?"

"Sweet, we bought three a few days ago, and we ate them all at once. Uncle, let's pick three more for us." After finishing speaking, the second child looked at them, "Take two home and take one to the roast duck shop to cut. How's it going?"

They have no problem with good food.

"Then leave the rest to me. I've been out all day, and I have to bring something for my father, mother and concubine. I can also use it to coax the emperor and let him promise that the lotus seeds from Taihu Lake will be returned to me."

The boss nodded, "This can be done."

As soon as the uncle heard that Princess Xuexi exited, he said that the emperor was grandfather. He was so frightened that he knelt down and kowtowed, unable to speak.

"It's alright, you don't have to kowtow all the time. Hurry up and weigh these melons. We can settle the bill, and we have to eat roast duck." The second child helped the uncle up.

"Okay, I'm going out to meet a distinguished person. Several of them are good people, and good people have good rewards." The uncle's dark face was full of smiles, and he thought he was going to pull it back today.

There are too many numbers, but the uncle still can't count. Seeing how he stuttered, the second child helped him count again.

After Caiwei gave the money, she asked the two guards to carry the watermelon back to the carriage, and they waited there.

The eldest also asked the two younger brothers to carry one home first, and he accompanied Princess Xuexi to wait.

Bored, he looked around to see what new things were on the street, but he heard someone on the opposite side talking about a great victory, General Yun Hui, etc.

His heart skipped a beat, his heart beat faster, and he pulled the county master to run over and asked expectantly, "Three uncles, what are you talking about about the great victory, is there any good news coming to Beijing?"

Princess Xuexi was dragged by him and ran to the opposite side in time, so she was a little unclear, so she only understood after listening to his questions.

"Don't you know? There was a good news just now, and it was sent to the city with great speed. The soldiers who reported the news shouted all the way to General Yun Hao to destroy Ruyang City and win the first credit. The good news is estimated to have been delivered to the emperor's table by now. ."

Zhou Yong's eyes brightened as he listened, "Really? When did we just come back from Daming Lake, why didn't we hear about it?"

"Just about a quarter of an hour ago, it was sent to the city from the South Gate with great speed. We saw it with our own eyes and heard it on Chang'an Avenue. Now it is spread all over the city."

"Thank you."

A quarter of an hour ago, they were still taking a shower at home, no wonder they hadn't heard of it, and they didn't know which general his father was assigned to. If only under the command of this general Yun Hao.

"Which general is your father under?" The county master also heard it without a word.

"I don't know. Let's see if the court will post a notice tomorrow."

The second brother and the others didn't see them when they came out. After looking around for a while, they found that they had moved their positions.

The second child frowned and said, "Didn't you say you should wait on the spot? Why have you moved your position and can't find it?"

"I didn't walk too far on this street, but I went to the opposite side. How could I not find it? I just heard the good news, so I came to ask."

The two brothers' attention was immediately diverted, and they asked in surprise, "What good news, the good news from the front?"

Now they are most concerned about news from the front line. Their father is on the battlefield, and there is nothing that makes them happier than a good A quarter of an hour ago, a good news entered the city from the south gate and was sent to the palace. Now, the soldiers who delivered the good news shouted that General Yun Hui was victorious and defeated King Ruyang. "

The third child was overjoyed, "Really, that's great, finally there is news, it's been more than 50 days since Dad went on an expedition."

"I don't know which vassal king's fief was assigned to fight. It would be great if he was under the command of General Yun Hui." The second child was also very happy.

"Let's go, let's talk as we walk. It's probably being talked about in restaurants and teahouses now. Let's go to the roast duck restaurant and sit and eat while listening. When we go back, we can tell my mother and make her happy."

The group went all the way to the roast duck restaurant excitedly, and before they were seated, they heard the people around the table talking about the good news.

"After Ruyang City is taken, the army should go to Jinyang City. King Jinyang's fief is the largest, and it should be the hardest to conquer."

"It makes sense. I heard that King Jinyang secretly kept 60,000 private soldiers in captivity, and he has long been willing to be disobedient. After sneaking away, there should be more than 100,000 recruits to buy horses."

"I don't know when the war will be over. It's more peaceful in the north, but no businessman from the south has dared to enter Beijing in the past few months, and the prices in the capital have risen."

"Whoever said no, my daughter-in-law said that the price of fabrics has gone up by half, so I dare not buy them."

"Have you all been prepared with white cloth? I heard that the Emperor Taishang..."

Halfway through the man's words, the face of the tablemate changed. He tightly covered his mouth, looked around carefully, and whispered in his ear, "Are you dying?"

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