Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman

Chapter 385: Four thousand words of cake (2

The students of the academy are all looking forward to the seven-day holiday of the autumn harvest coming soon, and they are absent-minded in these three-day classes.

Especially those who are out of character, their minds have already flown out of the sky, and they are looking forward to taking a holiday.

At the end of the year, there are no major events, and it is only during the busy farming season that the academy has a seven-day long holiday, otherwise there will be no holidays except for rest days.

After finally the Master finished assigning the homework and announced that the get out of class was over, everyone couldn't help standing on the stools and cheering.

The Master saw that they were all happily stepping on the stools and threw the books into the sky, and his face immediately dropped.

He tapped the table hard with the ruler, which made them quiet down.

They looked at the dark-faced Master in fear, and when they heard that they had added two more strategies for their homework, they suddenly cried out, and the Master was in a happy mood and left with satisfaction.

The boss drooped his shoulders, sighed, put his books, pen, ink, paper and inkstone into a bamboo basket, and then went to his younger brothers.

Seeing the elated expressions of other students on the road, they couldn't help but hold a moment of silence for themselves. Why didn't everyone hold back at that time.

Forget it, for a good vacation, just go back to work at night, and you can play happily after writing it tomorrow.

As for policy theory? On the last day, just write whatever you feel like, since he doesn't take the imperial examinations anyway.

"Brother, why do you look so unhappy?" The second child curiously looked at the listless appearance of his elder brother. Shouldn't he be happy during the holiday?

"Hey, don't mention it, let's go." He said that they were carried away, forgetting that the Master had not left, and he happily threw the book.

After listening to the schadenfreude, the third child said, "Hey, it's a good thing to use your brain more, otherwise what would you do if your brain rusts. It's a pity that our master asked us to copy two books and write an article about the autumn harvest."

Looking at Dese's appearance, the boss glared at him and snorted coldly.

"Let's go, let's go, the seven-day farm leave is not too much homework." Zhou Shan urged them, "Let's go back early, do the homework in the evening, and go to Zhuangzi tomorrow to play. My father and mother promised me to go to Zhuangzi with you to stay for five days and stay at home for two days."

The boss teased him, "Your father, mother and concubine are so enlightened, you're going to grow up in our family, and it's no different from before."

He rolled his eyes at their signboard, "I was originally supported by your family, and the Zhou family is my mother's family."

"You should let other classmates listen to what you said, is this still our cold second son Huainanbo?" Zhang Chongliang sighed and said regretfully, "I won't be going tomorrow, and my mother wants me to accompany her back to her mother's house to stay for a while. day."

"Where's Xiao Jiu?"

"I have no problem. My father agreed. You will wait for me at home tomorrow. I will find you early in the morning."

"Okay, then we'll go back to our respective homes, and we'll gather tomorrow morning."

After that, they each got into their own carriages and went home.

The first time they got home, they told Pei Xiu that Xiao Jiu would also go with them tomorrow.

Pei Xiu nodded and said, "I understand, and the others didn't say anything else. The uncles of the Shen family agreed, so let's go, anyway, there won't be any danger, and Zhou Shan will also bring guards there.

Early the next morning, Pei Xiu fed Mai a small bowl of longevity noodles and poached eggs. Today is also Mai's birthday.

The three brothers had prepared gifts for her in advance, and Zhou Shan always remembered them, and brought her gifts when they came.

It was a colored clay doll that was fired in her own shape. The similarity was very high. She couldn't put it down when she saw it, and hugged it in her arms at once, and said in a milky voice, "Thank you, brother!"

The second child looked at the lifelike clay doll and said curiously, "When did you prepare it, why don't we know?"

"I painted it some time ago, and then asked the servants to take it to the official kiln and burn it according to the portrait. It happened to be delivered yesterday. I thought it would be too late.

Pei Xiu touched it curiously, "This one won't break, right?"

"Depending on the situation, it is generally not bad if you drop it. If you deliberately smash it on the ground, it will break."

"It's good to have power and power. The official kiln can put down the work at hand and specially burn this little thing for you." The boss was full of emotion.

Zhou Shan smiled and said nothing. He also heard from his father that he wanted to ask Guanyao to burn a set of bowls and porcelain jars for their family, so he simply painted a pair of paintings and sent them over.

While they were talking, Xiao Jiu also arrived. Hearing them talking about Mai's birthday, he was a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that today was Mai's birthday, so I didn't prepare anything. I'll make up after I come back in a few days."

