The three brothers of the Zhou family and Princess Xuexi all heard the voices from the adjacent table.

As a result, those people were talking and talking about the Taishanghuang. Thinking of the repeated reports of the Taishanghuang being critically ill, they couldn't help but look at Princess Xuexi.

"Why are you looking at me?" she whispered, "My great-grandfather's health is really not very good. There have been reports of critical illness several times, but he has survived."

"Then this good news comes, the Emperor Taishang...ah..." The boss stretched his feet out from under the table, crossed Erlang's legs and looked at it, then stared at the second child, "Why are you kicking me."

"Listen to no evil, see no evil, speak no evil... This is not something we can talk about, bro."

The boss knew it, and the guilty princess smiled at Xuexi. Just as the watermelon was cut and served, he quickly changed the subject, "Uh, eating watermelon, it's so red, it should be very sweet."

"Well, it's really sweet! Just enough to bring it back to the palace."

"Ah, roast duck is here too, let's eat roast duck first."

The boss endured the hot hand, and took the lead in tearing a duck leg for Princess Xuexi, patted off the hand that was stretched out by the second and third child, and then tore off a duck leg for himself.

"It's delicious. This roast duck tastes the same as the one my father bought a few days ago."

"The prince has come all the way here to buy roast duck." The eldest said while calling for the second to come over, "Help us pack another one and take it away."

"I want one too. Help me pack one too, ah no... I want three." Princess Xuexi swallowed the meat in her mouth hastily and said.

"Why did you pack three? You'll have dinner when you return to the palace."

"As a snack, you can bribe my grandfather with one and give the other to my grandmother."

"My head turns very fast."

The two of them were patronizing and talking without paying attention, but the second and third children on the side ate the whole duck in half, leaving only the duck's head, neck and feet on the plate.

After the boss finished eating, he stretched out his hand to grab it, only to realize it. He widened his eyes and saw them each holding half a bite.

The third child wiped a mouthful of oil, "You have to be quick and precise. Who asked you two to take up both of your legs, and just didn't let me reach out."

"You'll settle the bill later!" The boss pulled the plate over and pushed it in front of Princess Xuexi for her to choose. "There are only scraps left."

"It doesn't matter, I just like to eat duck heads. I'm almost full with one duck leg, not to mention I packed three and I still have some to eat when I go back to the palace."

The boss took the duck claw and gnawed it. He also liked to eat odds and ends. "You two are not allowed to eat it when you get home."

"Each person eats half of it and they are full." Princess Xuexi wiped his mouth with a veil, and ate a piece of watermelon to relieve his tiredness.

At the urging of the boss, the two brothers also finished eating, and they went to checkout unwillingly. Although they each shared half a duck, they didn't have duck legs. Why?

But outside, they didn't dare to resist, they could only succumb to the arrogance of the elder brother, and by the way, they also settled the account of the three ducks that the county master packed up.

"Don't forget, the watermelon account was settled by the county master, and you also made a lot of windfall during the Dragon Boat Festival. My ill-gotten wealth, I consciously used it as the fund for this period of activity, and it has been used by me. You are exhausted."

Listening to the eldest brother's plausible words, they couldn't refute it, they could only recognize it with their noses. Fortunately, they have saved a lot of money for their private house now.

Princess Xuexi also stopped Caiwei, who was about to settle the bill, and looked at the expressions of the three brothers amusingly. Others' brothers are humble to each other, but she feels that it is too unfamiliar, and it is not as interesting and close to the three brothers' play.

"Okay, let's go, I'm going back to the palace quickly."

The three brothers surrounded Princess Xuexi, pushing and shoving all the way home.

After sending Princess Xuexi to the car at the door, they entered the house and kept talking about the race to see who could run the fastest to her mother's yard.

When Pei Xiu heard the movement, she came out and stood at the door. She watched as the three brothers turned and did not stop the car. One collided with the other. The lid of the food box flew off, and the roast duck inside swayed a bit.

So why do you have so many sons?

She held her forehead and looked at the three brothers, "What are you doing, can't you walk well?"

The boss smiled flatteringly, "Mother, we think the roast duck in this restaurant is delicious, and we specially packed it back for you and your sister to taste." Then he held the food box in both hands, and bent over and raised it above his head.

The two brothers behind her also smiled at her in a pleasing manner. She glared at the three of them, carried the food box to the side hall, and by the way ordered the servants to prepare meals. The roast duck just came for a snack.

Mai was taken by Sister-in-law Li to take a bath. As soon as she came out and smelled the aroma of roast duck, she climbed up on the stool, and then planned to reach out.

Pei Xiu patted her and asked her to sit down obediently. After watching Mrs. Li put her rice pocket, she tore a duck leg for her and asked Mrs. Li to tear it into small strips and feed her.

Although the three brothers had eaten it, they were still salivating when they smelled the aroma. The three pairs of eyes never left the roast duck.

Seeing that, Pei Xiu wanted to help her forehead again, "Didn't you eat?"

"Mother, the second child and the third child are too much. The two of them ate a duck, leaving only the duck head, duck neck and duck claws for me and Princess Xuexi."

"You are talking nonsense, you and Princess Xuexi both took the lead in tearing off one duck leg."


Seeing that the second child and the third child were going to fight In order to keep her ears clean, Pei Xiu quickly stopped her.

"As soon as I come back, I can't stop. If you want to eat, you can do it yourself. Don't just watch it, and eat a little later, so that you can fill it up."

The boss got up and tore off another piece of duck leg and put it in the Pei Xiu bowl, "Mother, eat it, I just think it smells so good, we've eaten enough."


She graciously agreed. The children were a little naughty, but they were all filial. It was normal for children to play around, and she didn't want to jeopardize their nature. Besides, they will know the rules they should know, without her reminding them.

The three brothers were arguing for a while, but they were fine for a while, and now they are rushing to tell Pei Xiu what they saw and heard outside today.

The second child remembered the good news, "Mother, we heard from the people outside that there was good news coming to Beijing."

Pei Xiu asked in surprise: "Really? Which fief came from? Why didn't you say it earlier."

The boss also remembered it now, and when they were playing, they almost forgot about it.

"I heard that it was General Yun Hui who defeated King Ruyang. When we went out, we heard people talk about it."

"It's a good thing. The war will end sooner, and your father will be able to come back sooner. I don't know which fief he assigned to."

She was a little worried and said that although the surprise came so soon, there was a good news, but she didn't have too much joy. After all, there was no clear news from Zhou Cheng.

"Father will definitely come back victorious."

The boss said solemnly, and the other two nodded in agreement.

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