After they went to the academy the next day, Zhang Chongliang didn't know if he had taken the wrong medicine, but he looked at them with a smile at the door.

They were the second monk, and they were confused. Seeing him walking behind them, they were convinced that this man was really waiting for them.

Although he is the same age as the eldest, he is in the same class as the second. The reason is that his grades are too poor. He is at the bottom of the half-year exam and the annual exam.

The boss focuses on martial arts, and the classes he learns are different from theirs.

The second child was more familiar with him, so he frowned and asked, "Why are you following us?"

"Let's drop by the class, we're not from the same class?" He said jokingly, not feeling embarrassed at all.

"Why are you waiting for us?"

"Is there, isn't it a coincidence?" He pretended not to know.

Is it a coincidence to wait for them to come in together at the door? The three brothers rolled their eyes, ignored him, and walked on their own.

Some time ago, there were also many people who pretended to meet Zhou Shan by chance, and they all nodded politely and ignored them. The scholars had to be embarrassed, and after a few days, there were fewer people. I don't know what medicine Zhang Chongliang took wrong today.

As a result, he even followed the second child after school, and followed him to the gate of the academy step by step. The second child was speechless.

The other two just pretended they didn't see it. As soon as they walked out of the gate of the academy and walked towards their carriage, they saw Qingsong beaming with joy.

"Why are you so happy, Qingsong, you found silver?"

Qing Song smiled with a cracked mouth, "Young master, the government posted a notice this morning, saying that General Yun Hui, General Qiu, and our family members led 50,000 troops to conquer Ruyang City, only lost 300 people, and won a great victory. , the first battle was won."

"Really?" The three brothers asked in unison, all jumping for joy.

"Dad really won the battle, ahaha..."

The classmates who had not left the gate of the academy also heard it, and came forward to congratulate them.

"Thank you, we are in a hurry."

The boss politely thanked the classmates who came around, and was so anxious that he wanted to take a look in person.

"Qingsong, take us to the city gate to see what the notice says."

"Okay, young masters, sit down."

It was not until they saw the announcement with their own eyes that they were truly convinced that their father and Uncle Zhou had won the battle under General Yun Hui.

Zhang Chongliang also followed them all the way to the city gate to read the notice, and congratulated them with a smile, "When the class teacher returns to the court, your father is going to rise step by step, congratulations."

They also smiled and thanked the person who didn't hit the smiling face, but they didn't care that this person actually followed them to the gate of the city.

All the way home in the car excitedly, I saw my mother smiling happily.

That's right, mother is at home all day, and when the servants are shopping, she must have reported the outside affairs early, how can they use them to spread the word.

Pei Xiu smiled and said to the three brothers, "Do you all know?"

Boss: "Well, we heard what Qingsong said, and went to the gate of the city to see it with our own eyes. Dad is really amazing."

The third child: "Will other fiefs also have good news soon, is Dad coming back soon?"

Second child: "Not so fast, right?"

Boss: "I heard people say that we have to fight all the way to Nanman and take Nanman back."

The third child: "Nanman is so far away."

Pei Xiu smiled and listened to their discussions. She was also thinking that Zhou Cheng's team should have gone south by now, and she didn't know which fief to go to for support.

At this moment, the housekeeper came in and interrupted their discussion, "Ma'am, the restaurant table is here."

"Okay. Let's set the meal early today, and you all go to the feast." After instructing the housekeeper, he explained to the three brothers, "Your father has a great victory, we won the battle, let's celebrate today, I have already let The restaurant is ready to bring two tables of seats."


GuThe whole mansion is as happy as the Chinese New Year, beaming with joy. If Mr. Zhou is good, the whole of the Zhou mansion will be happy.

In today's court hall, hundreds of officials also sang their praises to the emperor. They seemed to have expected the scene when the army returned to the court after the pacification of the seven vassal kings.

On the vertical day, the three brothers saw that Zhang Chongliang was actually waiting for them at the door again.

Today is in a good mood, so they won't talk about him, and they can still say jokingly, "You are very early these two days, Master, shouldn't you thank us?"

He smiled and said, "Yeah, I haven't been punished for a few days. I wonder if Master can make me look better."

"Ha ha…"

After several days, the brothers also accepted him a little bit. The boss asked curiously, "Why do you keep following us in and out?"

"It's boring. I've had enough to eat, so I have nothing to do."

"Do you want us to play and fly with you?"

"Che, the young master still uses you to bring me? I know the capital better than you." Zhang Chongliang said disdainfully, in fact, he wanted to play with them, but he couldn't keep his face.

"Then are you still following us?"

If you don't follow, you won't follow, is it rare, young master? Zhang Chongliang glared at them and left in dissatisfaction.

The three of them looked at each other, and Xiaosan said first: "Does he want to play with us, but he can't say it arrogantly, so these geniuses come in and out with us?"

"I don't know, I just said it casually, and I didn't say not to let him follow, just leave."

The three of them didn't put this episode on themselves, they got into their own carriage and went back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they got home, they saw the servants of the Shen family come to send the worship stickers, and they took it from the housekeeper.

"What did you write, big brother." The third child put up his toes curiously and stretched his neck.

"Three days later, the uncle of the Shen family will come to visit."

The third child: "Ah, then we can't go out?"

The second child: "We also made an appointment to see Zhou It's okay to go later."

Boss: "Dad isn't at home. He should have specially picked us to visit us on weekends. Let's show it to my mother."

Pei Xiu put it away after seeing it, and told them not to run around for a few days off and wait at home. Zhou Cheng was away, so it was not appropriate for her to receive Uncle Shen alone. She needed a few of their men to be present, just to thank them.

They knew this, they thought of it when they got the invitation.

On the ten-day break, they waited at home early in the morning. Before they could wait for the uncle of the Shen family, they waited for Princess Xuexi first.

The boss raised his head and looked at the sun in the sky, "It's rare that you are so early today. Before, you had to arrive after an hour."

"My mother-in-law is confinement. I don't need to accompany her to have breakfast, I can eat it in the yard by myself, so I can go after I invite Ann."

"No wonder, no one has restrained you recently. You can leave the palace whenever you want."

Princess Xuexi laughed and didn't explain that it was her father's approval.

"Okay, let's go."

The boss pulled Princess Xuexi, "I can't leave first, the Shen family has handed me a greeting card, and we have to wait for the uncle of the Shen family to come to the door at home."

"Ah? The Shen family hasn't come to thank you yet? How many days has it been?"

"It may be that the host's family has just returned, and usually my mother is alone at home, so it's not convenient to entertain foreign men."

"Then it's a little later, anyway, there is a whole day."

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