Pei Xiu smiled and said indifferently, "It's okay, she's still young and she doesn't know what her birthday is. I've also made a lot of cakes, big and small. I'll take them to the Grange as a snack later. Now you guys. They are full, and they probably won’t be able to eat.”

She also wanted to try making a cake for her daughter on a whim yesterday, but she didn't know if she could succeed. She hadn't done it for a long time.

It's the brown sugar bowl cake video I've seen before, I still vaguely remember a little bit, but I didn't expect to use the ancient and simple ingredients, and the taste is not bad.

It was hot in summer and she couldn't let it go, so she made it twice, enough to bring it to Zhuangzishang for the children to eat today.

"What is a cake? Is it a cake made of eggs? I can still eat it, mother."

She touched the chubby little belly of the third son, "Your stomach is already so big, you should eat it for a while and then you should vomit in the car. It's a waste of food. When I get to Zhuangzi, I will give you some snacks to cushion your stomach, otherwise it will be a waste. If you have a cold pot and a cold stove, you can't make a fire for a while."

"Mother, take it out and show us what it looks like."

"It's all put on the car, and we'll see when we arrive. Let's go early when everyone is full. It won't be too hot on the road before the sun is shining."

I can't look at the boss and don't force it, "Okay, then let's go quickly."

The three brothers got into Zhou Shan's carriage as usual. There were only two carriages in their family. One was used to carry luggage. There were many people and many salutes.

Unlike Xiao Jiu who only brought two servants, Zhou Shan's bodyguards also carried a burden each, and they were light and easy.

Because of this, they plan to stay for five days at that time, and go back together with Zhou Shan's carriage. Zhuangzi stayed at home for five days, rested at home for two days, and did the unfinished homework by the way.

Zhou Shan was afraid that there would be too many people and the accommodation would be inconvenient, so he only planned to fight two guards, but his father and mother were worried and asked to bring ten. At that time, I can only sleep with the farmers in the village for a few nights.

When everything was in order, they set off.

But as soon as the carriage drove out of the alley, it encountered a team of guards escorting a carriage with the emblem of the East Palace.

The two teams stopped. Pei Xiu opened the car door and found that it was the Princess Xuexi. She was surprised. The three brothers did not say that the Princess Xuexi would also go with them.

A few boys also found out, jumped out of the car and walked over.

Princess Xuexi glared, "You guys are going to slip away without waiting for me?"

"Ah, we didn't know you were going."

"I didn't make an appointment in Linxian last time. We will go together during the autumn harvest. You can't talk. If I hadn't left the palace early today, I would have almost missed it." She said angrily with her hands on her hips.

Zhou Yong shouted that he was wronged and defended: "I thought you couldn't leave the palace, it's not that you haven't finished your filial piety yet."

"It's not for drinking and having fun. It's fine if it doesn't violate the ancestral system. My father and the king still approve of going to the farm to experience the autumn harvest. Anyway, you don't talk about it. You didn't wait for me, and you didn't ask Zhou Shan to go to the palace to ask me."

He really didn't expect to ask Zhou Shan to go to the palace to ask, knowing that he was wrong, and said with a smile: "I promise we will wait for you next time, my mother made a cake, and when the farm is over, I will invite you to eat cake as an apology for the crime. Let's not stand here to bask in the sun, let's go first? If you leave early, you can arrive early." He coaxed the ancestor carefully.

Princess Xuexi's attention was successfully diverted, and she asked curiously, "What is a cake?"

"You'll know when you wait, let's go first, shall we?"

She reluctantly forgave him, and nodded in agreement, "Okay, then go to Zhuangzi first."

After coaxing the people, they quickly got into the carriage, and the carriage continued to move forward, with Princess Xuexi's carriage following behind.

Zhou Shan's guards opened the way in front, and behind the guards of Princess Xuexi, the team marched in an orderly manner.

After the carriage left the city, there was only the sound of the wind. Pei Xiu looked at the fields on both sides of the road, where farmers were harvesting wheat, and it seemed that the harvest was a little short this year.

Fortunately, there has been no heavy rain in the past two weeks, and the loss is not too big.

Except for the eldest child who is older and understands a little bit, the other children don't understand farming. They are happy and looking forward to this trip to Linxian County.

After having the previous experience, they entered directly from the Dongcheng Gate of Linxian County this time, saving a little time.

Seeing the lively streets on both sides and the familiar shouts, they were also excited. This is already in Linxian, and in half an hour, we will be able to reach Zhuangzi.

Wheat couldn't sit still when he heard the sound outside, twisted his **** and kept trying to stand up and look at the window.

Pei Xiu couldn't resist, so she had to let Sister-in-law Li support her and let her see enough.

After she left the city, she didn't feel desolate either, she just lay there, watching the farmers working in the fields with relish.

It wasn't until Pei Xiu broke a small cake for her that she coaxed her down and sat obediently. Taking the child out is really not an easy job.

When they reached their destination, as soon as the carriage stopped, the boys jumped down impatiently.

Princess Xuexi also jumped out of the car excitedly, but she stumbled and almost fell, but fortunately Cai Wei quickly helped her, and her heart skipped a beat.

"County Lord, how can you jump down by yourself, put the footstool on, you are scaring the slaves, if you fall somewhere, the slaves will die."

Princess Xuexi also patted her chest in fright, obviously she saw how easy it was for the three brothers to jump down?

She patted Caiwei and comforted her, "Oh, it's alright, what's the fuss about, didn't I fall down?"

"You can't learn from them, they are all martial arts practitioners, this height is nothing to them, you can't fall, you are still a child, you can't do it again next time..."

"Got it, got it." The county lord interrupted Caiwei's nagging, and jumped forward to join them.

Cai Wei could only helplessly shut up and follow.

They didn't go to the gate to wait for the door to open, they all ran to the pond in the corner in front of them, eager to see if the lotus flowers had all withered, and if there were still lotus pods.

"Wow, and the lotus pods haven't fallen into the water, let's go down and pick them?"

The eldest stopped the third, "I'll ask my mother later, I'll have to get everything right now. I don't know what my mother is going to do later and what arrangements are there."

The second child also agreed, "The pond is here anyway, so I can't run."

"Don't pick these. My father said that they can be kept for seeding, and a pond of lotus flowers will grow again next year. I brought a lot of lotus pods here, so we are not afraid that we will not be able to eat them."

Princess Xuexi prevented them from thinking that the lotus pods she had chosen for the palace staff to pick by rowing boats yesterday was to keep them fresh.

There are a lot of lotus flowers growing in Taihu Lake in the palace, and she has picked all the mature lotus pods. The ones that are not yet mature can grow slowly, and they will not be picked at that time, and let them fall into the lake and grow naturally.

They have no shortage of lotus seed pods to eat at this moment.

"Okay, for the sake of lotus roots in the coming year, we can't kill chickens to keep warm."

Pei Xiu didn't care how they tossed, anyway, there was a servant following, so she went to open the door first.

It has not been cleaned for nearly three months, and the house has accumulated a layer of ash. Fortunately, these guards have experience, and those who are familiar with the road will be assigned to clean it on their own.

This makes Pei Xiu a little embarrassed. They are guards, and their occupation is to protect their masters. I didn't expect to do such a thing.

"It's time for you all."

The head guard answered, "Mrs. Zhou is very polite, it is also our duty to serve the master well."

After a while, a few boys happily carried several baskets of lotus pods, ran in and said, "Mother, look, there are so many lotus pods."

She took the basket of lotus pods that the boss handed to her in surprise and said, "Did you pick them from the pond? Are there so many?"

"No, it was brought out by Princess Xuexi from the palace. There is also a lotus pond in the called Taihu Lake."

"So that's the case, let's all go to the main room and sit for a while. The sun is very hot at the moment. I will ask Ginkgo to bring you cakes."

As soon as Mai heard this, he happily clapped his hands and shouted, "Cake, cake,"

"Gluttony, do you know cake too?" The third child pinched her nose and said dotingly.

She slapped off her third brother's hand, "Bad brother."

Princess Xuexi became more curious as she listened, "What is the cake, and what does it look like?"

"We'll find out later, and now we don't know either."

The boss spread his hands and said he didn't know, which made the Princess Xuexi not angry, and patted him twice, "You didn't mean to invite me to eat cake, so you don't know what a cake is."

He touched his arm, feeling a little aggrieved. Seeing Ginkgo coming over, he immediately said, "Come on, come on, I'll know right away."

"Hey, there are red ones and yellow ones. They look delicious." She poked her hand.

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